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Pony Town

A game of ponies building a town



npm install

Setting up Database

  • Install MongoDB
  • Start mongo from command line (you may need to go to C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin path on windows to run the command)
  • Type use your_database_name to create database
  • Type db.new_collection.insert({ some_key: "some_value" }) to initialize database
  • Type
        user: "your_username",
        pwd: "your_password",
        roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "your_database_name" } ]
    to create database user.
  • Type quit() to exit mongo

Setting up OAuth keys

Get OAuth keys for authentication platform of your choice (github, google, twitter, facebook, vkontakte, patreon)


  • Go to create new OAuth app.
  • Set authorization callback URL to http://<your domain>/auth/github/callback or http://localhost:8090/auth/github/callback for localhost server.
  • Add this to oauth field in your config.json
"github": {
  "clientID": "<your_client_id>",
  "clientSecret": "<your_client_secret>"


  • Go to create new app.
  • Set callback URL to http://<your domain>/auth/twitter/callback or http://localhost:8090/auth/twitter/callback for localhost server.
  • Add this to oauth field in your config.json
"twitter": {
  "consumerKey": "<your_consumer_key>",
  "consumerSecret": "<your_consumer_secret>"


  • Go to create new project from dropdown at the top, go to credentials and create new entry.
  • Add to Authorized JavaScript origins http://<your domain> or http://localhost:8090/ for localhost server.
  • Add to Authorized redirect URIs http://<your domain>/auth/google/callback or http://localhost:8090/auth/google/callback for localhost server.
  • Add this to oauth field in your config.json
"google": {
  "clientID": "<your_client_id>",
  "clientSecret": "<your_client_secret>"


  • Go to add a new app.
  • Add "Facebook Login" product to your app
  • Enable "Web OAuth Login"
  • Add https://<your domain>/auth/facebook/callback to Valid OAuth Redirect URIs
  • Add this to oauth field in your config.json (You can find App ID and App Secret in Settings > Basic section)
"facebook": {
  "clientID": "<your_app_id>",
  "clientSecret": "<your_app_secret>",
  "graphApiVersion": "v3.1"


  • Go to and create new app
  • Set Authorized redirect URI to http://<your domain>/auth/vkontakte/callback or http://localhost:8090/auth/vkontakte/callback for localhost server.
  • Add this to oauth field in your config.json
"vkontakte": {
  "clientID": "<your_app_id>",
  "clientSecret": "<secure_key>"


If you want to add other sign-in methods you need to find appropriate passport package and add it in src/ts/server/oauth.ts and add correct entry in config.json.


Add config.json file in root directory with following content. You can use config-template.json as a starting point for your own config. (do not include comments in your config.json file)

  "title": "Pony Town",
  "twitterLink": "<twitter_name>", // optional
  "contactEmail": "<your_contact_email>",
  "port": 8090,
  "adminPort": 8091,
  "host": "http://localhost:8090/",
  "local": "localhost:8090",
	"adminLocal": "localhost:8091",
  "secret": "<some_random_string_here>",
  "token": "<some_random_string_here>",
  "db": "mongodb://<username>:<password>@localhost:27017/<database_name>", // use values you used when setting up database
  "analytics": { // optional google analytics
    "trackingID": "<tracking_id>"
  "facebookAppId": "<facebook_id>", // optional facebook app link
  "assetsPath": "<path_to_graphics_assets>", // optional, for asset generation
  "oauth": {
		"google": {
			"clientID": "<CLIENT_ID_HERE>",
			"clientSecret": "<CLIENT_SECRET_HERE>"
    // other oauth entries here
  "servers": [
      "id": "dev",
      "port": 8090,
      "path": "/s00/ws",
      "local": "localhost:8090",
      "name": "Dev server",
      "desc": "Development server",
      "flag": "test", // optional flag ("test", "star" or space separated list of country flags)
      "flags": { // optional feature flags
        "test": true, // test server
        "editor": true, // in-game editor
      "alert": "18+", // optional 18+ alert (also blocks underage players)


Production environment

npm run build
npm start

Adding/removing roles

node cli.js --addrole <account_id> <role>   # roles: superadmin, admin, mod, dev 
node cli.js --removerole <account_id> <role>

To setup superadmin role use following command

node cli.js --addrole <your_account_id> superadmin

Admin panel is accessible at <base_url>/admin/ (requires admin or superadmin role to access) Tools are accessible at <base_url>/tools/ (only available in dev mode or when started with --tools flag)

Starting as multiple processes

node pony-town.js --login                    # login server
node pony-town.js --game main                # game server 1 ('main' has to match id from config.json)
node pony-town.js --game safe                # game server 2 ('safe' has to match id from config.json)
node pony-town.js --admin --standaloneadmin  # admin server

For these to work on the same URL, paths to game servers and admin server need to be bound to correct ports, using http proxy.

It is recommended to run processes with larger memory pool for large user bases (especially admin and game processes), example:

node --max_old_space_size=8192 pony-town.js --game main

Beta environment (with dev tools and in-development features)

npm run build-beta
node pony-town.js --login --admin --game --tools --beta

Running in development

npm run ts-watch    # terminal 1
npm run wds         # terminal 2
gulp dev            # terminal 3
gulp test           # terminal 4 (optional)
gulp dev --sprites  # run with generation of sprite sheets (use src/ts/tools/trigger.txt to trigger sprite generation without restarting gulp)
gulp dev --test     # run with tests
gulp dev --coverage # run with tests and code coverage


  • package.json - settings for title and description of the website
  • assets/images - logos and team avatars
  • public/images - additional logos
  • public - privacy policy and terms of service
  • favicons - icons
  • src/ts/common/constants.ts - global settings
  • src/ts/server/maps/* - maps configuration and setup
  • src/ts/server/start.ts - world setup
  • src/ts/components/services/audio.ts - adding/removing sound tracks
  • src/ts/client/credits - credits and contributors
  • src/style/partials/_variables.scss - page style configuration

Custom map introduction

  • src/ts/server/start.ts:35 - adding custom map to the world
  • src/ts/server/map/customMap.ts - commented introduction to customizing maps


No releases published


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  • TypeScript 87.4%
  • HTML 5.3%
  • JavaScript 5.3%
  • CSS 1.8%
  • GLSL 0.2%