Compass is a toy language for compass & straightedge constructions, with easy syntax and visualization.
A(1|1), B(2|4). // define and name some points
C1 = A°B; // circle around A through B
C2 = B°A; // circle around B through A
{X1, X2} <- C1 n C2; // compute intersection of circles
{"M"} <- (X1-X2) n (C1-C2) // compute intersection of lines, giving the midpoint of A and B
A Compass program consists of a sequence of statements, separated by commas, semicola or periods. A statement followed by ;
is silenced, meaning its result will not be drawn. Otherwise, its result will be displayed.
Statements have the following forms
Named point definitions
defines a named pointed "A" and assigns it to the variable
. A named point will, when drawn, have its name displayed alongside it. -
X = <expr>
Assigns to the variable
the result of expression<expr>
. Variables must begin with uppercase letters. The overall assignment evaluates to the variableX
Pick assignments
{X1, ..., XN} = <expr>
evaluates to a set, the pick assignment statement tries to pick N distinct elements from that set (in any order) and assigns them to variablesX1
. The overall assignment evaluates to the last variable assigned. One can (experimentally) pick from infinite sets such as circles and lines; the points thus obtained are random{A,B,C} <- M°P // pick three random points from a circle
Bonus (Named assignments): If we put quotation marks around a variable in an assignment, if it is assigned a point, the point is upgraded to a named point as in
{"X"} <- Line1 n Line2
This, together with Named point definitions, is the only way of creating named points.
Expressions have the following forms
Lines and segments
A-B // line segment AB
A->B // ray (half-line) from A through B
A--B // infinite line through A, B
M°P // circle around M through P
M o P // alternative syntax
Set operations
A n B // intersection
A u B // union
A \ B // subtraction
// returns the midpoint between points A, B
Midpoint = proc(A,B)
{X,Y} <- (A°B) n (B°A)
{M} <- (X--Y) n (A--B)
Procedure calls
The datatypes currently supported in Compass are: Point, NamedPoint, Circle, Line, Ray, Segment, PointSet, Lambda
A list of examples is found in the Samples
folder. The Compass application includes a sample browser.
// Construction of a regular pentagon
MD(250|180), P1(150|250).
// midpoint between two points
Mid = proc(A,B)
{X,Y} <- A°B n B°A;
{R} <- (X--Y) n (A--B);
// angle bisector
HalfAngle = proc(A,B,C)
{D} <- (A°B) n (A->C);
X = Mid(B,D);
// parallel line to A--B through P
Parallel = proc(P,A,B)
{X} <- P°A n A--B;
{Y} <- X°P n A--B;
{R} <- Y°X n P°A;
// make a 72° move from M-P
Penta = proc(M,P)
{Q} <- ((P--M) n M°P) \ {P}.
{X,Y} <- P°Q n Q°P;
{R} <- (X--Y) n M°P.
"S" = Mid(R,M).
{H} <- HalfAngle(S,M,P) n M--P.
{P2} <- Parallel(H,M,R) n M°P.
P-P2, P2;
"P2" = Penta(MD,P1).
"P3" = Penta(MD,P2).
"P4" = Penta(MD,P3).
"P5" = Penta(MD,P4).
A(130|150), B(230|210), C(180|215), D(400|200).
Mid = proc(A,B)
{X,Y} <- A°B n B°A;
{M} <- (X--Y) n (A--B);
Circle = proc(A,B,C)
{X,X'} <- A°B n B°A;
{Y,Y'} <- B°C n C°B;
{M} <- (X--X') n (Y--Y');
Center = proc(C) {A,B,C} <- C; Circle(A,B,C); end;
CEQ = proc(A,B,C)
{D} <- A°B n B°A,
D--B, B°C,
{E} <- (D--B) n B°C,
D--A, D°E,
{F} <- (D--A) n D°E.
Move = proc(C,A)
M = Center(C);
{B} <- C;
K = (Circle(A,B,C))°A.
This is a very old hobby project. Its original goal was to test the interaction of F# with other .NET languages, parser combinators, definitional interpreters and the Visitor pattern, as well as doing some fun geometry.