# run once to install Xcode CLI tools
$ xcode-select --install
# clone and build Horizen
$ git clone https://github.com/HorizenOfficial/zencash-apple.git
$ cd zencash-apple
$ source environment
$ make
In case of an error please run the following command for debug info
$ PRINT_DEBUG=y make all
Clone the Horizen repository and fetch the necessary parameters: Build using the following command (with NUM_CORES = number of cores to use for the build process):
git clone https://github.com/HorizenOfficial/zen.git
cd zen/
LIBTOOLIZE=glibtoolize ./zcutil/build-mac-clang.sh --disable-libs -j(NUM_CORES)
for example:
LIBTOOLIZE=glibtoolize ./zcutil/build-mac-clang.sh --disable-libs -j4
export LIBTOOLIZE=glibtoolize
./zcutil/build-mac-clang.sh --disable-libs -j4
$ cd ~/zencash-apple
$ source environment
$ cd ~/zen
$ export LIBTOOLIZE=glibtoolize
$ ./zcutil/build-mac-clang.sh --disable-libs -j4
this is a fork of https://github.com/kozyilmaz/zcash-apple.git