Hacking, Switching, Combining: Understanding and Supporting DIY Assistive Technology Design by Blind People (CHI 2023)
Jaylin Herskovitz, Andi Xu, Rahaf Alharbi, and Anhong Guo. 2023. Hacking, Switching, Combining: Understanding and Supporting DIY Assistive Technology Design by Blind People. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 57, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1145/3544548.3581249
In this repository, we present scenarios on assistive technology use collected from participants over a two week study. Through this information, we hope to convey a long-tail of accessibility needs: the vast range of unique scenarios encountered in day-to-day life that contributes to a need for personalized assistive technology. The information here was summarized by the authors to preserve anonymity. For more information about how this information was collected, please see our full paper!
The file scenarios.csv
follows the following format:
- Scenario ID: An unique ID for each item
- Interview phase: Which part of the study the scenario was discussed in (please see the full paper for study details)
- Timestamp: The time that the scenario was discussed
- Scenario summary: Breif keywords describing the topic of the scenario
- Scenario: A detailed description of the scenario
- Current solution (if any): How the scenario was addressed, if applicable
- Desired solution (if any): The ideal solutioned envision for the scenario, if applicable