The Dish Polling Web App is a web application designed for users to participate in dish polling by ranking their favorite dishes. The app allows users to view a list of dishes, rank them based on their preferences, and view the results of the polling.
The Dish Polling Web App provides users with the ability to:
- Login with their username and password.
- View a list of dishes and their descriptions.
- Rank dishes based on their preferences.
- Submit their ranking choices.
- Edit and save their ranking choices.
- View the top three ranked dishes and the remaining dishes.
The app also includes an admin panel that allows administrators to manage user accounts, view user rankings, and manage dishes.
- Here if you dowloading a project and want to check the projects then below is given guidelines:
- Here by default 4 user and 1 admin user is there,
- user is able to do voting only one time(but he can edit their votes also), also user can see their ranking of their dishes.
- admin is having extar functionalities above the user, like he can visulize the users name,password,voting,ponts and also admin can delete the user data with his choices and ponits everything.
- login thrugh username:Vishal password:Vishal123 ,add the choices of dishes,see results and logout.
- login thrugh username:Ronik password:Ronik123 ,add the choices of dishes,see results and logout.
- login thrugh username:Bhavin password:Bhavin123 ,add the choices of dishes,see results and logout.
- login thrugh username:Jenil password:Jenil123 ,add the choices of dishes,see results and logout.
Start the development server: npm start
-Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the app. -Register a user account or use the provided sample user accounts. -Explore the dish listing, rank dishes, and submit your choices. -Admins can access the admin panel to manage user accounts and view rankings.
- User Authentication: Users can login using their username and password.
- Dish Listing: Users can view a list of dishes along with their descriptions.
- Ranking: Users can rank their top three favorite dishes.
- Voting: Users can submit their ranking choices for voting.
- Editing Choices: Users can edit and save their ranking choices before voting ends.
- Top Dishes: Users can view the top three dishes with the highest votes.
- Results: Users can view the results of the voting, including all ranked dishes.
- React: Frontend user interface and components.
- Material-UI: UI components and styling.
- React Router: Navigation within the application.
- Axios: Handling HTTP requests to fetch dish data.
- Local Storage: Storing user data and choices.
- GitHub: Version control and project hosting.
Clone the repository from GitHub:
git clone
1)Navigate to the project directory: cd test_react 2)Install the project dependencies: npm install
Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs or want to enhance the app, feel free to submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.