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Getting Started

  • Download NodeJS 10
  • Download NPM
  • Clone this repository git clone
  • Copy the sample_config.js into config.js. It should be preconfigured for the HBT Power Dev System (only reachable with a VPN connection)
    • For experimenting purposes, you can switch to the HBT Power Production system by using as base URL instead of
    • The config determines which APIs are called. It has to be set, otherwise you'll see a lot of errors.
  • npm install
  • npm run start
  • Open your browser, navigate to localhost:3000/power. You should see the HBT Power profile selection screen


  • All .tsx files are located in the modules directory
    • modules/admin contains the admin space
    • modules/home is the profile editing space
    • modules/general contains shared components
    • modules/metadata contains metadata like build information
    • modules/navigation contains navigation related components
  • pwr-webclient uses redux as state management. Everything redux-related is in the reducers folder
  • The model folder contains a commonly shared data model
  • localization contains the webclients localization feature
  • clients are wrappers around axios that enable a streamlined communcation with the power-API, including centralized error handling with notifications
  • utils...contains utilities

Working locally

  • config.js is still in a reworking phase. For now, profile + skill service are already using the new configuration
  • Start the service locally
  • Set the URL in config.js.
    • For the pwr-profile-service, set POWER_PROFILE_SERVICE_URL to http://localhost:9004 (Default profile service port)
    • For the pwr-skill-service, set POWER_SKILL_SERVICE_URL to http://localhost:<port> (Default skill service port)
  • Authorization & Authentication is done by the central HBT gateway. Therefor, when working locally, authorization is not necessary.
  • To get some testdata, simply go into the admin panel and create a new consultant. You can then begin to edit the profile.


Quick notes - dos and dont's

  • Do use the PowerLocalizer to render output text
  • Do use string values in enums, especially when they are used by redux.

http clients

tl;dr usage

To use the http clients, simply use the instance() function:

    .then(buildInfo => {/* do stuff*/})


This webclient comes with a bunch of pre-built webclients that communicate with the backend APIs. Each of these clients takes care of cross cutting concerns:

  • If applicable, the requestPending value is set, indicting that a loading spinner is to be show
  • On request end, the requestPending value is set to false, removing the spinner
  • The client automatically extracts the payload, discarding meta-information of the response (which should not be needed.)
  • If an error occurs, the client will use the webclients Alerts to display an error to the user.
    • Errors are always re-thrown, so you can later catch them again to perform custom error logic.

Framework-Agnostic Components

  • Try to use components from /modules/general as much as possible. These aim to streamline the visuals of power.


  • Try to use the PwrButton or PwrIconButton component. As per material-design guide, use
    • Icon buttons in toolbars and action bars
    • Normal buttons in other contexts
  • Buttons should always have an icon. Icon buttons require a tooltip while normal buttons should always be as descriptive as possible.
  • Buttons with an icon should have their icon on the right.


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