- 2025-12
- deeper pages are possible via direct links and better PageDesigns
- TransClusion(s) via PRs will help
- develop quidelines to CompareAndContrast
- LongerPages need scrolling
- ShortPages increase NavigationNeeds
- develop quidelines to CompareAndContrast
- increase use of Projects
- confirm that items can nest under more than one Project
- this can be viewed as a simple type of TransClusion
- confirm that items can nest under more than one Project
- TransClusion(s) via PRs will help
- deeper pages are possible via direct links and better PageDesigns
- start planning the integration of AI
- nested entries would be a significant benefit
- snakeCaseAsk
- try some quick tests since this could be a significant alteration
- snakeCaseAsk
- nested entries would be a significant benefit
- ( Remove many of the pages at this level into folders )
- generate another PR
- start on the Host ; then cautiously try local
- confirm the current state via yetAnotherPR
- at the host level
- only then, start thuroughly testing the use of the local versions
- the purpose of these tests to to confirm my understanding is adequate. It's a virtual certainty that the software functions adequately
- that being said, I should test with favorite exotic UniCode chars
- the purpose of these tests to to confirm my understanding is adequate. It's a virtual certainty that the software functions adequately
- confirm the current state via yetAnotherPR
- start on the Host ; then cautiously try local
- capture the CBC article regarding 3rd party mail delivery
- can this be interfaced to Socials ?
- further proofs of the X3 theory are completely out of reach.
- consider this a working proof for my current use cases
try following Claude to MWS via TiddlyWiki/TiddlyWiki5#7915
- develop a fixIt plan
- pick an editor
- ask PoeT
- it seems a bit more quidance is needed.
- perhaps Claude ??
- it seems a bit more quidance is needed.
- ask PoeT
- pick an editor
- learn from these PRs
- and the tutorial - which seems quite effective
- if my methodolgy is now adequate, I should start chunkingOut the larger historical comments
- reView the Counts since sudPages may be treated differently
- carefully test for a successful inclusion of one file within another
- logic suggests this should be straight-forward
- at least in a simple nested heirarchy
- reinforce this methodology
- at least in a simple nested heirarchy
- logic suggests this should be straight-forward
- develop a fixIt plan
The synchronization 404 errors are annoyingly persistent.
- Save and work offLine
re-test PythonH
- stay focused on Pr.Improvements
- strive for preliminary, working Local version
- stay focused on Pr.Improvements
schedule the JrH talk
- declare Hiatus, but for support
try using the GIST(s) in an automated manner
- apply these insights. if only as a test
the preceding gap in postings of more than a week is relatively unprecedented - try to avoid long gaps like this.
- very little progress this month ( in comparision ) to the more demanding activities )
- Ta & Sunny are the exception ( all be it perhaps only a small one )
- Review thuroughly.
- Ta & Sunny are the exception ( all be it perhaps only a small one )
budget(s) X Resource X timeperiod(s)
- 50% primary 25% Secondary 20% AssetMaintenance 5% Tertiary
- represent this using the 50 enclosedNumbers
- ...
consider hiw best to integrate remote bookmarks- (DiigoH PBworks (if mid-term+ dates, TiddlyHost, ...
use internal DgH links to jump directly to highly focused ideas.
Rank the relative importance of ...TnT... components within each TopGoal
- this TopGoals should cap a TimePeriod series
- try just using Streeeaks
- check its repo for more docs insights
- (c/sh)ould this be tried as a SqLite tech application that may become a fullStack app?
- alternativel;y: LzB( Es Hw Lz ) may Clone, Fork, Morph and Spawn CurbSide
- Aj could be a supplier if that influence helps Es.
- alternativel;y: LzB( Es Hw Lz ) may Clone, Fork, Morph and Spawn CurbSide
- Lz does not seem to be able to make it happen
- try just using Streeeaks
- this is based on the fact that the resources at her displaose are not beinbg used well enough
- ... other things to do ... is not, of itself, an adequate excuse when used repeatedly
- this documentation persistence is indicative that the problem and its resulting frustrations persist.
- could this become more effective if it is moved into DgH
- using a scheduled Event to aggregate Notes might be more considerate
- pursue the Notarized verification
- using a scheduled Event to aggregate Notes might be more considerate
- could this become more effective if it is moved into DgH
- this TopGoals should cap a TimePeriod series
- the thresholds for larger Qss investments
- how shared blocks can be integrated into multiple destination, especially those needing different indentation
- ReView & Annotate
- Hypothesis ??
- ReView & Annotate
find Streeams
Tmo reset for -09- done.
access via a Bot on CellH would be ideal. KeepH is a secondary choice.
240829 -31 ... PlansHwTn 0712 ... 241231 251231 261231 281231 301231 351231 451231 481231
- Quoted at $140k - just exterior work
- breakdown requested
- discuss with Sandy
- breakdown requested
- Leak prevention brickwork is needed
- 08-09: new direction-sensitve leaks became evident
- Suggested getting the scaffolding pre-installed
- follow-up as needed
- Suggested getting the scaffolding pre-installed
- 08-09: new direction-sensitve leaks became evident
- Roof Top Conditioners need work
- access ladder is a concern > Safety quidelines
- an AccessTry became a safetyIncident
- access ladder is a concern > Safety quidelines
- BathRdLan needs work to restore proper WiFi service
- speakers are serviceable, but headset is preferable.
- notNoMore - Sigh...
- this may be delayed until -09-2? by tech Visitor availablility
- cellPhone acts as a PlanB but this aggrevates re-charging demands
- speakers are serviceable, but headset is preferable.
- query the way to build the Prompts needed for efficient writing tools
- first investigate the Open-Source, noCost options
- consider Ideas from: BotHww.UniCode
- Quoted at $140k - just exterior work
MikeS( RocD RocT CaDfQss )
link to gDocs as a better documentation tool ( is MSC DOXC better for monolithic support? )
- most frequently modified information needs to be on the most frequently travell path
- this likely needs bot intercention to craft an update that can then be read from a reliable source.
- try this via DgH
- perhaps via a tweetH
- try this via DgH
- this likely needs bot intercention to craft an update that can then be read from a reliable source.
- most frequently modified information needs to be on the most frequently travell path
reVisit BotNames and ChatNames for efficient access and enhancements to Productivity
test the BotProc for expanded GIST use
- follow the instructions rigorously - particularly in order to evaluate Bot reliability
- review:
ReView Gpt Memory use
- vmmemWSL seems to be the the new culprit.
- it dd not automatically re-open after I restarted the system to kill it.
- it is likely more reliable to submit more material as part of ther prompt, reducing the need for BotMemory
- verify this update
- it is likely more reliable to submit more material as part of ther prompt, reducing the need for BotMemory
- it dd not automatically re-open after I restarted the system to kill it.
- vmmemWSL seems to be the the new culprit.
- EdD2024
- couch this as a budgets discussion for: ( DevN OpsD )MandE.+30% BusinessDevelopmentN EdD
- present this as part of the BdcReveiw(s)
- see Management notes
- -07-25: acquired STREEEAKS
- encountering reset problems
- keep testing, but with less diverse intra-day use
- prepare for JrH talks re:
- email response ( maintain caution )
- explore: DirectionTn
- Architecture v. Community funding
- Infrastructure < Architecture
- AdMan Infrastruct needs to be more sophisticated than CurbSide architecture
- Edge v. Core (potential) design(s)
- iterfaces v. Integrations
- test the Decisions tool
- iterfaces v. Integrations
- Edge v. Core (potential) design(s)
- AdMan Infrastruct needs to be more sophisticated than CurbSide architecture
- Infrastructure < Architecture
- email response ( maintain caution )
- 2407-14: started a PyTorch ReView
- 240701:
... Df AdMan DIG uoW+
- 06-22: DiigoH interactions are apparently productive
- re-linked Twitter citing mapping of images
- -23: do dashBoard monitors still function?
- mentioned P.I.L. to prepare for ThoughtLeaders.
- reviewed the Sourcery changes.
- consider the upgraded service
- review Benefit/Cost ratios
- consider the upgraded service
- re-linked Twitter citing mapping of images
- 06-21: the need for working agreements with UoW seems to be increasing
- update the gDocs.ToC for QSS
- 06-14:
- re-plan for DIG + AdMan + UoW
- try applying MiniTeam concepts
- new personal system installation
- re-plan for DIG + AdMan + UoW
- 06-05: new floor space lease ; EdD perhaps with Ana Cloud & Assembly ; BarbP more Admin aid
- create a maners meet summary area
- 06-22: DiigoH interactions are apparently productive
05-31: back from bTrip for :csMeet ; floorPlans, virtualAssitance
05-28: started a chat-produced GIST
- saved as a 'secret' now (during Construction)
- inter-link this content
- perhaps with KeepH
- inter-link this content
- ...
- saved as a 'secret' now (during Construction)
- Starting a re-design of these Folders/Files to optimize access to specifc areas for particular Audiences.
- Ideally this will allow more effective access to the larger quatities of information that are accumulating as a result of more AI/Chat... use.
- Starting a re-design of these Folders/Files to optimize access to specifc areas for particular Audiences.
ExperimentalPrompt training
- trying to use Gists to start
0524: CsMeN(otes)
- marketing: :30
- OMERS & MPAC are good friends - likely since OMERS acquired TeraNet
- push this with:
- MyData access via 100 comps
- ...
- iLookAbout collaboration
- MyData access via 100 comps
- question theBeerStore deal
- early E;ection - just the 4 year clock since a majority exists
- Center Of Excewllence - funding ?
- UoW cryptography focus
- response to terrible Fraud levels
- CAA os another Trusted Brand
- is Sales help needed?
- nChooseR ollaborations may work, but
- toGoQuickly - alone ; toGoFar - together
- nChooseR ollaborations may work, but
- response to terrible Fraud levels
- UoW cryptography focus
- Center Of Excewllence - funding ?
- early E;ection - just the 4 year clock since a majority exists
- push this with:
- ... 🕥 - autoComplete clockface (apparently a 'now' best-fit.
- is this a Browser effect?
- what others can be accessed?
- is this a Browser effect?
- ...
0522 / 0529 ... 0531 ...
- preponderanceOfEvidence agenda topic
- based on GasBuddy model
- leads to AVM sales - at a discount split with MPAC
- talk about this with TerryP to test his interest(s) / Ternet concerns
- it should be possible to find common ground with both MP & TN
- OMERS should help raher than risk declines in their valuations
- discounts for their members?
- deeper for Auto & Health
- discounts for their members?
- OMERS should help raher than risk declines in their valuations
- it should be possible to find common ground with both MP & TN
- talk about this with TerryP to test his interest(s) / Ternet concerns
- DataFix will give best value if working on a specific part of a Shared Infrastucture that contributes to its primary focus.
- leads to AVM sales - at a discount split with MPAC
- based on GasBuddy model
- 0523: may integrate like: 0522... 0523:... /0524
- test this further experimentally
- DateForms need documentation
- YY(_)ddd _jDate Tfo= .fo -n? Mcdy-mm-d ...
- .Mi.ce.de.ye.qu.mo.d?
- ChineseZodiac symbols are a viable way to span 12 years.
- successiveApproximations can extend to 80.ye+1.da for I.P.
- LsT does not recognize this rule.
- successiveApproximations can extend to 80.ye+1.da for I.P.
- ChineseZodiac symbols are a viable way to span 12 years.
- test this in a Gist
- create a separate HTML file to upload
- review the GptH version notes
- create a separate HTML file to upload
- preponderanceOfEvidence agenda topic
0601 (= PR )
integrate additional external resources
- gCalendar & MwsH too
- this is promising enough to warrant more focus
- WASM must be planned better
- sollicit Dpl advice
- demo to Dpl forst since he will gain knowledge I will find helpful.
- sollicit Dpl advice
- WASM must be planned better
- this is promising enough to warrant more focus
- 0522: coat-tail on Andre's initial Marketinbg chat with the GasBuddy opportunities
- 0519: draw.io updated since it shows promise
- there appears to be a Share capability that I could use for orgCharts with LsT
- gCalendar & MwsH too
created a LisaBag
- continue populating this with DnDrop
trivial demonstration
follow-up with a demo of my Uses to explore features that may appeal to Lz
- incremental build of Learning desire
0831 ... 1130 ...
- gradually integrate the budgets
- WASM is more important than expected.
- Jr sees this as a possible sort solution that can work 'in Browser - to the limits of memory. I am skeptical
- a large memory allocation is also at odds with support for older and smaller computers
- ReView the literature.
- Jr sees this as a possible sort solution that can work 'in Browser - to the limits of memory. I am skeptical
- 0504: current research shows that there are efficiencies in using four terms that are associated via a ConText
- obviously such contexts also have relative probabilities
- the Uncertainty about the Effectiveness and Efficiency of this is worth resolving.
- try to demonstrate this via DrK's issue
- try 411-ca and erite a supporting report
- consider extending the (Am I) OnThe(white)List
- (explicit) ExpressConsent for SchBoVotes
- two channel via Sequent relationship
- Harry ??
- (explicit) ExpressConsent for SchBoVotes
- consider extending the (Am I) OnThe(white)List
- try 411-ca and erite a supporting report
- try to demonstrate this via DrK's issue
- the Uncertainty about the Effectiveness and Efficiency of this is worth resolving.
- obviously such contexts also have relative probabilities
- intrigued to discover UniCode: Standard Annex #34
- quite promising when melded with NamedCharacterSequences and with dataDictionaries
- WASM is more important than expected.
re-Test DiigoH compatibility / outliner - perhaps as a Wp: (explanation / rebuttal)
ReFactor this page / - its over-due / ...
- RmSc= R(oad)m(aps)... Sc(ope)
- Ro(ad)Map TrMap may be warranted
- familiaritly might allow shortenint
- that would be a ContextConsideration for the Audience
- familiaritly might allow shortenint
- RoSc is more consistent.
- TrMa= Tr(easure) Ma(p )
- Ro(ad)Map TrMap may be warranted
- RmSc= R(oad)m(aps)... Sc(ope)
- Products:
- schoolBoardPreferred
- next By-Election is a (relatively rare) opportunity
- cite Gsd's weekly stats in AdD
- next By-Election is a (relatively rare) opportunity
- recent PLE outReach stats - also works for EdD
- onTheList?
- mailFail first ?
- schoolBoardPreferred
- training demonstrations for roles in::
- Jeremy wants MwsTw but it seems too distant for Business use
- consider this within the Budget Contexts
- after Eon & ( BdcCa RbcFg )
- consider this within the Budget Contexts
- Toma introduced
- review the plans Eric now has to find separate work that contributes
- Jeremy wants MwsTw but it seems too distant for Business use
- preview Demonstration
- selling demonstrations
- preview Demonstration
- BiPartite with eOn
- AdMan offer for Translate
- eQu
- rainDown strategy
- eQu
- AdMan offer for Translate
- BiPartite with eOn
- evaluate the DebateGraph View
- there are many that may be useful to paticular Audiences
- ...
- identify other opportunities that are a strategic fit.
- Dpl: "link to existing production"
- Products:
Vercel seems to be a significant improvement
- https://vercel.com/dashboard
- it also opened other doors
Toma may be able to provide Value
quickacts - (triggers leftSideBar)
- https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/t/tiddlywiki-change-build-target-folder/8660
- start building the Collaborators' Roadmaps for the proposed infrastructure
- Marketing & Sales initiatives - Sales first - inconjunction with Associates that have expressed Agreement(s)
review the ReView methods since too many Days are being missed.
- consiuder: ㋃㋄㋅㋆㋇ as subHeadings
- restructure this page to accommodate the larer list of folders that precedes the README.
halfWaySwitch & closestToNextLevel are two factors that may be combined into an effective relational SORT. Support this opinion with the FCR methodology
2024-02-23: arranged a ShowAndTell for Thursday
2024-02-01: started integrating Gpt & Hw techs
- review existing offerings
- upload some to DebateGraph
- start with
- AugmentedIntelligence (not Artificial ...)
- ( Mars )RstT - and try to build on common interests
- start with
- consider Stack links * bookMarks
- upload some to DebateGraph
- review existing offerings
add the Dragon if this works.
- https://github.com/HwWobbe/WipHww/blob/main/README.md#㋃
- FAIL: ...
- reconstruct or abandon
- test for compare: https://github.com/HwWobbe/WipHww/blob/main/README.md#2024-tp--time-past
- monitor pushDown per other Goals
- shorten the link
- monitor pushDown per other Goals
- test for compare: https://github.com/HwWobbe/WipHww/blob/main/README.md#2024-tp--time-past
- reconstruct or abandon
- FAIL: ...
- 2024-02-08:
- "quick" CurbSide explanations are opaque to nonTwFolk
- especially to those who are looking for quickStarts.
- who need a more immediate focus to avoid learningCurve frustration(s)
- especially to those who are looking for quickStarts.
- "quick" CurbSide explanations are opaque to nonTwFolk
- EdD summary creation will be more demanding as supporting material
- a second project may be helpful, but doubles the documentation
- the amalgamation triggered CRA notification(s)
- discuss the implications of this - in spite of the apparent lack of concern in LsH chats
- EdD summary creation will be more demanding as supporting material
- Preparing documentation supporting La(titude) Lo(ngitude) Al(titude) for each of many specific Audiences
- MailFail ; Tripartite ( Cities upwards > Provinces > federal Institutions )
- Open Source to start < "free-mium" to scale )
- Teranet ...
- Open Source to start < "free-mium" to scale )
- this should integrate the priliminary StringServer work
- link to the PostalCodesCa introduction - which shiould link to the wikiPedia page
- further integration to myId should also happen
- consider the E0n app as an entry point
- MailFail ; Tripartite ( Cities upwards > Provinces > federal Institutions )
- Preparing documentation supporting La(titude) Lo(ngitude) Al(titude) for each of many specific Audiences
Business Continuity requires Ownership Transition
- see Wp:Entity ( WikiPedia )
- this is fundamentally important since:
- growth requires:
- improved Services and Products
- retention of expertise
- access to capital
- growth requires:
- this is fundamentally important since:
- do not inundate Antendees with the legal aspects of Goverance
- strive to avoid even using the Governance term, since it is not of general interest byond shareholders and their representatives
- see Wp:Entity ( WikiPedia )
use when Files are displayed -- https://github.com/HwWobbe/WipHww/blob/main/README.md#-2023-08
hypothesis & Diigo - could be copied to XmmxH
- does either of these accept email(ed) posts?
- "...talk..." (as implemented at TW does)
- Evernote does
- review RSS or its new versions (perticularly on Mobile devices)
- Create a PR that JrHw can pull into XmmxH
- does either of these accept email(ed) posts?
- initially within DiigoH
factor the Governance considerations promised to Gsd into my notes on these topics
- test DiigoH as a Page repo.
- ...
- use more Headings and their implicit ToC
- start integrating Topics for Contexts that span time periods
- craft a central SplashScreen/ControlPoint for this GitHub UserId
- learn about: "this branch is" ... "commits ahead" & "commits behind"
- test the many X '*' markup for TwH compatibility
- this may change the view of Pulse updates
- ㋈ ㋉㋊㋋ ㋀㋁㋂㋃㋄㋅㋆㋇ ; test #HwWvW as a target
- https://github.com/HwWobbe/WipHww#-2023-07
- craft a methodology for Merging PRs
- ...
- The insertion of the hr caused a loss of rendered formats.
- this was easily recovered by simply inserting some newLines.
- review CoDemo
- ...
- remove higher levels to ...wip (which could be a file within the 2013 folder)
- deconstruct this file
- increase the use of this prettyLink example & reduce the un-needed use of preceding ...
- chars for indents: ...
- Create a second GitHubId to further test Private repo performance
- if acceptable, start moving text into the more Private repos at the cost of increased Permissions management
- increase the use of this prettyLink example & reduce the un-needed use of preceding ...
- should BOAST be considered - especially in a 5 year view?
- "review engagement" should become the new minimum.
- the displayed order of PRs remains mysterious
- "-" is less problematic than "*" (from a spacing perspective)
- review for integration with GeoSpatialTw
- ensure more of these items are dealt with during 2023-20.
review "convert" (Issues to Discussions)
RichardC focus during -09-
- finalize offer
- perhaps just a registration Portal
- test the abilitity to do "targeted revisions based on "stale" data
- this should be based on GeoSpatial capabilities
- just a Yes/No response - Privacy - registered user Alerts re change - like Business Registration
- MailFail notification feed
- just a Yes/No response - Privacy - registered user Alerts re change - like Business Registration
- this should be based on GeoSpatial capabilities
- test the abilitity to do "targeted revisions based on "stale" data
- perhaps just a registration Portal
- finalize offer
RstT shared folder follow-up
- review the created shared folder " Yery True "
- find the email ( or LinkedIn reference )
- Does this fit with the KFW interest, well enough for more sharing? ** 0826: minor Rst contact
- find the email ( or LinkedIn reference )
- review the created shared folder " Yery True "
balance (CommitDirect) DCs & PRs
- PRs are not counted as Commits
mksh negotiation
- enhance the proposed GitHub repo into an effective SoW
- remove material into the 2023 folder
try various scheduling methods in this environment
demo for DplDf
start building notes at XmmxH for Jeremy
- seems to need an interactive build in order to progress
- howTo: initiate a PR for this task?
- expand the SoW definitions towards a MicroContent state
- decide on an effective mixture of THost versus Xemexex
- seems to need an interactive build in order to progress
Consider breaking out GeoJson - Section? Folder? Repo?
review https://docs.github.com/en
- the -0 may be redunndant - unless it is needed to separate the first 9 from the last 3 months of the 12 that comprize a year.
- test this in Tw as a pragma before deciding on conventions in this GitHub environment.
- add a public record for Richard's Address
- build a Private data extension for Hwo's record of Am I on the List
- review the eOn APP
- build a Private data extension for Hwo's record of Am I on the List
- try NodeJn with a BobExe fallBack
- expand this activity into a file specifically for Mukesh
- the Contributions Settings ( Pulse ) display should support EdD documentation
- ...
- Minimal Test Case for a PR or just a simple Git pull of two files
- create another folder for the 2022 information
- test the "Code" control more deeply
- create another folder for the 2022 information
- collaborate on Plugin developments that support PRs
- refine the folder structures that can best support this.
- can https://tiddlytools.com/InsideTW/ be annotated
- perhaps as a PDF
- can https://tiddlytools.com/InsideTW/ be annotated
- refine the folder structures that can best support this.
- How is pagination controlled in these GitHub files?
- ...
- https://github.com/iamkun/dayjs
- implementation for the enhanceed relative Date processing
- consider the use of more GitHub files
- review the ChatGpt hints
- continue melding Git & Chat
- http://www.xpdfreader.com/about.html
- merge this with the other PDF reference
- noticed that Jr pasted a PR reference into the Community site at
- http://skotniczny.github.io/game-of-life/canvas.html
JrHw - ideally starting with a build-up of the shared ... schema Comments
Mario's wikiLabs
- decide on a repo for these activities
- strive to publish views specifically for each intended Audience
- there will be a Time dimension to this
- RstT shared folder has been set up
- initial "very True material has been posted
- try linking to VeryTrue from GitHub files
- focus on ChatGpt uses
- try linking to VeryTrue from GitHub files
- initial "very True material has been posted
- Agenda for JrTnH
- Updates for GeoSpatial (refine data collection) CurbSide LzH ...
- JrHw catch-up
- SSM GeoJson parsing/loading demo
- consider the new capabilities Jr introduced.
- data integration based on SQLite * GeoSpatial
- build out "Am I on the list?" via ExpressConsent
- Emphasize the WASM- SQLite goldenThread as a way of linking into GeoJson-GeoSpatial data stores
- bridge to the Azure-SqlServer infrastructure
- re-connect with SSM
- perhaps per GeoJson
- review Excel > GeoJson tools
- perhaps per GeoJson
- consider Tw & SqlLite - as MySql
- extend CascadesH to position for WASM
- start learning more about WASM
- try to craft a attractive EdD bailt for Dpl Jcl Kfw
- start learning more about WASM
- extend CascadesH to position for WASM
- QrSt review
- ...T(ime) may need to be augmented with Tp(ast) Tt(his) tn(ext)
- FAIL: new Folder creation ; Pause & review before a re-try
- likely as simple as adding a deeper folder reference before a new Filename
- relativeDensityDisplay is increasingly apparent
- keep alternating to achieve a rigorous confirmation
- 25 / 7 seemed to be a trigger point
- "darkest" category can be dimmed.
- it may be predominantly apparent in the Contributions display as opposed to the (repositories) Acctivity display
- keep alternating to achieve a rigorous confirmation
- testing scrape > excel > (macro)processors > batchProcessors(AA , cleanList) > (hosted)Db > API > openSource
- XmmxH can import Excel, so parsing is also an option
- TwHwArch refinement
- consider the amoeba methods of JrHw
- WikiPedia
- this may evolve from TilesH
- WikiPedia
- consider the amoeba methods of JrHw
- expand the use of MiniTeams
- off-shore & cross-culture issues will emerge
- review the JAZZ + 1 macro submissions
- rst( GeoSpatial & JSON ; signedVirtualMachines ; Kubernetics ) ; ...
- 2023-06-09: XmmX meeting cancelled by Jr
- Preparations
- check SSM wiki tech use
- describe a detailed tech demo of new functions in theCore
- check SSM wiki tech use
- contract for Excel macro capabilities
- if FAIL: then key a summary table to verify costs
- Activities summary:
- DfxIdHub development, from a YOTI seed
- https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/t/my-favorite-5-3-0-prerelease-feature-x-ray-vision/6811
- selected PsH methodologies to populate Editions from EsHw
- tested by populating ...XmmxH/HwwPriX
- ... other Editions like EsCs (to be tested)
- 'pulse' skips show the need for better activity management
- at least set up another folder, for now
- PDF archiving ?
- try saving this information as a PDF
- PDF archiving ?
- at least set up another folder, for now
- demonstrations need to emphasize the cities as "ready markets"
- Tax Allocation requests to Cities
- 'ready market' considerations
- Mortgage Discharge amounts
- Tax Allocation requests to Cities
- prototype of Movers for Targeted Revisions in M1-M9
- roles: KFW.AA (as a tertiary interest, for balance - secondary is GsdDf )
- JKW.Eca."Am I on the list".confirms
- myAccount @ MPAC & ... - based on coOwner Rights
- myAgent can ... ( if stalled )
- myAccount @ MPAC & ... - based on coOwner Rights
- review the missing M.. listings
- consider EmbOn2022
- Diigo for shared annotations to the PDF
- start with: JkwDf (??)
- What annotation tools would jkw prefer?
- -04-10: Diigo.Df already exists
- re-education & tweaks underway & looking effective
- Word - with just comments?
- effectiveness with PDF(s) ??
- Hypothesis ( seemed defunct - prematurely )
- test a-new
- inform Jr
- Andrea's preferences - assuming project funding support
- link to TiddlyHost and from there to localHost versions
- .if.: EdD2022 review .then.: introduce this as a log of (offShore) assignements that needed (domestic)Testing
- Observations implicate the Covid effects / reduced buyer experienced staff
- April's 7 was darker than March's 29
- push for resolution of the Save issue.
- myBags may allow personalization
- myCookies may be a viable alternative
- Services (Admin/tech/ for types of users) are needed
- central Authority
- 'tripartite' positioning
- Subject & Agents
- Clouds are covering Sonny
- the resulting tension(s) are easing
- revisions to procedures should procede
- Goals development needs to become a continuousRefinement process.
- EdD metrics and Milestones should be incorporated
- consider SSM talks
- TftDfN(otes): If(NotMLS) Then(use backChannel)
- 03.08: emerging BusinessPlan (in conjunction with AdManCa) discussions
- 03.11: common AdMan interests need to be identified
- OurGoals vs. MyGoals must be the basis of collaboration
- GdHw should flowDown
- LsH re RE.Leslie
- International Banking is becoming intolerable complicated.
- this is obviously a be-spoke business opportunity.
- BDC or EDC ??
- ...
- focus on initial Presentations
- points to be made include:
- Concepts:
- LaLo - OpenSouorce
- Dis-aggregated dataEntry
- ethical Subject rights (as a co-owner) via ExpressConsent
- IdentityManagement solutions are exploding in response to re-invigored Fraud
- DPL.GeoJson
- Archiving ( of TpInfo ) is needed.
- consider MarkUp differences and ghow to resolve them efficiently
- try a simple CutAndPaste
- push to 20 edits to see when the denity indicator changes, before starting on other Repos.
- this limit may be >25 given the apparent difference betwee <17 & >25
- Prepared ImportExport GeoJson data into the XememexH and CurbSide environments.
- these now appear as "virtual" fields
- they may need to load as "real" Fields
- Confirmed: there can be a significant Update lag.
- ...
- -02-20: 2nd round of dataLoading procedures under development.
- -21: results are being reviewed
- excelSheets import is now a significant generic capability,
- especially combined with CurbSide ExportImport capabilities, and
- ..., and
- other DefData sources
- optimize Input and Edit routines
- review the relative use of excel & gSheets / Sunny
- Jr's existing routines are mostly for Import. Write is an additional matter that is not active.
- EdD efforts include enhancing the underlying Introduction(s) for specific Audiences.
- discuss EdD continuity throughout 2026
- Compensation updates will enhance the value of this program.
- NoticeToReader should be upgraded to ReviewAssignment (confirm)
- position this as "Debt is cheaper than Equity."
- Tools
- review & enhance plans for the geoSpatial Demos work.
- focus on FrHwo attraction that also serves EMM
- refine the prototype dataHarvesting process
- dataEntry OR dataLoad edits are mandatory
- ... GeoSpatial
- the scope of this preliminary work is purely just initial prototyping
- a second tier of Prototyping will need to be undertaken by domestic DEVs
- ...
- focus on the TreeFort stated needs
- propose a slow build, unless there is an obvious Needs overlap
- voice NbNs concerns at the current state of pertinent Knowledge
- distinguish Legal comfort and Underwriting Risk uses
- pick a small test area that has a high incidence of Fraud
- Fraud is a professional activity
- link to the CTV news report
- Ls>law ??
- document the new "association"
- review the Fundamental design assumptions for 2023
- changes for 2026 are essential given the trend or 2018 - 2022
- a primary BpH focus should be on one particular chosen repo
- set a secondary focus to minimize unproductive "wait-time"(s)
- refine the Incremental Progress methodologies
- https://vercel.com/new setup
- pick/create a repo to deploy
- Real Estate
- (Flikr photo) Albums
- Drobo upgrade - confirm SATA is adequate and SSD is over-kill
- airGap can be integrated into off-site placement
- with efficient transport via 4 tB chuncks
- tweaking TwHwUi Tw/Hw/Ui TW/hw/ui
- testing and enhancing: ⮣ThH2TiddlyHost for ContentMigration into various Pub.lished environments.
- Focus more on NodeJs editions.
- consider the fundamental geoSpatial primitives that will be needed in the demos
- plan an initial hybrid workflow.
- Fi: @PB has a link directly to a specific gNotes item.
- proceduralize this to improve MicroContent jumps
- reZh: considering:
- considering the ...Zh syllable as a distinct suffix
- preliminary thoughts re: FilterAlgebra
- theoretically possible.
- quickLinks:
- link to LzH.public
- perhaps for AnJ too
- TtT: Geo...
- discuss nextSteps:
- TtT: TurfJs & GeoJson
- Assume TidNames will be PlusCodes
- respect the "continumm" cosiderations that are more generic.
- consider the uncertainties
- extending DefDate AdMan.Ca uses
- TfPrototype(s) should be possible
- A scaled-up Aggregation Business model will provided the needed funding
- Consider the possible Rates of Progress
- Subject notification (including ExpressConsent with a NotificationOfUses by/for Occupant)
- confirm this is low-hanging-fruit
- revew the generally accepted libraries (see email)
- start designing this particulatly for a TfApi ( CamelCase )
- move more material into Folders
- confirm this is being done effectively
- break out the older content
- increased use of folders is essential to reduce scrolling
- Election Integrity is parmount (lest TrumptyDumpty wins)
- Identity trust is critical
- a harmless Seed attack seems to have been detected
- proactive refinements may be needed
- discuss this with Authorities
- focus on selected ( LessonsLearned ) pages for specific Audiences
- attractive shared infrastructure
- Customers' & Operations' & Developers'
- LessonsRecalled (Checklists from the past) ...
- ... are also important (in proportion to the consequences of being Forgotten)
- outline the ProjectFunding request
- be taught PDF content mixAndMatch methods
- start by re-testing RemarkableH capabilities
- review FunctionalProgramming
- in 2022-11
- sub-Build procedures to be initiated (as a Project?)
- consider the implications within xememex
- TiddlyWiki at Scale!
- Tw frontEnd is assumed
- Evernote appears to now be much less useful to me.
- transitioning towards NodeJs as a primary platform
- BobH is a useful stepping_stone
- this is being tested at TiddlyHost
to support TiddlyWiki
- considering parallel development of three+ ideas to identify "low-hanging fruit".
- build interfaces among the diverse active repo(s)
- 2026-w40 is the next Business cycle Peak.
- use the weekSymbols
- structure workflows to support and encourage MicroContent ( MetaSymbols ) migrations
- rudimentary Comments invitation
- review https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/creating-and-managing-repositories/renaming-a-repository
- Archive the following material (not really needed if linkToSub-title):
- Bob.ExE review
- locatorPlugin review to optimize panWiki use prior to a major re-design of NodeJs use.
- link to the BobExe repo.
- review plans & select priorities
- 2022-10-25: "4 year cycle" completion
- LessonsLearned
- considering projects / growing & taxPlanning
- these must be ranked by the business development needs
- the logic for this may need to be implemented as a TwHost file
- review various folder structure recommendations
- re-view workFlows starting from various entry points
!! sponsorships
- calculate the budget for an expansion of this activity
- Integrste this with other "fractional" service arrangements
- Discuss with CJ the addition of JR to the ES team
- refine GIST / Repository interfaces
- consider GitLab self-hosted
- archive -09- entries
- Fork DataFix-com
- ...-23: StackEdit sync digression
- -25: the objective is a signifiacnt expansion of our distributed Server farms ( mindful of DAO principles )
- review CJ's portals (aw well as my own)
- ...-21: Reviewing and revising Gists.
- examining REPL(s)
- link: ...
- likely off-net from -09-16 until -09-20 inclusive, due to travel
- Gists have changed enough to warrant investigation before use.
- Also review stackEdit
- Investigate DiigoH <> gMail
- looks quite promising for my useCases
- https://github.com/qbit/widdler
- Link to Mario's recent best Practices response
- find the pertinent Tid
- investigate Gist(s) further
- confirm they are (by nature) public, and that they are just simply HTML
- that might be part of the hosting puzzle. ( Check this against some of the GitHub hosted TW files
- followup needed
- Awaiting Eric's response to my proposal to extend Sponsorships.
- https://github.com/hk21702
- start designing the cascade-migration methodologies
- ideally these will be sub-contracted (so the decumentaion will need to be better.
- should this arfchitecture be discussed with the Community?
- ...
- does Revert perform a decrement?
- Continue to learn GIT
- -08-31: considering: TiddlyWiki/TiddlyWiki5#6499
- -08-27:
- noted @simon's use of gitHub/wiki pages for additional documentation. Assume this is at least goodPractice
- static tw.html at GitHub ( / @Tony ) may work
- -08-21: ( tried linking via Hypothesis )FAIL - for now.
- Create a PR for one of these files that I can then pull into the DIG repo.
- -08-20: it is becoming obvious that shared, dynamic Task lists are increasingly important as these activities scale up.
- reviewing Notion ; Hypothesis ; GitHub ; ...
- Notion is apparently a popular toll for this type of collaboration
- GitHub PRs would be a particular boon
... as a trial balloon with a few Advisors
-08-15: Knowing that we can scale up very rapidly, we are now reducing the scope of the initial prototypes and pilots to be as small and focused as possible.
use an alternate Username site as a source of a small test PR
-08-13: contracting considerations for initial AdManCa development
- communications workLoad
- testing
-08-09: confirm an adequate understanding of PRs by trying some Documentation updates in the TW Community.
-08-06: Trying a bit of conflictResolution
- confirm all Repos are not without a MASTER.
- If so, THEN procede to interfacing via the deskTop version(s)
- distracted by having to review Discourse for an image application
- manually sync MAIN into MAIN2
- cautious manual progress:
- delete MAIN
- rename MAIN2 to MAIN
- ensure this is the default branch, by using PRs to update it from others that are then deleted
- it seems to revert
- find the sticky setting that causes this
- ensure updates are aimed at the right repo before the commit
- knowledgePage setup is onGoing
- this file is still trapped in 'main2' branch
- this type of error has been fixed previously with PRs
- refining Password practices (again)
- considering the scope of the needed documentation
- there are efficiencies in linking various Author and Reader environments.
- discuss this with other participants, looking for at least a partial concensus to collaborate
- incorporating "reMarkAble" for broader media use in communicating with Collaborators.
- refining Password practices (again)
- https://github.com/nextapps-de/spotlight
- confirm pulse on -05-21.
- PRs are becomming urgent enough to warrant inclusion in the Project plan(s)
- this is likely the context that can be used as a "library" for contributed PRs
- it will be interesting to see how effective self-pull(s)n be
- 2022-05-04: created 'main1'
- consider how to best integrate this (main , main1 , master , ... )
- schedule a review of https://github.com/OokTech/TW5-BobEXE/releases/tag/1.7.3b1
- the default is still master, so PRs will probably still be needed
- -05-01: success in merging a patch back to master/main
- test this
- consider a warning in Master
- perhaps simply ... not -05-
- the accidental update to another Fork underlines the need to extend my PR capabilities
- review the other repos
- remember that a choice of Activities effectively defines "Who I now am" by "What I now do".
- within GitHub, "Contribution activity" is a good summary of recent choices of Time allocation(s).
- do not forget to use Trends to anticipate what's next and prepare for it
- DiigoH + ... repos need to be incorporated
- Mario re PRs + ... : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZVbrjpH0vg
- /? stuck in 'master' /?
- Try to resolve this via PullRequests, if only for a deeper understand ing of this tool.
- confirm ExportImport is now easier via 'modified' & create its toggle
- efficient communication with less technical collaborators is promoting the use of RemNote and Notion.
- these are remarkably similar ( to the poiny that they appear to be based on the same underlying software )
- 2022-04-21: noticed a more complicated filter structure than was intended
- 2022-04-08: Spawned Main from Master. ( oops: this now inhibits Rename )
- 2022-04-02: started TestProject(s) for DIG & ME
- automated workFlow needs a fix. From -03-30: Maybe next week?
- ensure the current bug is not as simple as the (deprecated) use of MASTER vs. MAIN
- refactor this ReadMe page
- MsProject views take precence over these GitHub plans ( until these GitHub items are sufficient to warant independent planning
- Audience needs will likely be taken into account in populating other collaborative environments
- TiddlyHost ...
- daily GitHub updates are scheduled for several reasons, including pulseDemo. :2022-03-25
- consider reviving the stackEdit sync.
- 2022-03-30: March wrap-up activities
- 2022-03-27: a brief digression into material supporting DIG.CA & AddressManagementCanada
- 2022-03-26: Considering the new 'Projects' capability
- 2022-03-25: switching Goals Task Management to Microsoft Project
- 2022-03-24: distracted by TiddlyMap
- 2022-03-2?: encountering a persistent bug that is taking time to hunt down
- 2022-03-13: pausing for a curbside update
- PowerSearch is looking better and better.
- 2022-03-10: noticing a MarkupFail in the wikis (that may be my error)
- checking...
- enhancing pull requests
- stalled: time to review GitHub savers under TW5.2.1
- long-term ( 2030s ) Business Development activities
- Investor presentations preparations
- 2022-02-12:
- Finally felt I had to try to set up a KnowledgePage. In the process I discovered that a couple of "businesses" are selling some of my photopgraphs without any rights to do so what-so-ever. Now to decide on "Next steps". Sigh.
- time to review GitHub savers under TW5.2.1
- obviously, I did not get to this in 2022.01. Sigh.
- re-visiting TiddlyDesktop under 5.2.1 in anticipation of increased Moblie device access
- resuming active development of the Curbside.UX
- upgraded to TiddlyWiki 5.2.1
- exploring https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/t/echarts-bringing-amazing-visualization-tools-to-tiddlywiki/1944/2
- Enthusiastically considering https://solidproject.org/ for DIG.ca and AdManCa.
- ...
- .03: https://github.com/Jermolene/tiddlywiki-on-fission
- .18: boot-strapping https://hw5-2-0.tiddlyhost.com/
- the use of this file will likely quiesce https://github.com/datafix-com/HelloWorld
- Removing content from this file. ( e.g. https://github.com/HwWobbe/WipHww/wiki/WIP )
- a new workflow is emerging from using ToDo and Tasks for eMail.
- limitations are being tested; currently at the level of indexing almost 10,000 emails
- results are impresive in ways that need to be documented, prior to further experimentation
- Talk / Discourse evaluation is underway within TiddlyWiki contexts
- this is yielding improved TW/GitHub set-up procedures that should be tested
- consider " PWAs (progressive web apps) "
- OneDrive is likely to emerge as a corporate Collaboration tool.
- This will be particularly true for intercompany teams sharing instances of TiddlyWiki files.
- evaluating Hypothesis, Annotate & GroupsIo
- Hypothesis is interesting enough that an integration test warranted.
- engaging in some WebWeaving
- Thinking an image.avatar should repose here at GitHub for ease of use.
- refactoring Folders by Name
- reviewing https://github.com/wikilabs/plugins/issues
- new Curbside demo
- another gMaps test
- appreciating: https://odinjorna.github.io/zacht-theme/
- Zettlekasten: Appreciating an implementation.
- Delighted that this Diigo concept is now appearing as openSource
- The new TiddlyHost (the TiddlySpot replacement) addresses many of the TW sharing needs.
- -04-05: I am finding that TiddlyHost is stable enough to be a reliable Sharing platform (finally!).
- ... an Export to the standard downloads folder, this works quite well.
- TT seems to be trending into more use of Comments
- 2021.02.27: DropPages seems functional, but needs more tests @ https://hww-tw.droppages.com/HwwTw.html
- 2021.01.31: In 2021.03: consider https://katex.org/users.html ** What aspects could be woven into our R&D?
- 2021.01.23: minor Project refinements
- 2021.01.17: ...
- Pausing to assess the emerging Editions of Tw5 that are the result of the 5.1.23 release
- I'm thinking that the Xmas-NewYear holiday gives me some clean-up time. ** http://pettilmobile.com/tw/
- 2020.12-31: 2020's final update
- try using DiigoH as a central site switch
- Switching to Chrome as a temporary solution to the Saver(s) issue
- Saver attempt seems to have blocked my TwFive file Saves
- continuing to deploy DropPages
- starting to deploy multiCloud
- archive some of these Notes
- plan workloads up to 2020.11.30
- reviewing GitHub Desktop
- linking into neoCities ; upload of ...Empty... is failing
- planning to join another project as part of resolving current Tw File access issues
- testing upload(s) and shared downloads
- remove Content into an appropriate Wiki like ...
- review https://github.com/spencermountain/compromise#topics
- recent GitHub developments add more uses of this technology, specifically ...
- interim wiki hosting
- confirm public
- post.covid planning
- markdown considerations seem to be in vogue, once again
- Post-CoVid19 Elections (in Canada) are quite active.
- New "Hi-water" issues are distracting.
- "New-Home" (from 2020-06-22) issues are deferred until 2020-08-
- "Post CoVid19" report & (Voting) "Modernization" report contributions
- ...
- (Elector list) Modernization propsals have gained enough traction to support more development
- Test this page's use for hosting a TW5 file.
- add links to staging Wikis, to the most reliable of the StackEdit files
- https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 try a fork of this, eventually.
- ...
This page is my core/common Introduction, referenced from most other sites I use.
.. Career is summarized best @ linkedIn
.. Play is best summarized @ Flickr
.. Comments, other InterestsHww, chats & Topics & opinions @ twitter
.. DynaList (perhaps not public, yet)
.. Tools( ..., Diigo, ... )
.. Bitly ...
- considering Azure for staged hosting needs
- investigate:
- link to IttyBitty
- considering the relative value of Dynalist & Diigo & KeepH to me
- making more use of GitHub wikis to reduce the need to scroll
Next task: apply SamTabH StackEdit inputs to a repoFile.
GistHw testing( Sync ... ) starting with a careful re-istallation of the deskTop version
review npm
line staging happens at https://dynalist.io/d/_Xd3otdU1KRsesIKNqQfSBBB since ..
Unicode symbols are being published as part of a Dynalist file (add the URL)
.. https://unicode-table.com/en/blocks/mathematical-alphanumeric-symbols/
considering https://cookieconsent.insites.com/demos/
resolve the existing PR ; Make more use of PRs and reduce the number of Commits.
TiddlyServer has been upgraded to 5.1.17 by Arlen.
comments = http://lordratte.info/code/tiddlydrive/2018/04/02/TiddlyDrive-Changes.html
TransClusion is then useful in that it reduces maintenance efforts to a single change that works across all workflow paths
extending Search in my various repos as a productivity improvement initiative
testing local schedule via Milestones versus pbWorks
review sandstorm per TiddlyWiki/TiddlyWiki5#2487
The integation of my Cloud resources is progressing as my WorkCycles are now emerging
This repo could become an effective template.
the GitHub wikis provide better formatting.
.. for the moment, DynaList is an effective initial staging agea for myContent.
This repo's wiki is being used to collect notes without triggering Commits.
does .. induce italics? .. (and terminate them?)
stopped Watching NodeJs for now, to reduce monitoring Time
test the use of html.UL codes.
ChangeLog files are a good idea. e.g. https://github.com/nodejs/node/tree/master/doc/changelogs
resume Photography, merging Blogs for TalesH
Dropbox ownership changes may require attention. Relative value of Git & GitHub ?
- 2019.01.20: StackEdit is synching Gist work from SamTabH!