##Description This is a Opencart spanish language pack for version and it is free!!!!!!!!!!
- upload folder
- admin folder
- language folder
- spanish folder
- language folder
- catalog folder
- language folder
- spanish folder
- language folder
- admin folder
##Install Instructions 1. Copy the spanish folders according to Structure in your opencart installation 2. Go to Opencart administration Panel 3. Go to System -> localization -> languages 3. Create one with the next features Language Name: Español Code: es Locale: es_ES.UTF-8,es_ES,Spanish Image: es.png Folder: spanish Filename: spanish Status: Activo
##Change language Image 1. Go to Administrator 2. Go to System -> localization ->languages 3. Click the 'edit' link for the Language you want to change the image. 4. Search the field Image, and put the new image (example: us.png, mx.png)