The web sites:
Principle WordPress plugins:
- @IET-OU/wp-evidence-hub
- @IET-OU/wp-juxtalearn-hub
- @IET-OU/oer-ev ../wp-juxtalearn-quiz
- @IET-OU/oer-ev ../juxtalearn-clipit-client
Other plugins and libraries:
- @IET-OU/wp-iet-generic-plugins
- @juxtalearn/juxtalearn-cookie-authentication
- @jewlofthelotus/SlickQuiz-WordPress
- @nfreear/wp-accessify
Demos/blog posts:
- Demo:
- Martin Hawksey's blog:
- Rob Farrow's blog about OER Map
(Note, the OER Impact Map site was called the "OER Evidence Hub".)
Please refer to installing WordPress, and @mhawksey's Readme:
Preparation (Redhat or CentOS Linux),
yum -y install git yum -y install php-mysql # Other preparations ...
Install Composer globally:
curl -sS | php mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
We're using WPackagist and iet-satis,
cd /var/www # Or, wherever you put web sites. git clone lace-wp cd lace-wp composer install --no-dev vi .env composer update --no-dev
Edit the Wordpress configuration script,
vi wp-config.php
Edit Apache configuration,
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/oerevidencehub-org.conf
Pull latest modifications from Github,
make update
Maybe, set up additional symbolic links - probably manually,
more Makefile ln -sf ../../../{NAME} wordpress/wp-content/plugins/{NAME}
Tiny Forge - a snapshot is included via this Git repo.
- @IET-OU/wp-evidence-hub - project: OER Research Hub:
- Martin Hawksey (original developer)
- Rob Farrow (lead researcher)
- Nick Freear (developer)
- @IET-OU/wp-juxtalearn-hub, @IET-OU/oer-ev ../wp-juxtalearn-quiz, @IET-OU/oer-ev ../juxtalearn-clipit-client - project: JuxtaLearn:
- Nick Freear (developer)
- Gill Clough (lead researcher)
- Martin Hawksey (developer, wp-juxtalearn-hub)
Details of GDPR / privacy fixes can be found in Bug #56.
© 2015 The Open University. (Institute of Educational Technology)