This is a very lightweight rpc server implementation to serve hexlink accounts. It follows json-rpc-2.0 spec. The server exposes two groups of rpc functions, one for account config data store and the other is for otp authentication.
These rpc functions expose APIs for users to store/query their account config. The config store in current design is a simple key value store where the key is the config name and the value is the config file user set.
User config data may contain very sensitive data including PII or even some credentials. These data should never be stored on-chain or any public decentralized storage system and must be well protected with proper ACL at a secure private data store.
The config store must authenticate users before executing. It must read the first factor from its on-chain contract and verify if the request is signed by a proper validator.
The request and response types are defined at here.
service HexlinkConfigStore {
function config_get(GetConfigRequest): GetConfigResponse;
function config_set(SetConfigRequest): SetConfigResponse;
function config_del(DelConfigRequest): DelConfigResponse;
The request and response types are defined at here.
service HexlinkAuth {
function auth_sendOtp(SendOtpRequest): SendOtpResponse
function auth_validateOtp(ValidateOtpRequest): ValidateOtpSuccess
The authentication rpc calls are used to authenticate users which means anyone can call the service. Rpc node runners will need to figure out a way to prevent spams or DDoS attacks. We can apply a token staking mechanism to prevent it from happening. THe details are TBD.