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This is the code for the project in Interface Programming with a User Perspective at Uppsala university. Our project is a game called PreGame2, which you can play together with your friends and family.

File Dependencies

This outlines the dependencies and relationships between the files in the project.

Frontend Components

1. src/components/BarsComponent.vue

  • Purpose: Displays data as a series of vertical bars, typically used for visualizing poll results.
  • Dependencies:
    • Receives labels (array of labels for each bar) and data (an object mapping labels to values) as props.
  • Used In: ResultView.vue as a child component to display poll results graphically.

2. src/components/QuestionComponent.vue

  • Purpose: Displays a single question and its answer options as buttons.
  • Dependencies:
    • Accepts a question prop (object with q for question text and a for an array of answer options).
    • Emits an answer event when an answer is selected.
  • Used In: PollView.vue as a child component to display a poll question and handle user responses.

3. src/components/ReorderQuestion.vue

  • Purpose: Allows users to reorder items (e.g., poll options) interactively using drag-and-drop.
  • Dependencies:
    • Contains its own local data (question and currentlyMoving) but is generally standalone.
  • Used In: Could be included in a view to handle special polls requiring reordering logic.

4. src/components/ResponsiveNav.vue

  • Purpose: Implements a responsive navigation bar with dynamic content slots.
  • Dependencies:
    • Accepts hideNav as a prop to control its visibility.
    • Relies on slots for rendering navigation links or buttons dynamically.
  • Used In: StartView.vue as part of the main navigation structure.

5. src/views/ResultView.vue

  • Purpose: Displays poll results, including the current question and its answers.
  • Dependencies:
    • Uses BarsComponent.vue to visualize submitted answers.
    • Relies on props for question and submittedAnswers to render the view.
  • Used In: Router view when the user navigates to the results page.

6. src/views/StartView.vue

  • Purpose: Acts as the entry point of the application, showing navigation options and allowing users to join or create polls.
  • Dependencies:
    • Uses ResponsiveNav.vue for navigation.
    • Communicates with the server to retrieve UI labels and poll details.
  • Used In: Router view for the application’s root route (/).

Router Configuration

1. src/router/index.js

  • Purpose: Defines the routes for the application and sets up Vue Router for navigation.
  • Dependencies:
    • StartView.vue: Mapped to the root route (/).
    • PollView.vue: Lazy-loaded for viewing a poll.
    • LobbyView.vue: Lazy-loaded for accessing a lobby.
    • CreateView.vue: Lazy-loaded for creating a poll.
    • ResultView.vue: Lazy-loaded for displaying poll results.
  • Key Features:
    • Uses createWebHistory for HTML5 history mode, removing hash (#) from URLs.
    • Lazy-loads components for improved performance.

Backend Files

1. server/Data.js

  • Purpose: Manages all server-side data, including polls, questions, answers, and participants.
  • Dependencies:
    • Reads label files dynamically based on the requested language (getUILabels method).
    • Interacts with other server-side files (e.g., sockets.js) to handle poll creation, question updates, and user submissions.
  • Used In: index.js to provide centralized data management for WebSocket events.

2. server/sockets.js

  • Purpose: Handles WebSocket events and interactions between clients and the server.
  • Dependencies:
    • Relies on the Data.js file for managing poll data and processing requests.
    • Uses the io and socket objects to manage WebSocket connections and broadcast updates.
  • Used In: index.js to define WebSocket event listeners.

3. server/index.js

  • Purpose: Initializes the HTTP and WebSocket servers, handles cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), and connects the server-side functionality.
  • Dependencies:
    • Imports and initializes Data.js to manage server-side data.
    • Loads sockets.js to define WebSocket event listeners.
    • Uses for real-time communication and http to create the server.
  • Used As: The main entry point for running the backend server.

General Dependencies

  • Frontend:

    • Vue Router: Used for routing between views (e.g., StartView.vue, PollView.vue, ResultView.vue).
    • WebSocket: Used to communicate with the backend for real-time updates.
    • CSS/SCSS: Used to style components (main.css and scoped styles in each component).
  • Backend:

    • fs Module: Used in Data.js to load language label files dynamically.
    • Used for WebSocket communication between the server and clients.

Component Flow

  1. StartView.vue: The user enters the application and can navigate to create or join a poll.
  2. PollView.vue: Displays the current poll question using QuestionComponent.vue. Handles user responses.
  3. ResultView.vue: Shows poll results using BarsComponent.vue for visualization.
  4. Backend (index.js, Data.js, sockets.js): Manages the poll data, processes responses, and broadcasts updates to connected clients.

Customize configuration

See Vite Configuration Reference.

Project Setup

npm install

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

npm run dev

Note that this command starts two servers – a Vite server and a simple data and socket communication server.

Compile and Minify for Production

npm run build

Lint with ESLint

npm run lint


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  • Vue 62.4%
  • JavaScript 36.7%
  • Other 0.9%