- 查询玩家信息 / Inquire player's information.
- 查询最近成绩 / Inquire player's recent plays and scores.
- 查询谱面信息 / Inquire beatmap information.
- 给其他人推荐谱面 / Send or suggest recently played beatmaps to other players.
- 更新&查看玩家进步 (归功于@Ameobea) / Update player's information with the Osu!Track API provided by @Ameobea
- (动态的TODO列表移到了issues里面 这里只是一部分)
- 多语言支持 / Multilingual support.
- 推荐谱面 / Beatmap recommendation.
- 成就助手 / Achievement unlocking utilitiy.
- PircBotX for IRC Bot Library
- Uso Bot for Beatmap Suggestion Algorithm
- Osu!Track for Player Data Tracking & Analysis
- I know it's a link..... it's not a circle.... but still... CLICK IT!!