donkeyGallery is an asynchronous ajax/php dynamic gallery with pagination and fancybox included, simple to install and use. With this tool you can create any galleries you want on the same site and on the same page.
Each gallery, once is configured, can be updated simply charging your new images on gallery dir.
To configure the gallery loading we provide a plugin that help you to create thumbnails, load images complitly dinamically and asynchronously. This makes your page loading faster!
Version 1.2.1 -Bug fixed on jquery.donkeyGallery.packed.min.css
Version 1.1.1 - fluid style options added
Version 1.1.2 - two more style colors added: magenta and cyan
Version 1.2.0 - jQueryHDimg plugin added and responsive features added
Version 1.2.1 -Bug fixed on jquery.donkeyGallery.packed.min.css
In order to install donkeyGallery do the following steps:
- unzip the download pack on your local disk
- upload the directory "dnk-gallery" on your server, at the same level of your html page (when you want load some galleries)
- include dnk-gallery/css/jquery.donkeyGallery.packed.min.css on your html page;
- include jQuery on your html page;
- include dnk-gallery/js/jquery.donkeyGallery.packed.min.js on your html page;
- place one div for each gallery you want on your html page. Each div needs an univocal ID and must be leaved empty;
- charge your images on dnk-gallery/images/ and create one directory for each gallery you are charging;
- initialize and configure your galleries by javascript
On the following code you can see all plugin options setted at the default values.
$(document).on('ready', function(){
webservice : "dnk-gallery/php/gallery.webservice.php", // link to php gallery file
galleryPath : "dnk-gallery/images/your-gallery-dir/", // gallery dir path. This option must end with a slash
subdomain: "", // this option is needed in case of a sub-dir installation (see below more information about this)
style: "default", // this option define a gallery style
color: "default", // this option define a style color
// fluid style (included from v1.1.0)
fluidStyle: {
active : false, // fluid style activation
columns: 4, // columns number for fluid grid (accepted 1,2,3,4,5,10)
responsive: false,
imgReplacement: false
// thumbnails settings
thumbs: {
thumbW: 150, // thumb width
thumbH: 150, // thumb height
thumbsGen: false // force to generate thumb each time and not only if is nedeed
// fancybox settings
fancybox : {
active: true, // fancybox activation
galleryGroup: "donkeyGallery", // this option define a group for fancybox gallery view
linkClass: "dnk-gallery-link" // this option define a class for the fancybox toggle click
// pagination settings
pagination: {
active: true, // easy paginate activation
pageItems: 4 // this option define the items showed on each gallery page
$(document).on('ready', function(){
galleryPath : "dnk-gallery/images/your-gallery-dir/", // gallery path must end with a slash
style: "squared",
color: "gray",
fancybox : {
active: true,
galleryGroup: "gallery-1",
pagination: {
active: false
On gallery plugin configuration you can use the following styles and colors:
- STYLES: squared - tin-squared - circle
- COLORS: white - black - gray - magenta - cyan
If you install donkeyGallery on a sub-dir of your site root, you need to specify the path of subdir (relative at site root), using the plugin option subdir : "/here/your/subdir/path/"
donkeyGallery uses two third party plugins: Fancybox 2.1.5 and Easy Paginate 1.0
donkeyGallery license is valid only for gallery code and not for the helper plugins included. To use donkeyGallery on commercial products, check the plugin licenses on their official sites.
See more complete documentation and live examples at