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MiLibrisReaderSDK is the new miLibris reading SDK (previously called MLPDFReaderSDK). It includes the MLFoundation library which allows unpacking miLibris contents.



Please only open an issue if it concerns the usage of the reader SDK. For any other issue regarding the miLibris platform or API, contact miLibris support.



MiLibrisReaderSDK requires iOS 11 or later, Xcode 13 or later. The SDK is provided as a dynamic XCFramework.

Every app using the SDK must be configured with a licence key provided by miLibris. A licence key cannot be used in more than one application.

  • In your Xcode project, open your main target Info.plist
  • Add a new key named MiLibrisReaderSDKLicenceKey of type String.
  • In the value field, add the licence key provided by miLibris.

Installation via Swift Package Manager

Sample app

An example of an Xcode project with Swift Package Manager integration is available in this repository. To use it:

  • Open sample_swiftpackagemanager/MiLibrisReaderSDKSample.xcodeproj

Installation via CocoaPods

Requires CocoaPods >= 1.9

  • Add the following line in your Podfile:

pod 'MiLibrisReaderSDK', '~> 0.0'

  • Run pod install

Sample app

An example of an Xcode project with CocoaPods integration is available in this repository. To use it:

  • In the sample_cocoapods directory, run pod install
  • Open sample_cocoapods/MiLibrisReaderSDKSample.xcworkspace

Installation via Carthage

Requires Carthage >= 0.38

  • Add the following line in your Cartfile:

binary "" ~> 0.0

  • In the project directory, run carthage update --use-xcframeworks

Sample app

An example of an Xcode project with Carthage integration is available in this repository. To use it:

  • In the sample_carthage directory, run carthage update --use-xcframeworks
  • Open sample_carthage/MiLibrisReaderSDKSample.xcodeproj

Manual installation

Sample app

An example of an Xcode project with manual integration is available in this repository. To use it:

Migrating from MLPDFReaderSDK v1

  • First remove the previous SDK from your project, depending on your installation method:

    • Swift Package Manager: in your Xcode project editor, select your project, then select the tab "Package dependencies", then delete the package "MLPDFReaderSDK"
    • CocoaPods: in your Podfile, remove the line pod 'MLPDFReaderSDK', then run pod install
    • Carthage: in your Cartfile, remove the line with MLPDFReaderSDK, then run carthage update, then remove references to the framework in your Xcode project
    • Manual installation: delete MLPDFReaderSDK.xcframework from your project directory, then remove references to the framework in your Xcode project
  • Follow the instructions in the previous sections to install the new SDK.

  • In your Swift code, replace import MLPDFReaderSDK with import MiLibrisReaderSDK.

  • Follow the instructions in the next sections to migrate your code to use the new SDK.


⚠️ The SDK is written in Swift and is not usable from Objective-C files.

The sample projects contain working examples of the following steps.

Usual workflow

In order to read content with the SDK, your application will likely implement the following steps:

  • Download a complete archive (with the *.complete extension) from the miLibris platform
  • Extract the archive to a directory in the app storage
  • Open the reader to read the unpacked content

Extract a complete archive

A complete archive can be unpacked with the MLArchive class. This can be done as a post-download step:

import MiLibrisReaderSDK

do {
    // archiveURL: the file URL to the .complete file that was downloaded from the miLibris platform
    // releaseURL: a file URL to an available directory where the content of the archive will be extracted
    try MLArchive.extract(archiveURL, inDirectory: releaseURL)
} catch {
    // something went wrong: maybe there is no archive at archiveURL, maybe the releaseURL directory cannot be written...
    print("Error when unpacking content: \(error)")

Open the reader

Once an archive has been downloaded and extracted, it can be opened with a few lines of code:

import MiLibrisReaderSDK

class MyViewController: UIViewController {

    func openReader() {
        // Instantiate a miLibris datasource for your release
        let datasource = XmlpdfDatasource(releasePath: releasePath, articlesLanguageCode: .frFR)

        // Instantiate the reader
        let reader = Reader(datasource: datasource)

        // Present it from a view controller of your app
        reader.presentReaderViewController(from: self)


Optional features

Provide an image view for transitions

If you are already displaying the cover page of the issue to open in your UI, you can provide the image view to the reader in order to have nice transitions when opening or closing the reader. To do so, you must implement the reader delegate and return your image view:

import MiLibrisReaderSDK

class MyViewController: UIViewController, ReaderDelegate {

    func openReader() {
        // [...]

        // Set this before presenting the reader
        reader.delegate = self

        // [...]

    // MARK: ReaderDelegate

    var imageViewForReaderPresentation: UIImageView? {
        // Provide an image view that is displaying the cover of the issue.
        // It will be used for open and close transitions.
        // If you return nil, a default cover transition will be used.
        return coverImageView


Resume reading at the last read page

When users close the reader and later open the same issue again, they might expect the reader to open at the last page that they consulted. You can implement this feature in two steps:

  • Implement the reader delegate to save the last page consulted by a user
  • Open the reader with the last consulted page
import MiLibrisReaderSDK

class MyViewController: UIViewController, ReaderDelegate {

    private var lastSelectedPage: Int?

    func openReader() {
        // [...]

        // Set this before presenting the reader
        reader.delegate = self
        reader.initialPageNumber = lastSelectedPage ?? 1

        // [...]

    // MARK: ReaderDelegate

    func readerViewController(_ readerViewController: UIViewController, didMoveToPageNumbers pageNumbers: [Int]) {
        print("Did move to page numbers \(pageNumbers)")
        lastSelectedPage = pageNumbers.first

    func didDismissReaderViewController(_ readerViewController: UIViewController) {
        // Here you can persist lastSelectedPage for later use


Apply your branding to the reader UI

Many components of the reader UI can be customized to match your brand. The SDK provides a method to quickly apply your brand color and logo:

import MiLibrisReaderSDK

class MyViewController: UIViewController {

    func openReader() {
        // [...]

        // Set this before presenting the reader
            mainTintColor: .red,
            mainTintColorComplement: .white,
            logoImage: UIImage(named: "myLogo"),
            logoBackgroundColor: .white

        // [...]


You can also (or in addition to the previous method) individually customize every element of the UI. To do so, mutate the reader.config struct before opening the reader. The complete reference can be found in Docs/ For example:

import MiLibrisReaderSDK

class MyViewController: UIViewController {

    func openReader() {
        // [...]

        // Set this before presenting the reader
        reader.config.colors.background = .red
        reader.config.articleReader.features.isTextToSpeechEnabled = false

        // Apply the same changes to all navigation bars

        // [...]


extension NavigationBarConfig {

    mutating func applyMyConfig() {
        colors.titleText = .blue
        fonts.title = .custom(UIFont(name: "myfont", size: 12))


Support dark mode

If your application already supports dark mode, it will also be available in the reader.

If not, you can still make it available in the reader with a few steps:

  • In your app's Info.plist, delete the line UIUserInterfaceStyle to opt in to dark mode support
  • In the initialization code of the root view controller of your application, disable dark mode:
overrideUserInterfaceStyle = .light // disable dark mode
  • Every time you present a view controller modally, disable dark mode on it:
viewControllerToPresent.overrideUserInterfaceStyle = .light // disable dark mode
present(viewControllerToPresent, animated: true)

Integrate with your analytics solution

You can register a class as a delegate to the reader. This will allow you to receive various events from the reader, that you can then send to your analytics solution:

import MiLibrisReaderSDK

class MyViewController: UIViewController, ReaderDelegate {

    func openReader() {
        // [...]

        // Set this before presenting the reader
        reader.delegate = self

        // [...]

    // MARK: ReaderDelegate

    func readerViewController(_ readerViewController: UIViewController, didMoveToPageNumbers pageNumbers: [Int]) {
        print("Did move to page numbers \(pageNumbers)")

    func articleReaderViewController(
        _ articleReaderViewController: UIViewController, didOpenArticle article: ArticlePreview
    ) {
        print("Did open article \(article.articleId): \(article.title)")


See the definition of ReaderDelegate for a complete list of events.

Provide article sharing functionality

You can provide a sharing provider to the reader in order to add a "Share" button on articles. Your sharing provider is responsible for providing the URL to share for an article.

import MiLibrisReaderSDK

class MyViewController: UIViewController {

    func openReader() {
        // [...]

        // Set this before presenting the reader
        reader.sharingProvider = MyWebsiteSharingProvider()

        // [...]


class MyWebsiteSharingProvider: SharingProvider {

    func articleSharingURL(article: ArticlePreview) throws -> URL {
        // You could use the miLibris article identifier or the article title to match with articles on your website
        return URL(string: "\(article.articleId)")!


The SDK also provides the implementation for sharing an article with a miLibris web kiosk.

⚠️ Before implementing this protocol, contact miLibris support to make sure that the sharing feature is supported by your web kiosk.

import MiLibrisReaderSDK

class MyViewController: UIViewController {

    func openReader() {
        // [...]

        // Set this before presenting the reader
        let issueId = "milibris-issue-id" // The MID of the issue being opened, as returned by the miLibris API
        reader.sharingProvider = MyMiLibrisSharingProvider(issueId: issueId)

        // [...]


class MyMiLibrisSharingProvider: MiLibrisWebKioskSharingProvider {

    var kioskBaseURL: URL {
        return URL(string: "")!

    let issueId: String

    init(issueId: String) {
        self.issueId = issueId


Provide article bookmark functionality

You can provide a bookmark provider to the reader in order to add a "Bookmark" button on articles. Your bookmark provider is responsible for managing the on/off state of bookmarks.

The reader does not include a list of bookmarked articles. It should be developed in your app.

import MiLibrisReaderSDK

class MyViewController: UIViewController {

    func openReader() {
        // [...]

        // Set this before presenting the reader
        reader.bookmarkProvider = MyBookmarkProvider()

        // [...]


class MyBookmarkProvider: BookmarkProvider {

    // In a typical application, this list is persisted somewhere
    var bookmarkedArticlesIds = Set<String>()

    // MARK: BookmarkProvider

    func isArticleBookmarked(_ article: ArticlePreview) -> Bool {
        return bookmarkedArticlesIds.contains(article.articleId)

    func setIsArticleBookmarked(
        _ isBookmarked: Bool,
        article: ArticlePreview,
        from viewController: UIViewController,
        actionSource: BookmarkActionSource
    ) -> Bool {
        if isBookmarked {
            print("Added article to bookmarks: \(article.title)")
        } else {
            print("Removed article from bookmarks: \(article.title)")

        // Return true if the operation was successful, false otherwise.
        return true


Customize logging

By default, the reader will print warnings and errors to the Xcode console. You can change the log level if you want to:

import MiLibrisReaderSDK

Logger.minLogLevel = .debug

You can also implement logging yourself, for example to plug the reader messages to your own logging solution:

import MiLibrisReaderSDK

Logger.shared = MyLogger.self

class MyLogger: LoggerType {

    static func log(_ message: String, file: String, function: String, line: Int, level: LogLevel) {
        print("[MYLOGGER] \(level.emoji) \(message)")


Present your own article reader

If you want to present your own article reader instead of the one provided by the SDK, you can do so using the reader delegate:

import MiLibrisReaderSDK

class MyViewController: UIViewController, ReaderDelegate {

    func openReader() {
        // [...]

        // Set this before presenting the reader
        reader.delegate = self

        // [...]

    // MARK: ReaderDelegate

    func readerViewController(
        _ readerViewController: UIViewController & ArticleReaderDelegate,
        shouldDisplayArticle article: ArticlePreview
    ) -> Bool {
        let myArticleViewController = MyArticleViewController()
        myArticleViewController.article = article
        myArticleViewController.delegate = readerViewController
        readerViewController.present(myArticleViewController, animated: true)
        return false


class MyArticleViewController: UIViewController {

    var article: ArticlePreview?

    weak var delegate: ArticleReaderDelegate?



Reader SDK for the miLibris platform






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  • Swift 91.1%
  • Ruby 8.9%