Compiler from .NET CIL to Flash byte code successfully used in ActiveReports to build Flash Viewer (now legacy component)
It was implemented in 2008. See this story from major developer.
- Scott Willeke
- Sergey Todyshev
- Yuriy Kashnikov
- Oleg Zaimkin
- Sergey Pomadin
This repo includes
- CIL reader
- CIL interpreter
- ABC (ActionScript Byte Code) reader
- Translator from CIL to ABC
- Generator of interop Assemblies for ABC generated by ActionScript compiler
- Linker of interop assemblies
- Mono 2.0 libraries (corlib, System, System.Drawing), some APIs were implemented on top of Flash API
- Many Mono C# compiler tests adopted for testing of PageFX compiler
- Flex SDKs
- TODO: etc