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App Settings

Ole Albers edited this page Feb 17, 2023 · 2 revisions

Before modifying the config always make sure you escape correctly, especially in URLs / paths. So dont write https:// but https:\/\/ instead

🔮 = That feature is not yet implemented but can already be configured

Setting Description
Disclaimer The Disclaimer/AGB that is shown on the Registration page that the user has to accept
-> Enabled Show Donation information
-> Caption What text to display as donation information
-> Targets Urls to external donation sites
--> Name Displayname from Target
--> Url Url from Target
--> Icon Icon to display
-> Ping Urls to Ping when calling service with "ping" parameter
🔮-> Available Available languages (currently the user cannot select one)
-> Default Language to use
-> Active Current Mode. Can be Active (anyone can register), Invite (only invited users can register), Closed (noone can register)
-> AutoInvite If the number of users reaches this amount the Active Mode automatically switches from Open to Invite
-> AutoClose if the number of users reaches this amount the Active Mode automatically switches to Closed
-> AllowedInstances Comma-Seperated List of allowed Mastodon-Instances (null=all are allowed)
-> Modes.BlockedInstances Comma-Seperated List of forbidden Mastodon-Instances (null=none are forbidden)
-> Modes.AllowBots Allow Mastodon-Bot-Accounts to use this service?
-> Modes.MaxTootsPerDay Maximum number of daily allowed toots (at the time of registering)
-> Instance The Instance the Service Account is hosted on
-> Accountname Accountname (including instance) of the service account
-> ClientName Name to be displayed on html-pages
-> Url The Url t2t is hosted
-> Suffix The Suffix that is added to any automatic toot from the service
-> MinDelay Minimum delay the user can choose
-> MaxDelay Maximum delay the user can choose
-> 🔮AuthFailureDeleteDays Number of days after which a user account is deleted once an auth-error on Mastodo or Twitter occured
-> MaxImageSize Maximum Filesize for images in MB
-> MaxMaxGifSize Maximum Filesize for GIFs in MB
-> MaxVideoSize Maximum Filesize for videos in MB
-> MinSplitLength Number of characters after which a tweet is split into a thread even if no space is found
-> Characterlimit Number of allowed characters per tweet
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