Pytorch implementation of IB-GAN, AAAI 2021
Official Repository is here
To resolve the dependencies, run command(require Anaconda)
conda create --name <env> --file requirements.txt
- dsprites
- CelebA
- 3DChairs
for dsprites,
# Download dsprite dataset
sudo bash dsprites
for CelebA,
# Download CelebA dataset
sudo bash 3DChairs
for 3D Chairs
# Download 3D Chairs dataset
sudo bash CelebA
With following command and config file, you can train and test the network.
python <config file path>
Here is the sample config file. Please follow the template.
Set train: 1 for train, train: 0 for test.
In configs directory, there are configs files I used for each dataset.
"id": "IBGAN-dsprites",
"model": "IBGAN",
"dataset": "dsprites",
"path_to_data": "./data/dsprites",
"train" : 1,
"resolution": 64,
"z_dim": 16,
"r_dim": 10,
"ngf": 16,
"ndf": 16,
"nc": 1,
"weight_init": "normal",
"training": {
"max_iters": 1.5e5,
"noise_iters": 1e5,
"resume_iters": 0,
"restored_model_path": "",
"batch_size": 128,
"lr_E": 5e-5,
"lr_G": 5e-5,
"lr_Q": 5e-5,
"lr_D": 1e-6,
"weight_decay": 0.0,
"beta1" : 0.5,
"beta2" : 0.999,
"milestones": [],
"scheduler_gamma": 0.5,
"gan_loss_type": "GAN",
"opt_type": "RMS",
"label_smoothing": 0,
"instance_noise": 1,
"noise_start": 1.0,
"noise_end": 0.0,
"start": -1.1,
"end": 1.1,
"steps": 10,
"gan_weight": 1.0,
"upper_weight": 0.141,
"print_freq": 100,
"sample_freq": 2000,
"model_save_freq": 5000
"test_iters": 50000,
"batch_size" : 1,
"test_seed" : [42, 62, 1024, 72, 92] ,
"start": -3.0,
"end": 3.0,
"steps": 10,
"test_path": ""
Attribute | Latent Traversal Result |
PosX | |
PosY | |
Scale | |
Rotation | |
Shape |
Attribute | Latent Traversal Result |
Azimuth | |
Hair Color | |
Smile | |
Background | |
Skintone | |
Gender |
Attribute | Latent Traversal Result |
Scale | |
Leg | |
Azimuth |
Pretrained models for 3 datasets are available: here
I appreciate the helps from the author of the paper, Insu Jeon([email protected])
Also, I got help from these repositories
- (IB-GAN aaai version)
- (IB-GAN arxiv version)