.NET Runtime for Julia
- .NET 6 (Statically Typed): Runtime, Code Generation & Execution Platform
- Common Intermediate Language (CIL): JRM lowered to CIL on compilation.
- ANTLR4: Parser, Lexer & AST Walker
- Julia: (Dynamically Typed): Base Language used by Julia++
Spinor Runtime: Required to run Julia++ Code. Contains the parser, JIL compiler and other tools that dynamically link together the program during runtime.
Spinor Grammer: The grammar defines the structure of the language and when compiled to code with ANTLR, will generate a parser, lexer and AST walker that will be used by the Spinor Compiler.
ILCompiler. Used by the Spinor Compiler to generate IL code.
Testing. Where the Spinor Runtime is tested to make sure it is valid.
Julia Standard Library (JSL). During Runtime Compilation, the JSL will be compiled to JIL and compacted into a jstl.cjpp file that contains the code model of the JSL and precompiles various methods to speed up runtime execution.
Spinor Standard Library (SSTL). Extension of the JSL for the Spinor Language
Type Lowering & Compilation of Expr objects into CLR
Expr Compiler. Create JRM of basic program(s) that is able to be successfully compiled. Julia Grammer. Make it Julia v1.9 Compatible and be able to lower to CLR.
Julia STL Modification. The JSL will need to be modified in order to make it work in the new environment
Survey Math, Physics & CS Faculty about features they would like to see in a language
Spinor Grammer. Extend the Julia Grammer to custom features
Spinor Standard Library. Creation of the Julia++ STL.