- Login to user
- Create a new agent
- Give balance to the newly created agent from system
- Create a customer
- Search the newly created user by phone number
- Deposit balance to the customer from the agent
- Withdraw some money from the agent
- Delete the user
- Apache Jmeter
- JAVA 8
- Jmeter must be installed
- JAVA 8 or 11 must be installed
- Clone this project
- Copy the Dmoney-Load-Test.jmx file and place it in the bin folder of the Jmeter installation location
- Run the project by opening the Dmoney-Load-Test.jmx file in Jmeter
- Delete the previously Report folder from the project
- Open command promt in bin folder of the Jmeter installation location
- hit this command: jmeter -n -t .\Dmoney-Api-Performance-Test.jmx -l dmoneyapi-performance.csv -e -o Reports