PHP API for PZQ, a persistent store daemon by Mikko Koppanen which uses the ZeroMQ messaging socket library.
This is an implementation from the php-api provided by @mkoppanen.
The recommended way to install PHP PZQ API is through Composer.
### Install Composer
curl -sS | php
Next, update your project's composer.json file to include:
"require": {
"himedia/php-pzq-api": "1.*"
After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$context = new \ZMQContext();
$consumer = new \HIM\PZQ\Consumer($context, "tcp://");
$ids = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
$message = $consumer->consume();
echo "Consumed {$i}" . PHP_EOL;
sleep (5);
$context = new \ZMQContext();
$producer = new \HIM\PZQ\Producer("tcp://");
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
$message = new \HIM\PZQ\Message();
//echo "Produced id-{$i}" . PHP_EOL;
$producer->produce($message, 10000);
$m = new \HIM\PZQ\Monitor("ipc:///tmp/pzq-monitor");
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