Simplified installation and usage of the TYPO3 official Docker image t3docs/render-documentation for rendering TYPO3 documentation using ddev.
As we are using a very common toolset for TYPO3 development, most people should already fulfill this prerequisites and just can head to :ref:`quick-start`.
- Check System Requirements: We support recent versions of macOS, Windows 10, and Linux distributions that will run Docker (ddev requires Docker and docker-compose).
- Git Bash on Windows: Download and install Git including Git Bash. It's recommended running ddev in a Git Bash shell on Windows.
- Install ddev and prerequisites: Follow the instructions of the ddev documentation.
- Download and extract: Get the latest ddev project files from Github and extract the archive to an empty folder of your choice.
- Copy the Documentation: Copy an existing Documentation folder into the previously created folder.
- Render the Documentation: Open a shell and run
ddev t3rd makehtml
- Review the Documentation: Open a browser and head to the rendered Documentation.