A hijri calendar website to help keep track of the current hijri date based on real sighting data from moon sighting organisations around the world. Visit the site here. This also contains a gregorian to hijri date converter.
1: Displays calendar for a given month, and has the ability to cycle to previous months
2: The current day is highlighted, with indicators so that you remember the date changes at sunset
3: Certain special days like Eid, the day of Arafah etc are highlighted
4: A list of moonsightings organisations are available and you can switch to and from the calendar of any given organisation. Data is available here
5: A gregorian to hijri to date converter is available for the currently available months for a given organisation.
6: A small-print gregorian date is displayed next to the hijri dates on the calendar for ease of comparison.
Please open an issue on this repository or on https://github.com/AbdullahM0hamed/HilalMonths. Please note that as of now I only plan to accept organisations that make announcements every month and are reliable year-round, though this may change in the future.