Editor : Haonan Feng
Date : 2019.05.20
This module provides:
report of object detection result: Generate report based on different variables, such as confidence, iou threshold, classes, or object scale
reuslt on confidence set [ 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 ] -
file for Precision-Recall Curve drawing
- numpy==1.14.0
- matplotlib==2.0.2
I have not tested any other version, but it should be OK. Tell me in the issue if any problems.
change your dataser to
strucutre, or modifyparse_gtbox.py
to read annotations -
python parse_gtbox.py
and save results to a txt file. Each line in this txt file is a ground-truth box record, the format is:'{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(imagename, 'Out:', class, confidence, boxes)
Let the Object Detection model output another txt file with format:
'{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(imagename, 'labels:', class, confidence, boxes) As above, each line in this txt file is a detection box result.
modify parameters and run
sh run-map_eval.sh
to get detection result evaluation report.
run first 3 steps in
Generate Detection Evaluation Report
session -
modify parameters and run
sh run-Linear.sh
to get.line
file and save in theoutput_dir
python DrawLine.py -p [output_dir]
and draw all.line
files in theoutput_dir
. If you juse want to draw some files with specific keywords, usepython DrawLine.py -p [output_dir] -k word1 word2
, the number of keywords is no limited.
The ./example
document has provides a ground-truth file from TT100K
dataset, and also with a detection result file generated by a yolov3-tiny model. To check this code, you can just simply:
check your environment and just make sure you have
sh run-map_eval.sh
sh run-Linear.sh
python DrawLine.py -p example/LINEAR
All Done and enjoy!
--mode "standard" or "caliber". "standard" get result by different class, "caliber" sum up all classes as `dectboxes`
--buffer if run in first time, give a pkl filepath and it will generate automatically. If pkl exists, the code will load annotation and detection faster
--annotation_file annotation filepath. If buffer file .pkl exists, this will not be used
--detection_file detection filepath. If buffer file .pkl exists, this will not be used
--dict_file classes name txtfile
--confidence default 0.5, but can change from 0 to 1
--iou default 0.5, but can change from 0 to 1
--missbox True or False. If True, output a "MISSBOX.txt" file which contain image name that miss the ground-truth box.
--scaletest True or Fasle. If True, output scale test with six objects scales <16, 16-32, 32-48, 48-64, 64-96, >96
--mode same as the above
--buffer same as the above
--annotation_file same as the above
--detection_file same as the above
--dict_file same as the above
--iou same as the above
--output_dir The directory that save the '.line' file
--output_name The linear file will name as 'LINEAR_[output-name]_[class-name].lines'