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Ole Albers edited this page Jun 19, 2020 · 2 revisions

Configure P2V

Configuration can be done in the appsettings.json. The most important part is the Ffmpeg-Region. Simply add the path for the directory containing ffmpeg and you should be ready to go.


Every visible Element can be modified. This takes place in the Podcast-Region. If you for example want to change the Font of an episode title simply change the following value:

  "Podcast": {     
   "Title": {     
     "Font": {
       "Name": "Tahoma",
       "Size": 10

Colors are always defined by the "Brush"-Property. This property can contain any of the "Known Colors". If you want an element to be inivisble use the color "Transparent".

If you need a color not in this list you can use the argb-value instead (as integer)


"Brush": "4294927175"

Both examples display the same red color, the second being the argb-value ("FFFF6347" in hex)

Overwrite configuration

If you want to change the appearance for a single conversation instead of a global setting you can modify ANY Setting from within the "Podcast"-region by the "-c" startup-parameter:


p2v <rssFeed> -c Podcast.Icon.Height 12
p2v <rssFeed> -c Podcast.Episode.Timeline.Brush Green -c Podcast.Episode.Timeline.Width 240
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