libBeyn is a C++ library that implements the contour-integration method for nonlinear eigenproblems described by W-J. Beyn in this paper:
Wolf-Jürgen Beyn, ``An integral method for solving nonlinear eigenvalue problems.'' Linear Algebra and its Applications 436 3839 (May 2012).
More specifically, using a modified version of Beyn's notation, we consider nonlinear eigenproblems of the form
T(z) v = 0
where T is a D×D-matrix-valued function of a complex variable z and v is an D-dimensional complex vector. (Beyn's notation uses lower-case m for the dimension D and does not use boldface for matrices or vectors.)
includes both a C++ library and a
(totally separate) native Julia
code that both implement Beyn's algorithm.
library and the C++ application codes that use it depend on SCUFF-EM, so you will need to download and install that code first if you want to use the C++ version of the code. -
The repository includes a simple handwritten
which you will want to modify to configure things like the location of your SCUFF-EM installation -
Then just
to build the librarylibBeyn.a
and the executablestBeyn411
. -
Alternatively, you can bypass the C++ code and use the separate, native
implementation provided in thejulia
folder to solve nonlinear eigenproblems.
The libBeyn
API is extremely simple; it basically just exports
a single routine, plus some associated support routines.
BeynSolver *CreateBeynSolver(int D, int L);
Allocate, initialize, and return a BeynSolver
for a problem of dimension D in which we expect no more
than L eigenvalues to reside within the integration we specify.
int BeynSolve(BeynSolver *Solver, BeynFunction UserFunction, void *UserData,
cdouble z0, double R, int N);
Compute all eigenvalues inside a circular contour,
centered at z0
with radius R,
using N
-point trapezoidal-rule
quadrature for contour integrals.
(Here cdouble
is short for std::complex<double>
The parameters are as follows:
BeynSolver *Solver
- Data structure created by a prior call to
- Data structure created by a prior call to
BeynFunction UserFunction
void *UserData
- User-supplied function that performs linear algebra involving the T matrix (see below).
cdouble z0
double R
int N
- Together these parameters specify the integration contour (a circle
centered at
with radiusR
) and the quadrature strategy (N
-point rectangular rule).
- Together these parameters specify the integration contour (a circle
centered at
The return value of BeynSolve
is the number of eigenvalues
identified within the given contour. The actual eigenvalues
and eigenvectors are stored within the Solver
structure (see below).
int BeynSolve(BeynSolver *Solver, BeynFunction UserFunction, void *UserData,
cdouble z0, double Rx, double Ry, int N);
A variant of the above routine in which the integration contour
is an ellipse centered at z0
with horizontal and vertical
radii Rx
, Ry
The prototype of the user-supplied function passed to BeynSolve
void UserFunction(cdouble z, void *UserData, HMatrix *VHat, HMatrix *MVHat);
where VHat
is an M×L complex-valued matrix.
If MVHat
is non-null, the user's function should overwrite MVHat
with T(z) * VHat
, i.e. the function should left-multiply VHat
by T(z)
and store the result in MVHat.
If MVHat
is null, the function
should instead overwrite VHat
with T(z) \ VHat
, i.e. the function
should left-multiply the matrix VHat
by the inverse of T(z)
and store the result in VHat.
Note: HMatrix
is a simple LAPACK wrapper class provided by
the libhmat
support library for SCUFF-EM, but
you don't really need to use libhmat
if you don't want to;
just work directly with the three main fields of HMatrix:
int NR = VHat->NR; // number of rows
int NC = VHat->NC; // number of columns
cdouble *ZM = VHat->ZM; // row-major array of length NR*NC
The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are stored in the Lambda
and Eigenvectors
fields of Solver.
If the integer K
returned by BeynSolve
is nonzero,
returns thek
th eigenvalue (k=0,1,...,K-1
) -
returns them
th component of thek
th eigenvector. -
is the residual of thek
th eigenvector, i.e.|
T(z) vk|
where vkis thek
th eigenvector and||
denotes L2 norm.
The following environment variables may be set to customize the behavior of the Beyn solver.
The threshold magnitude for singular values to be considered relevant. -
The threshold magnitude for the residual. Candidate eigenvectors for which|
T(z) vk|
exceeds this value are discarded. By default this is set to 0, in which case all eigenvectors are retained. -
Print more verbose messages to logfiles.
For testing purposes, I consider the nonlinear eigenproblem of Example 4.11 of the Beyn paper referenced above, which in turn borrowed the example from this reference:
Kressner, D. "A block Newton method for nonlinear eigenvalue problems." Numerische Mathematik 114 355 (2009)
This reference quotes 10-digit values for 5 eigenvalues on the real line, namely:
Lambda1 = 201.88234012
Lambda2 = 122.91317036
Lambda3 = 63.692138408
Lambda4 = 24.219005847
Lambda5 = 4.4820338110
The libBeyn
distribution includes a C++ code named tBeyn411
that uses libBeyn
to solve the nonlinear eigenproblem.
Run tBeyn411 --help
to summarize command-line options:
unix% tBeyn411 --help
usage: tBeyn411 [options]
--z0 xx (center of elliptical contour ({150,0}))
--Rx xx (horizontal radius of elliptical contour (148))
--Ry xx (vertical radius of elliptical contour (148))
--N xx (number of quadrature points (50))
--L xx (number of EVs expected in contour (10))
--Dim xx (dimension of problem (400))
Here's a sample run in which we ask for all eigenvalues in a circular contour
of radius R=148
centered at z0=150+2i
with 25 quadrature points:
unix % tBeyn411 --z0 150+2i --Rx 148 --Ry 148 --N 25
Found 8 eigenvalues:
0: {+3.006036828652e+02,-4.125966235335e-10}
1: {+2.018823401134e+02,-1.492634460476e-09}
2: {+4.190845874670e+02,+3.012321138414e-04}
3: {+1.229131703422e+02,-1.611239586197e-09}
4: {+6.369213835606e+01,-2.175300739538e-08}
5: {+2.421900544828e+01,-1.314105806394e-07}
6: {+4.482017101574e+00,-7.884401266534e-06}
7: {+4.570891096865e-01,-1.236450296460e-04}
2054 hikari /home/homer/work/libBeyn <>
So, we've found all 5 of the correct eigenvalues, with
precision ranging from 10 digits (Lambda1
) to 5 digits (Lambda5
plus 3 spurious eigenvalues.
Let's try again with the same number of quadrature points but now an elliptical contour, centered at the same point but now much wider than it is tall:
2059 hikari /home/homer/work/libBeyn <> tBeyn411 --z0 150+2i --Rx 148 --Ry 5 --N 25
Found 7 eigenvalues:
0: {+3.006036828638e+02,-2.343307770047e-10}
1: {+2.018823401181e+02,-1.838840191226e-11}
2: {+1.229131703566e+02,+2.110533969812e-12}
3: {+6.369213840724e+01,-2.950528710244e-11}
4: {+2.421900584303e+01,-3.840048279358e-09}
5: {+4.482033592848e+00,+1.790884427422e-07}
6: {+4.573368338358e-01,-2.154159593548e-05}
We get one fewer spurious eigenvalue, plus
better accuracy in our determination of Lambda5.
The libBeyn
repository also includes a native Julia
implementation of the Beyn method, structured similarly to the
C++ library described above.
The main solver routine is BeynSolve()
and a test code that solves the Beyn Example 4.11 problem is in
Usage example:
unix % julia
julia> include("tBeyn411.jl")
SolveBeyn411 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> SolveBeyn411()
Found 7 nonzero singular values.
1: {+3.006036828641e+02, -1.864047544792e-12}
2: {+2.018823401181e+02, -3.890499332734e-12}
3: {+1.229131703566e+02, +1.285568188887e-11}
4: {+6.369213840779e+01, +4.993707422805e-12}
5: {+2.421900584750e+01, -3.318073056626e-10}
6: {+4.482033815245e+00, -3.973736028485e-09}
7: {+4.573182886588e-01, +4.649270462093e-08}
Also packaged with libBeyn
is a first stab at a mode solver for
that uses Beyn's method to search for electromagnetic resonance
This code, called scuff-spectrum,
a file containing a succession of
(omega0, R, N)
tuples. (For geometries with 1D or 2D lattice periodicity, each tuple also includes a 1D or 2D Bloch vector).
For each (omega0, R, N)
tuple in the file, scuff-spectrum
Beyn's method---for a circular contour of radius R,
centered at omega0,
using N
-point rectangular-rule quadrature---to compute all resonance
frequencies of the SIE impedance matrix M(ω)---lying within
the contor. (A resonance frequency ω is simply a frequency at
which M(ω) has a nontrivial nullspace, in which case the
usual SIE equation Ms=f can have nonzero
surface-current solutions s even for vanishing incident
fields f.)
As a simple test, I'll use scuff-spectrum
to look for modes of a
spherical dielectric cavity---namely, a sphere of radius R=1 μm,
filled with a homogeneous lossless dielectric with relative permittivity εr=4.
For this problem, I can compute the exact mode frequencies numerically by
looking for roots of the denominator of the Mie scattering coefficients
relating interior to incident fields for M-type and N-type
spherical polarizations. This calculation is described in Section 5.3
in this memo.
Here's a plot of the lowest 8 resonant frequencies as computed via Mie theory and the eigenvalues identified by SCUFF-SPECTRUM for a radius-1 sphere with ε=4, meshed into 501 panels, for N=20 and N=40 quadrature points.
The two calculations do not agree! What am I doing wrong?