Hani Alshikh & Philip Gisella
We decided to split the Documentation into two parts, because the two parts are also split in the Code.
The Application of course depends on the Middleware, but the Middleware could be used for other Applications / Games so it should have it's own Documentation.
To play the game please use the provided system.properties as a base for the system configuration.
the system can be toggled to run locally or in a distributed fashion.
if the game should be started in a distributed fashion the DirectoryServer musst be started. It can be found here.
to start a game the GameManager musst be started. The GameManager can be found here.
all in one PDF file of the documentation be found here
The documentation of the application can be found here in our Repository.
The documentation of the Middleware can be found here in our Repository.
The documentation of the messaging protocol can be found here in our Repository.
As suggested we used the arc42 Documentation Template and adjusted it to document our Design Decisions.