If you have any questions, please raise them in the issues section or contact me on social media, such as QQ.
- 本项目将闭源部分新功能
- 对于小版本的变动,将不会更新
- 对于大版本的变动,将不再第一时间同步开源
- 会酌情发布release版本
- 在未发布的情况下,如有需要最新的release版本,可以联系@Hasy
Due to the project being abused and causing some bad effects, the following changes have been made to the project's future update schedule:
- Some new features will not be open sourced for this project
- Minor version changes will not be updated.
- For major version changes, it will not be synchronized with open source at the first time.
- Will be released at the discretion of the release version
- In the case of unreleased versions, if you need the latest release version, you can contact the author of the repository(Hasy).
Specifically, if the same type of event occurs again, the project will stop being updated or removed altogether
- Most codes are based on SysBot.Pokemon.Twitch
- Uses dodo-open-net as a dependency via Nuget.
- 代码基于 SysBot.Pokemon.Twitch编写。
- 使用dodo-open-net的Nuget包作为项目依赖项使用。
- Support ALM-Showdown-Sets
- Support PK8 PB8 PA8 PK9 file upload
- Support Customized Chinese to ALM-Showdown-Sets translation- Support
- Support Card Message and Picture Message
- Support Batch Trade
- 支持使用 ALM-Showdown-Sets 进行交换
- 支持 PK8、PB8、PA8、pk9 文件上传交换
- 支持自定义的中文模版格式进行交换
- 支持卡片消息和图片消息
- 支持批量交换
Set the bot on DoDo: https://docs.qq.com/doc/DSVVZZk9saUNTeHNn ( This document is forked by @easy_world )
Use the bot: https://docs.qq.com/doc/DVWdQdXJPWllabm5t
DoDo搭建指南: https://docs.qq.com/doc/DSVVZZk9saUNTeHNn ( 此文档复制自 @easy_world编写的文档 )
- Most codes are based on SysBot.Pokemon.Twitch
- Uses Mirai.Net as a dependency via Nuget.
- 代码基于 SysBot.Pokemon.Twitch 编写。
- 使用 Mirai.Net的Nuget包作为项目依赖项使用。
- Support ALM-Showdown-Sets
- Support PK8 PB8 PA8 PK9 bin(only for SV)file upload
- Support Customized Chinese to ALM-Showdown-Sets translation- Support
- Support using ALM-Showdown-Sets to trade the battle team
- Support using ALM-Showdown-Sets to trade the battle team
- 支持使用 ALM-Showdown-Sets 进行交换
- 支持 PK8、PB8、PA8、pk9、bin(目前只支持朱紫上传箱子文件)文件上传交换
- 支持自定义的中文模版格式进行交换
- 支持使用ALM-Showdown-Sets组建的对战队伍交换
(These documents are written by @Hasy)
- Set: https://docs.qq.com/doc/DVkx4TUNOWUhMWUpC
- Use: https://docs.qq.com/doc/DVlRTc01SVlhaUUZn
- Settings: https://docs.qq.com/doc/DVmxhQ0xOWnRuS094
(文档由 @Hasy 编写)
- QQ机器人搭建参考: https://docs.qq.com/doc/DVkx4TUNOWUhMWUpC
- QQ机器人指令参考:https://docs.qq.com/doc/DVlRTc01SVlhaUUZn
- QQ设置中参数说明: https://docs.qq.com/doc/DVmxhQ0xOWnRuS094
感谢 Microsoft 对于项目提供的支持!这正是开源项目发展的动力!
感谢 JetBrains 对于项目提供的支持!这正是开源项目发展的动力!