AMNH Hack the Deep - Map the Collections Challenge
Hack the Deep 2/10/2018-2/11/2018
Collaboration with the following teams/repos:
Map Visualization Team
Initial approach was to create an interactive web map application to show the cleaned collections dataset. Frontend assumed cleaned collections data would be fed from an api (backend team created a custom data api for this purpose).
Geocoding team took on the challenge of converting the disperse geographic information in the tables into usable geographic data (lng/lats). Used the Google Maps API service for returning workable geographic coordinates.
A second approach taken, for tables that had lat/lng fields already, was to load into a PostGIS-enabled database and use PostGIS SQL spatial functions to store as a "geometry" data type, with encoded coordinate reference system.
- Frontend Map Stack
- Mapping Libraries
- Python jupyter notebook (with cartopy library) for prototyping, inspecting the geographic data.
- Leaflet.js
- Mapboxgl.js
- D3.js for thematic mapping of collections data and information visualizations accompanying web map.
- Basemap (tile server)
- Used Mapbox vector tile service for simplicity, so that we would not have to spin up our own tile server.
- Mapping Libraries
- Geospatial processing
- Google Maps Geocoding API - used for...geocoding
- Turf.js (can be used in Node.js or in dynamically in the browser)
- PostGIS (spatial extension for PostgreSQL) - used in development for converting lng/lat fields into geographic points
- GDAL/OGR2OGR - using the postgis driver to output geojson file. See here for makefile.
- Defining "regions" on which to sort/filter the collections data on the map. The data given has various scales of geographic detail. Cartographically decisions need to be made about what constitutes a region. Do we use ecoregions / natural areas, or do you use political boundaries (countries) because that is convenient given the data detail?
- From the UI, when showing the map, how to represent the points that do not have geographic coordinates?
- Geocoded ~45k collection records
- Represented the geocoded collections visually using a variety of mapping libraries.
- Convert from a excel-based data storage/management to a collections database, with constraints to encourage/enforce ongoing data quality & consistency.
- Develop an interactive frontend application to explore collections. This might mean using a view framework like React with a state-management tool so that the interactivity on the map & accompanying graphs can be linked.
- Develop specific thematic maps / cartography to tell various stories about the collections (themed by type of collection, taxonomic names, year of discover, etc.)
- Integrate external datasets to provide context about the spatial distribution of collections records. Examples:
- May want to run a GIS server to feed tiled datasets (for custom basemap, external datasets) to the collection mapper/viewer frontend application.
With git configured and NodeJS with NPM (>=5.2) installed:
- Check requirements
$ npm --version # should be 5.2 or greater
- Clone the repository
git clone $
# cd into the repository
$ cd map-collections-mapviz
- Install node dependencies & run local webpack server
$ npm install
$ npm start