- Total classes
- Number of students
- number of subjects
- show attendence
- exams
Fully functional and automated admission form for student enrolment
Enroll students to a specific class and section for a certain session
- Add subjects for each class separately
- promote a student from one class to another
- Take attendance of students daily
- Keep track if students are absent
- Get a well defined attendance report for all students of a certain class for a certain month
- Evaluate or put exam marks for each student subject wise
- Compare students’ marks
- Print student mark sheet
- Create invoice for student fees
- Automatically send fees notification to specific date whose set in amdin
- Keep your school records year-wise
- Ability to select academic sessions
- Ability to see previous session data
- Add/edit/delete teachers anytime you need
- Assign teacher to specific class or section
- Assign teacher to specific subject
- Change school name and other information from system settings
- teacher show dasboard attendence and teachers portion
** First git clone
Change configuration according your need and create Database
$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan db:seed
$ php artisan passport:install (for restfull Api)
$ php artisan storage:link
$ php artisan serve --port 8080
** http://localhost:8080 **
$ php artisan storage:link
crontab -e
* * * * * /usr/bin/php7.1 /path/artisan schedule:run 1>> /dev/null 2>&1
- PHP >=7
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension