Portal for campus works, upcoming E-Cell project.
Under construction. To contribute please reach out to one of the team members first.
Uses React and Django. SPA.
Prerequisites: Python
and Node (with npm and nvm)
[Using node v10.15.0 (npm v6.4.1)]
Assumption: You're using proper package management with virtual environments where necessary
Fork and clone the repository. For solely local testing, just cloning will do.
into the cloned repo and install python dependencies, and setup migrationspip install -r requirements.txt python manage.py makemigrations python manage.py migrate
Install npm dependencies
cd tfront npm install
Open two terminals at repository root for running the server.
On the first, run
python manage.py runserver
to start the backend server. Direct API calls can be made to
On the second terminal run
cd tfront npm run start
Navigate to localhost:3000
to run the app.
- Fork on GitHub (click Fork button) (if you don't have master access)
- Clone to computer, preferably use SSH URL (
git clone [email protected]:<you>/CWorks.git
) - Don't forget to cd into your repo: (
cd CWorks/
) - Set up remote upstream (
git remote add upstream [email protected]:IIIT-ECell/CWorks.git
) (for forks) - Create a branch for new issue (
git checkout -b 404-new-feature
) - Develop on issue branch. [Time passes, the main MuseScore repository accumulates new commits]
- Commit changes to your local issue branch. (
git add . ; git commit -m 'commit message'
) - Fetch upstream (
git fetch upstream
) (for those with master access, fetch origin) - Update local master (
git checkout master; git merge upstream/master
) - Rebase issue branch (
git checkout 404-new-feature; git rebase master
) - Repeat steps 6-11 until dev is complete
- Push branch to GitHub (
git push origin 404-new-feature
) - Start your browser, go to your GitHub repo, switch to "404-new-feature" branch and press the [Pull Request] button
After having made a Pull Request don't pull/merge anymore, it'll mess up the commit history. If you (have to) rebase, use 'push --force' (git push --force
) to send it up to your GitHub repository, this will update the PR too. Be careful not to do this while the core team is working on merging in your PR.