MSE ETC code generated by the KHU Group
The recommended set-up for the user's Python environment and package dependencies are listed below. Exceptions are noted as well.
python==3.7.9 (Minimum python version)
Necessary Packages:
Tcl/Tk==8.6 (python tkinter version check command: python -m tkinter)
numpy==1.19.5 (first priority installation)
scipy==1.6.1 (second priority installation)
Ancillary Packages: *These have likely been installed simulataneously with the "necessary" package installation. With the information below, users can choose to verify the package versions.
pyerfa==1.7.3 (mandatory dependency for astropy; exception: v1.7.1 is acceptable)
cycler==0.10.0 (mandatory dependency for matplotlib)
kiwisolver==1.3.1 (mandatory dependency for matplotlib)
Pillow==8.2.0 (mandatory dependency for matplotlib)
pyparsing=2.4.7 (mandatory dependency for matplotlib)
python-dateutil==2.8.1 (mandatory dependency for matplotlib)
six==1.15.0 (mandatory dependency for matplotlib)