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Psake tasks and functions for building Hangfire projects


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Psake tasks and functions for building Hangfire projects with ease, including the following tasks:

  • Create NuGet packages with all files you want to include.
  • Task to update common version of all projects in solution.
  • Target different frameworks (net45, netstandard1.*, etc).
  • Internalize assemblies with ILRepack /internalize (ILRepack NuGet package required).
  • Run unit and integration tests from the command line.
  • AppVeyor support – build version, pre-release packages for the project feed and simple build script.

Please see the Hangfire's psake-project.ps1 file to see the results.


This project is being distributed as a solution-level NuGet package, so open your Package Manager Console window and execute the following command. It needs to be installed into solution folder in order to make it possible to reference its psake-common.ps1 file from the build scripts of the current project.

> dotnet add package Hangfire.Build --package-directory packages

After installing, there are some things to be done. Please go to the packages\Hangfire.Build.*\tools folder and copy the following files to the project root folder:

  • build.bat – bootstrapper script you will call to start the build.
  • psake-project.ps1 – template script for your project, will contain build tasks.


Hangfire.Build project uses convention over configuration to build the project. By default it expects that your directory structure looks like this:

  • .nuget – a directory with solution-wide package config and NuGet.exe executable.
  • build – (created automatically) folder for build artifacts.
  • nuspecs – a directory where *.nuspec files of your project live.
  • packages – a directory for NuGet packages for your project (this is by default in NuGet).
  • src – a directory where your project sources live (in a subdirectories like Hangfire.Core).
  • tests – a directory where your unit and integration tests live (in a subdirectories).

For a full example, you can see the main Hangfire repository.


For quick overview, sample Hangfire.Build project file is available here. Tasks below provide only the base functionality.

Clean task

Cleans the build folder and executes dotnet clean for the with the given configuration.

Restore task

Depends on: Clean.

Restores all the dependencies for all the projects in the current directory with the dotnet restore command with --locked-mode switch to ensure lock file is used.

Compile task

Depends on: Restore.

Simply build all the projects in the current directory, with the dotnet build command and the given configuration. There is no magic here, except perhaps possible integration with AppVeyor. This task explicitly passes the --no-restore switch, because depends on the explicit restore called in the Restore task.

Version task

Updates $src_dir\SharedAssemblyInfo.cs (by default) file's AssemblyVersion value and appveyor.yml files's version setting with the given one.


Run-XunitTests function

Requires xunit.runners NuGet package installed.


  • project: String.

Executes XUnit runner for the given project. This function assumes that common project structure is being used, so it looks for the following assembly: .\tests\{project}\bin\{configuration}\{project}.dll.


Run-XunitTests "Hangfire.Core.Tests"

Run-OpenCover function

Requires xunit.runners and OpenCover NuGet package installed.


  • project: String.
  • coverage_file: String
  • coverage_filter: String

Executes OpenCover with XUnit runner for the given project. This function assumes that common project structure is being used, so it looks for the following assembly: .\tests\{project}\bin\{configuration}\{project}.dll.

Resulting coverage file is merged with an existing one, so you can use multiple projects to get merged coverage report. Please keep in mind that it is up to you to remove the coverage report file to prevent merging with old reports.


$coverage_file = "coverage.xml"
$coverage_filter = "+[Hangfire.*]* -[*.Tests]* -[*]*.Annotations.* -[*]*.Dashboard.* -[*]*.Logging.* -[*]*.ExpressionUtil.*"

Remove-File $coverage_file
Run-OpenCover "Hangfire.Core.Tests" $coverage_file $coverage_filter
Run-OpenCover "Hangfire.SqlServer.Tests" $coverage_file $coverage_filter
Run-OpenCover "Hangfire.SqlServer.Msmq.Tests" $coverage_file $coverage_filter

Repack-Assembly function

Requires ILRepack NuGet package installed.


  • project: String
  • assemblyies: Array of String – list of assembly names to internalize (with no .dll suffix).
  • target: String – target framework

Invokes ILRepack /internalize to merge the given assemblies with the project's main assembly. Main assembly file is resolved as .\src\{project}\bin\{target}\{configuration}\{project}.*, .\src\{project}\bin\{configuration}\{target}\{project}.* or .\src\{project}\bin\{configuration}\{project}.*. It is assumed that merging assemblies are located under the same folder as a main assembly.

After merging, the original project assembly is being overwritted with the result assembly.


Repack-Assembly "Hangfire.Core" @("NCrontab", "CronExpressionDescriptor", "Microsoft.Owin")

Collect-* functions

These function copy build artifacts to the build folder to simplify the building of NuGet packages and archive file generation.

Collect-Assembly {project} [{target}] copies the *.dll, *.xml and *.pdb files to the given build target folder. File names are resolved as .\src\{project}\bin\{target}\{configuration}\{project}.*, .\src\{project}\bin\{configuration}\{target}\{project}.* or .\src\{project}\bin\{configuration}\{project}.*.

Example: Collect-Assembly "Hangfire.Core" "net45"

Collect-Content {file} copies the given file to the {build_dir}\Content folder where file is a relative path to the project root.

Example: Collect-Content src\Hangfire.SqlServer\Install.sql

Collect-Tool {file} copies the given file to the {build_dir}\Tools folder where file is a relative path to the project root.

Create-Package function


  • nuspec – nuspec filename without path and extension.
  • version – the version of a resulting package.

This function executes nuget pack nuspecs\{nuspec}.nuspec command and places the result into the build folder. Before running NuGet.exe executable, it replaces all %version% substrings in a given nuspec files and replaces them with the given version. Starting from 0.3, it also replaces %commit% occurrences with the current commit hash to make source link work.


Create-Package "Hangfire.Build" "0.1.0"

Create-Archive function


  • name – file name for resulting archive, excluding path and extension.

Generates a zip archive with all files in the build folder with the given name. Since version 0.4.0 it uses PowerShell's built-in Compress-Archive cmdlet, so don't require external executables.


Create-Archive "Hangfire-$version"

Sign-ArchiveContents function


  • name – file name of an archive, excluding path and extension.
  • project - signing project slug on SignPath.
  • configuration – artifacts configuration slug on SignPath (default value: initial).

Submits the given archive created with the Create-Archive function to SignPath for signing with the given project and artifacts configuration. For tag-based builds, signing policy name is release-signing-policy, for other builds, signing policy is test-signing-policy.

The command is synchronous and waits for the signing to be completed. After signing, a signed archive is automatically downloaded and extracted with replacing all the files in the {build_dir} directory with the signed ones.


Sign-ArchiveContents "Hangfire-$version" "hangfire" "zip-file-configuration"

Get-SharedVersion function

Returns the version defined in the $src_dir\SharedAssemblyInfo.cs file in AssemblyVersion attribute.

Get-BuildVersion function

Returns the version returned by the Get-SharedVersion and adds a pre-release suffix based on AppVeyor CI build number. If APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG environment variable is set, no pre-release suffix is being appended. Build number is being padded with 0 symbols.

Get-PackageVersion function

If called from a build on AppVeyor, triggered by an added tag that starts with "v$version", where $version is the same as returned by a Get-BuildVersion function (for safety reasons), then returns the rest of a tag, without the "v" letter. Otherwise returns build version.

For example, if you triggered a build by adding a tag v1.6.0-beta4, and current version in your SharedAssemblyInfo.cs file is 1.6.0, then this function returns 1.6.0-beta4. If your assembly info version is 1.5.0, then 1.5.0 version is returned to prevent building newer versions by an accident.


  • 2.0.0-build-00132 – no APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG.
  • 2.0.0APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG is set OR building locally.


This project itself is build with the Hangfire.Build scripts. So, after making the changes, please run the following command to build NuGet packages:



Just make changes and create a pull request :) Please ensure that there is no breaking changes and it is not required to patch all current Hangfire projects.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.