A 200x200 FPS world using enable3D ThreeJS and ammo physics.
- enable3d A standalone 3D Framework on top of three-graphics.
- @enable3d/phaser-extension Allows to integrate the three-graphics package into your Phaser 3 Games.
- @enable3d/ammo-physics The core Physics package. Wraps ammo.js physics.
- @enable3d/ammo-on-nodejs Enables you to run ammo.js on your node.js server.
- @enable3d/three-graphics The core 3D Objects package. A beautiful API for many three.js elements.
- @enable3d/three-wrapper Wraps the three.js library and some of its examples in one package.
- @enable3d/common Some common code used by almost every package.
- for more information click here
- Fork the repository
- Clone the repository
- Run in development mode by
npm start