Summary This is an eCommerce app built with django on the backend and React on the front end. The appealing user interface is designed using Material-UI library. Stripe Api is also used to model a payment platform for the app. This showcases a complete eCommerce web app with real world standards.
Dependencies @emotion/react @emotion/styled @mui/icons-material @mui/material" @stripe/react-stripe-js @stripe/stripe-js axios react react-dom react-router-dom
Features 1 Responsive navigation bar and pages for excellent user experience on all devices 2 Retrieve all products from back-end 3 Retrieve products by categories 4 Search bar to search for products easily 5 Cart feature to add products to cart and remove products from cart 6 Cart feature calculates total price based on number of products added and their quantities. 7 Payment Api(Stripe) to proceed to payment and mimick real word payment feature.
Instructions for setting up the app Clone this repository. Install dependencies by running - yarn install. You may need to install React Stripe.js and Stripe.js by running - yarn install @stripe/react-stripe-js @stripe/stripe-js You will also need to have a .env file containing a stripe api key to use the stripe feature. To get your stripe api key, go and create a free account. run yarn start to view the app.