WebRTC-Signalling-Server originally built for a godot gamejam. might be rough around the edges.
Register Player \ ###!RP \ <PlayerName>
Create Room \ ###!CR \ 'null'
Join Room \ ###!JR \ <RoomUUID>
Seal Room \ ###!SR \ 'null'
Send Message \ ###!SM \ <Message>
Send Offer \ ###!OO \ {id:<RecipientID>,rtc:<WebRTCData>}
Send Answer \ ###!AA \ {id:<RecipientID>,rtc:<WebRTCData>}
Send Candidate \ ###!CC \ {id:<RecipientID>,rtc:<WebRTCData>}
Register Player OK \ ###!RPK \ <PlayerID>
Register Player BAD \ ###!RPB \ <Reason>
Create Room OK \ ###!CRK \ <RoomUUID>
Create Room BAD \ ###!CRB \ <Reason>
Join Room OK \ ###!JRK \ <[PlayerNames]>
Join Room BAD \ ###!JRB \ <Reason>
Connected To Room \ ###!CTR \ <PlayerID>
Room Peer Connected \ ###!RPC \ <PlayerID>
Room Peer Disconnected \ ###!RPD \ <PlayerID>
Seal Room OK \ ###!SRK \ 'null'
Seal Room BAD \ ###!SRB \ <Reason>
Room Message OK \ ###!RMK \ <Message>
Room Message BAD \ ###!RMB \ <Reason>
Issued Command BAD \ ###!ICB \ <Reason>
Player Timed Out \ ###!PTO \ <Reason>
Recieve Offer \ ###!OOO \ {id:<SenderID>,rtc:<WebRTCData>}
Recieve Answer \ ###!AAA \ {id:<SenderID,rtc:<WebRTCData>}
Recieve Candidate \ ###!CCC \ {id:<SenderID>,rtc:<WebRTCData>}
With All The WebRTC related commands, I dont disclose which data should be sent
since this signaling server doesn't care about the data of the message. It only
needs to relay the message to the designated client. thats why i just show it as
Whenever the needed message data is 'null' means that no meaningful data is needed
for the command. for example the client should just send a json message with
command:"##!CR" and data:"null". the server can also send a null response but
only for the command Seal Room Ok.