Youtube-like Preview List in React 18 with TypeScript using the Next.js framework.
Deployed using Vercel, the running live project can be acessed here.
- Node.js 18.17 or later
Install the dependencies using yarn after cloning this repo:
Then just:
yarn dev
- Main
- Design System
- Fetching & Caching
- Images
- Code Helpers (for re-render, comparison, etc)
- Development Helpers
- Lint
- Git Hooks
- Husky
- Lint Staged
- Commits with Conventional Commits
- Add Icon
- Add Favicon
- Add Unit Testing: Vitest for example
- Add e2e Testing: Playwright for example
- Add Observability: Sentry for example
- Add .env variables
- Enable CI/CD: GitHub Actions for example
- I left some "TODOs" in the code
- Pull Request rules:
- Branch Rules
- PR Template