Ubuntu Distribution | Ubuntu 20.04 - Focal Fossa |
ROS1 Distribution | noetic |
This repository provides scripts to open a door with a Kinova arm Gen3 with 7 DoF using the Vision module to obtain the coordinates of the door's handle.
git clone [email protected]:HBRS-SDP/ws23-door-opening.git
- Refer to the Github ros_kortex repo to get information about the packages to interact with Kortex
[email protected]:Kinovarobotics/ros_kortex.git
- Refer to the ros_kortex_vision repo to get information about the access to the Kinova Vision module.
[email protected]:Kinovarobotics/ros_kortex_vision.git
- Turn the Kinova arm on
- Connect the pc with cable ethernet
- Make sure that the IP from your computer is connected to the same network as the arm
Type the Kinova arm IP in your browser to check if your connection was successful
- Go to
- Verify that the IP adress (line 21) matches the arm's IP
- Add default gripper (line 13)
<arg name="gripper" default="robotiq_2f_85" if="$(eval arg('arm') == 'gen3')"/>
For every terminal that is used:
- Source ros .*sh files
source /opt/ros/netic/setup.bash
- Source ros devel folder
source devel/setup.bash
- Build the code in the workspace
catkin build
- Launch the following files for arm movement:
roslaunch kortex_driver kortex_driver.launch
- Launch the following files for initializing the kinova_vision node:
roslaunch kinova_vision kinova_vision.launch
rosrun rviz rviz
Subscribe to the following topics:
- /camera/color/image_raw
- /camera/depth_registered/points
- Install PlotJuggler
rosrun plotjuggler plotjuggler
- Launch it with the command
rosrun plotjuggler plotjuggler
- Under the
tab selectROS topic Subscriber
- Grab the topics you want to visualize to the tab in the right
For more information of how to use PlotJuggler, visit PlotJuggler