This is a Dockerfile to build an image of PHP5.3.29-fpm
This is needed to support rewrite legacy PHP apps depending on deprecated and removed functionality, such as:
- register_globals
- magic_quotes_gpc
Check what is enabled in the volumes/conf.d/php.ini
You may use the volumes of the container in the ./volumes
- You may edit the configs in the
and restart the container - You may view the php-fpm log in the
You will need to have git and docker installed.
sudo apt-get install git
curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
sudo usermod -aG docker [user_name]
sudo apt-get install docker-compose
git clone
cd rpi-docker-php5.3.29-fpm
Before building, feel free to edit:
- Dockerfile (edit if running not on a Raspberry Pi)
- docker-compose.yml
- volumes/conf.d/php.ini
- volumes/conf.d/php-fpm.conf
This container runs under a non-privileged www-data
user, you will have to have it in your host system, and set the permissions on thevolumes
sudo usermod -aG www-data [YOUR_USER]
exec su -l $USER
sudo chown www-data:www-data -R ./volumes
sudo chmod 770 -R ./volumes
To build a container, run the following command:
export WWWUNAME=www-data && export WWWUID=$(id -u $WWWUNAME) && export WWWGID=$(id -g $WWWUNAME)
docker-compose up -d
Note : This was developed for a Raspberry Pi, should work just fine on any other OS.
Just change the
FROM balenalib/raspberrypi3-alpine:latest
to something like
FROM alpine:latest
Please contribute.