A mobile-friendly web app for homeless folks to find shelters and services.
Concept document:
Service locations are hosted at Airtable:
Note an AirTable API key must be included in the code, and therefore exposed since this is a frontend only app. We have a read only account tied to [email protected] (log into Airtable "with Google" using gin@ Gmail creds in 1P). If that account is ever removed from the AirTable base, the site loses access to the data.
PROJECT DEFUNCT 2024 In February 2024 Airtable changed their API and the application ceased to work (with plenty of notice ahead of time). The service had not really caught on, and it was decided not to keep the application updated. In August 2024 the domain was up for renewal and was allowed to expire.
The canonical URL is an alias for
The URL should work fine, though some internal links such as the / link may act strangely.
Do not delete the file CNAME This is an instruction to Github Pages for the custom hostname. It will not affect your local development, but is important to the domain setup working!
Client: Pro-bono work for Dorothy Day House, Homeless Services
QuickBooks: GIN:Marketing:News Maps
Drive Folder:
P Folder: P_Projects/proj_e_h/greeninfo/NewsMaps/DorothyDayHouseHomelessServices
Babel, SASS/SCSS, Webpack.
Upon initial setup on your system, run nvm use
and yarn install
to set up build tools.
index.html index.css index.js are browser-side "deliverables" These are compiled by npm run build
using webpack. Note that there are included in version control, so they may be hosted via Github Pages without us needing to work in additional tooling.
npm run watch
will watch for changes and re-run npm run build
upon detecting changes.
For development, you probably want npm run serve
This will run a HTTP server with live reload when you change files. Don't forget to do a build though, if you intend to deploy your changes to the site.