Release 2.19.0
Important Change
The HoLC (Hopsan Library Creator) application has been removed.
Its functionality has been built into HopsanGUI for some time, and can be accessed from the context menu (right-click)
in the library widget.
- Make it possible to get data vectors by alias name in Python, Julia and Matlab
- Make it possible to view XML and source code for default library components by right-clicking in library widget
- Highlight connected connectors when hovering a component
- HCOM: Support orphan variables in the chpvx command
- HCOM: Enables defining and evaluating SymHop expressions
>> a=expr(sin(x)+y)
>> b=der(a,expr(x))
- HCOM: Convert SymHop expressions to LaTeX
>> f=expr((a+b)/(c+d))
>> latex(f)
- Monitor text files in editor tabs for external changes
- Add "Always visible" setting for GUI components
Use the context menu (right-click) on a component
- Various improvements in Simulink generator
Hopsan S-functions now also support the "fast restart" option in Simulink - Various fixes and improvements to Modelica generator
- Statically link to MinGW libraries for FMI export on Windows
Removing dependency to correct version of MinGW DLLs in exported FMUs more
- Various improvements in Simulink generator
Bug Fixes
- HopsanGUI:
- Use interpolation-based down sampling to reduce vector size
There was an error in reduceVectorSize function due to integer division
The fix will affect all frequency analysis plots (spectrum, bode and nyquist) - Preserve rotation and flipping of replaced components
- Use interpolation-based down sampling to reduce vector size
Component Libraries
- Enable end of stroke limitation in all C-type pistons
- Add moment of inertia quantity and make use of it in components
- PID2 component, changed the meaning of the 'de' input signal
It is now expected to be a derivative input rather then a "error" delta
If you have models using this component they may need to be updated - Added markdown descriptions with equations for many commonly used default library components
Note! Due to the large amount of added documentation, it has not yet been reviewed
If you find something that looks odd, take a look at the component source code