Cisco ACI Python API
ACI Developing Interface for PYthon
version : 0.13.0
last change : python3 support
Prepared Objects
ACI Object Name | Acidipy Object Name | Reserved Code Name | Description |
fvTenant | aciTenantModel | Tenant | Tenant |
fvCtx | aciContextModel | Context | Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) |
fvBD | aciBridgeDomainModel | BridgeDomain | Bridge Domain |
fvAp | aciAppProfileModel | AppProfile | Appliation Profile |
fvSubnet | aciSubnetModel | Subnet | Subnet |
fvAEPg | aciEPGModel | EPG | Endpoint Group |
fvCEp | aciEndpointModel | Endpoint | Endpoint |
fabricPod | aciPodModel | Pod | Pod |
fabricNode | aciNodeModel | Node | ACI Node |
fabricPathEpCont | aciPathsModel | Paths | Path Endpoint Container |
fabricProtPathEpCont | aciVPathsModel | VPaths | Protected Path Endpoint Container |
fabricPathEp | aciPathModel | Path | Path Endpoint |
vzFilter | aciFilterModel | Filter | Filter |
vzBrCP | aciContractModel | Contract | Contract |
vzEntry | aciFilterEntryModel | FilterEntry | Filter Entry |
vzSubj | aciSubjectModel | Subject | Subject of Contract |
l3extOut | aciL3OutModel | L3Out | L3 External Out |
l3extInstP | aciL3ProfileModel | L3Profile | L3 External Profile |
topSystem | aciSystemModel | System | Node System Details |
l1PhysIf | aciPhysIfModel | PhysIf | Physical Interfaces |
And Retrieve Anything with Controller Object through "Class()" Method
From GIT
$ python build
$ python install
From PIP
$ pip install acidipy
import acidipy
controller = acidipy.Controller('', 'admin', '1234Qwer') # Get controller connection
tenant = controller.Tenant.create(name='example-tenant') # Create tenant
bd = tenant.BridgeDomain.create(name='example-bd') # Create bridge domain
ap = tenant.AppProfile.create(name='example-ap') # Create application profile
epg = ap.EPG.create(name='example-epg') # Create endpoint group
epg.relate(bd) # Relate endpoint group to bridge domain
print controller.Tenant.list() # Retrive list of tenant
print tenant.AppProfile('example-ap').EPG.list() # Retrive list of endpoint group about tenant created
print ap.EPG('example-epg') # Retrive endpoing group by name
print ap.parent() # Retrive example-ap's parent
print ap.children() # Retrive example-ap's children
print ap.detail() # Retrive example-ap's whole attributes
epg.delete() # Delete endpoint group
ap.delete() # Delete application profile
bd.delete() # Delete bridge domain
tenant.delete() # Delete tenant
controller.close() # Close controller connection
see Acidipy Library here
see Ansible Module here
see Binary Tools here