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*+Fix non-Boussinesq MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PGF bug
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  Optionally corrected a bug (essentially a sign error) in the selection of
where MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT is applied in non-Boussinesq test cases.
The (incorrect) non-Boussinesq version of the test for where interfaces are
outside of the range of hydrostatic consistency due to interactions with
bathymetry was converted from the (correct) Boussinesq version without properly
taking into account that pressure increases downward while height increases
upward.  This bug is repeated 12 times in 6 different specific volume integral
routines, including in the analytical specific volume integrals with 4 equations
of state.

  To accommodate these corrections as well as a future expansion of the
mass weighting to apply near the surface under ice-shelves or icebergs, the
previous optional logical argument (useMassWghtInterp) was replaced with a new
optional integer argument (MassWghtInterp) that can be used to encode
information about where this weighting is applied as well as whether to fix this

  This combination of settings (MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT = True and
non-Boussinesq) does not seem to be widely used yet (it is not used in the GFDL
regression suite), so rather than preserving the old (incorrect) solutions by
default, this bug is corrected by default.  However, the previous answers can be
recovered by setting the new runtime parameter MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PGF_NONBOUS_BUG to
true.  This parameter that is only used (and logged) for non-Boussinesq cases
with MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT set to true.  It is intended that this new
runtime bug-fix parameter will be obsoleted with an aggressive schedule if it
is not needed to recreate any production runs.

  In addition, there are two new diagnostics, MassWt_u and MassWt_v, that show
the fractional (0 to 1) effects of the mass weighting in the pressure gradient
forces at the velocity points, along with the new diagnostic subroutines
diagnose_mass_weight_Z and diagnose_mass_weight_p that calculate these
diagnostics by layer in code that replicates the 13 copies for various
equations of state and vertical structures within layers.

  By default, this commit does change answers in non-Boussinesq cases that use
MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT = True, and there is a new runtime parameter
in such cases.  There are also two new diagnostics.  Answers are bitwise
identical in all Boussinesq cases.
  • Loading branch information
Hallberg-NOAA authored and adcroft committed Jul 27, 2024
1 parent 4f1ecf4 commit 1b39d07
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Showing 7 changed files with 378 additions and 162 deletions.
60 changes: 53 additions & 7 deletions src/core/MOM_PressureForce_FV.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module MOM_PressureForce_FV
use MOM_density_integrals, only : int_density_dz_generic_plm, int_density_dz_generic_ppm
use MOM_density_integrals, only : int_spec_vol_dp_generic_plm
use MOM_density_integrals, only : int_density_dz_generic_pcm, int_spec_vol_dp_generic_pcm
use MOM_density_integrals, only : diagnose_mass_weight_Z, diagnose_mass_weight_p
use MOM_ALE, only : TS_PLM_edge_values, TS_PPM_edge_values, ALE_CS

implicit none ; private
Expand All @@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ module MOM_PressureForce_FV
type(time_type), pointer :: Time !< A pointer to the ocean model's clock.
type(diag_ctrl), pointer :: diag !< A structure that is used to regulate the
!! timing of diagnostic output.
logical :: useMassWghtInterp !< Use mass weighting in T/S interpolation
integer :: MassWghtInterp !< A flag indicating whether and how to use mass weighting in T/S interpolation
logical :: use_inaccurate_pgf_rho_anom !< If true, uses the older and less accurate
!! method to calculate density anomalies, as used prior to
!! March 2018.
Expand All @@ -71,6 +72,8 @@ module MOM_PressureForce_FV
integer :: id_rho_pgf = -1 !< Diagnostic identifier
integer :: id_rho_stanley_pgf = -1 !< Diagnostic identifier
integer :: id_p_stanley = -1 !< Diagnostic identifier
integer :: id_MassWt_u = -1 !< Diagnostic identifier
integer :: id_MassWt_v = -1 !< Diagnostic identifier
type(SAL_CS), pointer :: SAL_CSp => NULL() !< SAL control structure
type(tidal_forcing_CS), pointer :: tides_CSp => NULL() !< Tides control structure
end type PressureForce_FV_CS
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,6 +149,10 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_nonBouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_
! interfaces, divided by the grid spacing [L2 T-2 ~> m2 s-2].
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G),SZK_(GV)) :: &
inty_dza ! The change in inty_za through a layer [L2 T-2 ~> m2 s-2].
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)) :: &
MassWt_u ! The fractional mass weighting at a u-point [nondim].
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G),SZK_(GV)) :: &
MassWt_v ! The fractional mass weighting at a v-point [nondim].
real :: p_ref(SZI_(G)) ! The pressure used to calculate the coordinate
! density, [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa] (usually 2e7 Pa = 2000 dbar).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,6 +201,10 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_nonBouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_
alpha_ref = 1.0 / CS%Rho0
I_gEarth = 1.0 / GV%g_Earth

if ((CS%id_MassWt_u > 0) .or. (CS%id_MassWt_v > 0)) then
MassWt_u(:,:,:) = 0.0 ; MassWt_v(:,:,:) = 0.0

if (use_p_atm) then
!$OMP parallel do default(shared)
do j=Jsq,Jeq+1 ; do i=Isq,Ieq+1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,7 +274,7 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_nonBouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_
call int_spec_vol_dp_generic_plm( T_t(:,:,k), T_b(:,:,k), S_t(:,:,k), S_b(:,:,k), &
p(:,:,K), p(:,:,K+1), alpha_ref, dp_neglect, p(:,:,nz+1), G%HI, &
tv%eqn_of_state, US, dza(:,:,k), intp_dza(:,:,k), intx_dza(:,:,k), inty_dza(:,:,k), &
elseif ( CS%Recon_Scheme == 2 ) then
call MOM_error(FATAL, "PressureForce_FV_nonBouss: "//&
"int_spec_vol_dp_generic_ppm does not exist yet.")
Expand All @@ -277,8 +288,11 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_nonBouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_
p(:,:,K+1), alpha_ref, G%HI, tv%eqn_of_state, &
US, dza(:,:,k), intp_dza(:,:,k), intx_dza(:,:,k), &
inty_dza(:,:,k), bathyP=p(:,:,nz+1), dP_tiny=dp_neglect, &
if ((CS%id_MassWt_u > 0) .or. (CS%id_MassWt_v > 0)) &
call diagnose_mass_weight_p(p(:,:,K), p(:,:,K+1), dp_neglect, p(:,:,nz+1), G%HI, &
MassWt_u(:,:,k), MassWt_v(:,:,k))
alpha_anom = 1.0 / GV%Rlay(k) - alpha_ref
do j=Jsq,Jeq+1 ; do i=Isq,Ieq+1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -468,6 +482,8 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_nonBouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_
if (CS%id_e_sal>0) call post_data(CS%id_e_sal, e_sal, CS%diag)
if (CS%id_e_tide_eq>0) call post_data(CS%id_e_tide_eq, e_tide_eq, CS%diag)
if (CS%id_e_tide_sal>0) call post_data(CS%id_e_tide_sal, e_tide_sal, CS%diag)
if (CS%id_MassWt_u>0) call post_data(CS%id_MassWt_u, MassWt_u, CS%diag)
if (CS%id_MassWt_v>0) call post_data(CS%id_MassWt_v, MassWt_v, CS%diag)

end subroutine PressureForce_FV_nonBouss

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -543,6 +559,10 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
! of salinity within each layer [S ~> ppt].
T_t, T_b ! Top and bottom edge values for linear reconstructions
! of temperature within each layer [C ~> degC].
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)) :: &
MassWt_u ! The fractional mass weighting at a u-point [nondim].
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G),SZK_(GV)) :: &
MassWt_v ! The fractional mass weighting at a v-point [nondim].
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)) :: &
rho_pgf, rho_stanley_pgf ! Density [R ~> kg m-3] from EOS with and without SGS T variance
! in Stanley parameterization.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -591,6 +611,10 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
G_Rho0 = GV%g_Earth / GV%Rho0
rho_ref = CS%Rho0

if ((CS%id_MassWt_u > 0) .or. (CS%id_MassWt_v > 0)) then
MassWt_u(:,:,:) = 0.0 ; MassWt_v(:,:,:) = 0.0

if (CS%tides_answer_date>20230630) then
do j=Jsq,Jeq+1 ; do i=Isq,Ieq+1
e(i,j,nz+1) = -G%bathyT(i,j)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -744,27 +768,30 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
rho_ref, CS%Rho0, GV%g_Earth, dz_neglect, G%bathyT, &
G%HI, GV, tv%eqn_of_state, US, CS%use_stanley_pgf, dpa(:,:,k), intz_dpa(:,:,k), &
intx_dpa(:,:,k), inty_dpa(:,:,k), &
useMassWghtInterp=CS%useMassWghtInterp, &
MassWghtInterp=CS%MassWghtInterp, &
use_inaccurate_form=CS%use_inaccurate_pgf_rho_anom, Z_0p=G%Z_ref)
elseif ( CS%Recon_Scheme == 2 ) then
call int_density_dz_generic_ppm(k, tv, T_t, T_b, S_t, S_b, e, &
rho_ref, CS%Rho0, GV%g_Earth, dz_neglect, G%bathyT, &
G%HI, GV, tv%eqn_of_state, US, CS%use_stanley_pgf, dpa(:,:,k), intz_dpa(:,:,k), &
intx_dpa(:,:,k), inty_dpa(:,:,k), &
useMassWghtInterp=CS%useMassWghtInterp, Z_0p=G%Z_ref)
MassWghtInterp=CS%MassWghtInterp, Z_0p=G%Z_ref)
call int_density_dz(tv_tmp%T(:,:,k), tv_tmp%S(:,:,k), e(:,:,K), e(:,:,K+1), &
rho_ref, CS%Rho0, GV%g_Earth, G%HI, tv%eqn_of_state, US, dpa(:,:,k), &
intz_dpa(:,:,k), intx_dpa(:,:,k), inty_dpa(:,:,k), G%bathyT, dz_neglect, &
CS%useMassWghtInterp, Z_0p=G%Z_ref)
CS%MassWghtInterp, Z_0p=G%Z_ref)
if (GV%Z_to_H /= 1.0) then
!$OMP parallel do default(shared)
do j=Jsq,Jeq+1 ; do i=Isq,Ieq+1
intz_dpa(i,j,k) = intz_dpa(i,j,k)*GV%Z_to_H
enddo ; enddo
if ((CS%id_MassWt_u > 0) .or. (CS%id_MassWt_v > 0)) &
call diagnose_mass_weight_Z(e(:,:,K), e(:,:,K+1), dz_neglect, G%bathyT, G%HI, &
MassWt_u(:,:,k), MassWt_v(:,:,k))
!$OMP parallel do default(shared)
do j=Jsq,Jeq+1 ; do i=Isq,Ieq+1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -955,6 +982,8 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_Bouss(h, tv, PFu, PFv, G, GV, US, CS, ALE_CSp, p_atm
if (CS%id_e_sal>0) call post_data(CS%id_e_sal, e_sal, CS%diag)
if (CS%id_e_tide_eq>0) call post_data(CS%id_e_tide_eq, e_tide_eq, CS%diag)
if (CS%id_e_tide_sal>0) call post_data(CS%id_e_tide_sal, e_tide_sal, CS%diag)
if (CS%id_MassWt_u>0) call post_data(CS%id_MassWt_u, MassWt_u, CS%diag)
if (CS%id_MassWt_v>0) call post_data(CS%id_MassWt_v, MassWt_v, CS%diag)

if (CS%id_rho_pgf>0) call post_data(CS%id_rho_pgf, rho_pgf, CS%diag)
if (CS%id_rho_stanley_pgf>0) call post_data(CS%id_rho_stanley_pgf, rho_stanley_pgf, CS%diag)
Expand All @@ -978,6 +1007,8 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_init(Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, CS, SAL_CSp,
real :: Stanley_coeff ! Coefficient relating the temperature gradient and sub-gridscale
! temperature variance [nondim]
integer :: default_answer_date ! Global answer date
logical :: useMassWghtInterp ! If true, use near-bottom mass weighting for T and S
logical :: MassWghtInterp_NonBous_bug ! If true, use a buggy mass weighting when non-Boussinesq
! This include declares and sets the variable "version".
# include "version_variable.h"
character(len=40) :: mdl ! This module's name.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1014,10 +1045,20 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_init(Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, CS, SAL_CSp,
call get_param(param_file, "MOM", "USE_REGRIDDING", use_ALE, &
"If True, use the ALE algorithm (regridding/remapping). "//&
"If False, use the layered isopycnal algorithm.", default=.false. )
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT", CS%useMassWghtInterp, &
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT", useMassWghtInterp, &
"If true, use mass weighting when interpolating T/S for "//&
"integrals near the bathymetry in FV pressure gradient "//&
"calculations.", default=.false.)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PGF_NONBOUS_BUG", MassWghtInterp_NonBous_bug, &
"If true, use a masking bug in non-Boussinesq calculations with mass weighting "//&
"when interpolating T/S for integrals near the bathymetry in FV pressure "//&
"gradient calculations.", &
default=.false., do_not_log=(GV%Boussinesq .or. (.not.useMassWghtInterp)))
CS%MassWghtInterp = 0
if (useMassWghtInterp) &
CS%MassWghtInterp = ibset(CS%MassWghtInterp, 0) ! Same as CS%MassWghtInterp + 1
if ((.not.GV%Boussinesq) .and. MassWghtInterp_NonBous_bug) &
CS%MassWghtInterp = ibset(CS%MassWghtInterp, 3) ! Same as CS%MassWghtInterp + 8
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "USE_INACCURATE_PGF_RHO_ANOM", CS%use_inaccurate_pgf_rho_anom, &
"If true, use a form of the PGF that uses the reference density "//&
"in an inaccurate way. This is not recommended.", default=.false.)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1068,6 +1109,11 @@ subroutine PressureForce_FV_init(Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, CS, SAL_CSp,
'Read-in tidal self-attraction and loading height anomaly', 'meter', conversion=US%Z_to_m)

CS%id_MassWt_u = register_diag_field('ocean_model', 'MassWt_u', diag%axesCuL, Time, &
'The fractional mass weighting at u-point PGF calculations', 'nondim')
CS%id_MassWt_v = register_diag_field('ocean_model', 'MassWt_v', diag%axesCvL, Time, &
'The fractional mass weighting at v-point PGF calculations', 'nondim')

CS%GFS_scale = 1.0
if (GV%g_prime(1) /= GV%g_Earth) CS%GFS_scale = GV%g_prime(1) / GV%g_Earth

Expand Down

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