This is a guideline how you should use Git and Github to boost your productivity.
Before you can get your hands dirty, should you provide Git your username and email on GitHub.
# Set GitHub username and email
$ git config --global <username>
$ git config --global <email>
Now, you're ready to clone a repo to your computer!
# clone a repo from GitHub
$ git clone <repo>
# Enter Working Directory
$ cd <repo>
A new day! Wohoo! Start by pull from origin
# check if there is any uncommitted file in **staging area**
$ git status #Github Desktop: simply check staging area
$ git pull origin <stable-branch> #Github Desktop: fetch origin
$ git checkout -b <development-branch> #Github Desktop: create new branch
$ git add <filename> #Github Desktop: double-click filename to add to staging area
# git status makes sure that you commit what you really want to commit
$ git status #Github Desktop: simply check staging area
# Write something about this commit
$ git commit -m "commit message" #Github Desktop: write in "summary"
$ git push origin development-branch #Github Desktop: push origin
Fantastic that you want to contribute to master! You do like follows:
- On, choose the branch you want to merge, click the button "New pull request"
- Write something about what you have done
- Write why you want to merge in description
- Request reviews from brislov(Marcus), Dollf(Alpha), rlindsberg(Roderick) and nessnah198(RTOS-Johan)