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Meeting Logs
LindsayKnight edited this page Jul 24, 2020
11 revisions
Friday 7/24/2020 11:30-12:00
- Plan to input sounds today, as well as finish and input battle animations over the weekend
- Backgrounds aim to be finished early next week
- Priority for backgrounds: could reuse assets as needed, especially houses and such, but the interior of Maddie's house is the only one that can't be made from reused assets
- Won't have full tutorial, but start and pause menus with have the controls built into them for the player to view at any time
- No dialogue boxes needed if only need dialogue for the inn
- Inn could replace of the houses in the town in order to lessen work needed for MVP
- Houses and inn will be on a separate layer from the background for Tabitha to be able to manipulate them easily
Wednesday 7/22/2020 11:30-12:00
- Graphics - attack animations and backgrounds still needed, as well as possible pick-up items over the weekend
- No other weapons need to be designed
- Over weekend, Mikael might redo the first background with more houses on it, as well as create the forest path and clearing
- Also need to think about the interior of Maddie's house
- Tabitha is going to work on the start screen and the XP system
- Mikael is going to work on the battle sprites - discussed use of 1st special attack option for all characters, no need for more than that at the moment
- Discussed Madeline's healing - supposed to do damage first, but wasn't - worked out that instead of healing on Maddie's turn, it will heal on the affected player's turn instead
- Decided against MGL Damage/MGL Defense for now
- Need explosions for Sam's special attack and sand for Rose's Pocket Sand
- Also need extra sprite for Sam's card attack, flicking and such
- Hierarchy of priorities: animations, background, props
- Lindsay will begin to work on the readme.me and such
- Diner in the town: need sprite of the man in the diner
- Need to find music and sound effects - music, sand, walking, cheers for Ted's attack...
- Melee attacks - jump in, jump out - jumping easier to animate than running in and out on Tabitha's end
Monday 7/20/2020 11:30-12:00
- Demo looks good for gameplay
- Mikael will create background for battle scenes, battle sprites
- Tabitha will input the sprites animations into battle scenes, pause screen
Friday 7/17/2020 11:30-12:00
- Tabitha's plans for next week - action commands are not working so fixing those, timing-based bugs
- Mikael's plans for next week - mushroom sprites, then battle scene sprites, and menu designs if need more work but not as necessary in Godot
- Mushrooms look not cuddly, necessarily, but cute
- do enemies have more over-world movement sprites - won't have to do movement animations, just idle ones
Wednesday 7/15/2020 11:30-12:00
- Discussed ending goals for the project - what we expect to finish by the end of the month - which are listed at the end of the rough planning document
- Decided on fully-body tackle when a character decides to hit one of the enemies
- Characters will jump forward to attack, jump back into position and then idle in position
- Mikael will work on the over-world forest design and battle animations
- Tabitha will work on the combat system for Friday; will also look into text files for dialogue if she has time at the end of the project
- Jackbox on Friday if everyone's free! :D See y'all Friday!
Monday 7/13/2020 11:30-12:00
- Discussion between whether or not to work on character sprites of the forest path - will work on character sprites
- Also decide on vertical forest path
- Wednesday - walking animation, then forest path if have time
- Fighting mechanics - not sure if it will be finished by Wednesday, but going to try
- Character animations and attacks - basic non-flashy attacks; not that many special attacks, about one for each character
- Question about files - how to actually play the game
- Download files, create new project, drag new files into Godot; Project -> Project Settings -> Autoload
- Can paste new script as needed into file, or delete old files and upload new ones
- Mushroom guys - thick mushrooms, 2 1/2' to 3' mushrooms; will look like mushrooms when still until revealed to be alive
- Mushrooms have different basic colors, with Steve and Carl as unique versions to signify their specialness
Friday 7/10/2020 11:30-12:00
- Looked at Mikael's character designs - love the looks, but Sam needs to be shorter
- Going for pixel-art style - concept art will focus on that, including battle field for Tabitha
- Discussion about HP after battle - should be left with 1 HP afterwards so they can find an inn
- For the future: working on dialogue, actually coding the fighting/attacking mechanics
- Next up is to work further on character designs, and then work on the actual character sprites - need sprites for walking, battle, etc...
- This weekend will be mostly brainstorming how to do the above things
- Layout of the woods - start with initial corridor, which has the battle with the first couple of mushrooms, then into a clearing where Sam is, and then into a larger forest area, then into another open area where the player will find Rose
- Inns only appear going into the second town because the first town has Madeline's house as a free place to heal up
- AP stat for attacks rather than MP
- See everyone on Monday! :D
Wednesday 7/8/2020 11:30-12:00
- Tabitha's computer is broken! :( Should be fixed by tonight, but only have tomorrow to complete any tasks, so probably no coding today
- Mikael and Tabitha posted updates in the Discord for their work from Monday and Tuesday
- Mikael drew up concepts for the battle scenes - decided that sideways was a little too clunky, but 45-degrees could become too much, so Mikael will concept something that's in-between the two
- Discussed way to signal to player when to properly dodge/block attacks - monster moves into path of their target, then goes in for the attack so player knows who is being targeted
- Ranged will line up with their target in the same way, but from farther away
- Mikael will work on character concepts - but needs to know more about the characters in order to do that - as well as temp battle screens, and if possible, concept the inn a little bit more
- Tabitha to begin to work on the combat scenes, as well as rewards system
- Sam and Rose will likely not be in the tutorial - only Madeline and Ted
- Mushroom enemies for tutorial are biped, but have just learned to walk so not too great at it
- Tabitha will look into JSON stuff for dialogue in the future
Monday 7/6/2020 11:30-12:00
- Created tasks on GitHub for graphics
- Plan to test damage and health systems by adding static temp assets and running into them, to focus on combat design
- No effort needed to be put into the temp designs since mostly going to be used to test
- Useful for Tabitha to know where things are going to go - designing combat isn't the immediate next plan since need to work on the movement system
- Idea to complete HP, money, walking systems, and then the combat systems to finish off
- Questions about mechanics - is the 45-degree angle the best angle for combat?
- Mario RPG has the entire game at that angle - maybe could do an isometric or close up version for the battle scenes
- Mikael will make some mock-up concept arts for how the battle scenes may look - possibly look into 90-degree or 0-degree angles
- 45-degree allows for a better perspective of enemies as opposed to top-down, and better image of movement; also a little harder to draw, just not sure if it's the right path to go
- Darkest Dungeon, full sideways, too much - need to feel the depth of the battlefield
- Overworld in background - static vs RPG background - tile sets or images?
- Can be image with inns and buildings as sprites so can be replicated easier, as well as placed so that the player can walk behind them
- Create background and foreground as a result, with trees and buildings
- In terms of visuals, start the game with 90s style, then progressively become more fantasy as they become used to the RPG elements
- 10 HP to start, 200 starting money
- Madeline is 21, Ted is 15-16, Sam is 10-11, and Rose is 12-13
- Keys vs. WASD - keys easier to use on Tabitha's end, so decided on keypad
- Goals for Tabitha - work on health and money systems, as well as walking around, and possibly work on the inn systems and TPK system
- Goals for Mikael - any temps Tabitha needs, overworld background, concepts for battle scene
Friday 7/3/2020 3:30-4:30
- Everyone introduced themselves, and contact information was changed for the wiki.
- Focus of the project will be on combat: most important part of the game is the combat system
- Decided that characters on the over-world would follow one central character, Earthbound-style
- Visual inspiration - Earthbound, other 1990s style RPGS, set in America
- Over-world map will NOT be at a 45-degree angle; battle maps will be tilted, though
- Different over-world and battle spirits needed for the changes in angles
- Meetings were set for Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 11:30 AM, and estimated to last between 30 minutes and 45 minutes
- Debated between art styles (pixel or more illustrated look)
- Possibility to implement defense system in the future? Might be a future development if the rest of the combat, reward, and healing systems are finished on time
- Actual combat mechanics will be implemented a little later - plan is to originally start with a combat interface, and basics of a rewards system
- Tabitha plans on checking out one of the Paper Mario games to get a feel for how the RPG combat should feel
- The project will be made with Godot
- Decided that if the entire team is wiped out, the player will be reset to their last healing point; not want to have to implement a saving system as well in only one month (which is totally understandable)
- No work over the weekend! See everyone on Monday :)