elm package install elm-community/elm-time
s may represent any date in the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
import Time.Date as Date exposing (Date, date)
Use date
to construct Date
values. If given invalid values for
the month and day, they are both clamped and the nearest valid date is
> date 1992 2 28
Date { year = 1992, month = 2, day = 28 } : Date
> date 1992 2 31
Date { year = 1992, month = 2, day = 29 } : Date
> date 1992 2 128
Date { year = 1992, month = 2, day = 29 } : Date
Use year
, month
, and day
to inspect Date
> birthday = date 1992 5 29
Date { year = 1992, month = 5, day = 29 } : Date
> Date.year birthday
1992 : Int
> Date.month birthday
5 : Int
> Date.day birthday
29 : Int
, setMonth
and setDay
can be used to create new Dates
containing updated values for each respective field. Like date
these functions clamp their parameters and return the nearest valid
can be used to add an exact number of days to a Date
and addMonths
add a relative number of years and months
to a date. If the target date is invalid, these functions continually
subtract one day until a valid date is found.
> date 1992 1 31
| |> Date.addYears 1
| |> Date.toISO8601
"1993-01-31" : String
> date 1992 2 29
| |> Date.addYears 1
| |> Date.toISO8601
"1993-02-28" : String
> date 1992 1 31
| |> Date.addMonths 1
| |> Date.toISO8601
"1992-02-28" : String
represent a Date
together with a time offset from midnight.
import Time.DateTime as DateTime exposing (DateTime, dateTime)
s can be constructed from a record using the dateTime
function or from a UTC timestamp in milliseconds using fromTimestamp
To construct a DateTime
using dateTime
, pass it a record
containing fields for year
, month
, day
, hour
, minute
and millisecond
> dateTime { year = 1992, month = 5, day = 29, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, millisecond = 0 }
DateTime { date = Date { year = 1992, month = 5, day = 29 }, offset = 0 } : Date
> dateTime { year = 1992, month = 2, day = 31, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, millisecond = 0 }
DateTime { date = Date { year = 1992, month = 2, day = 29 }, offset = 0 } : Date
To make constructing DateTimes
less tedious, the library provides
> import Time.DateTime as DateTime exposing (DateTime, dateTime, zero)
> dateTime { zero | year = 1992 }
| |> DateTime.toISO8601
"1992-01-01T00:00:00Z" : String
> dateTime { zero | year = 1992, month = 2, day = 28, hour = 5 }
| |> DateTime.toISO8601
"1992-02-28T05:00:00Z" : String
Use fromTimestamp
to construct a DateTime
from a UTC timestamp in
> fromTimestamp 0
| |> DateTime.toISO8601
"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" : String
See examples/without-timezone
for an example of how to construct
s from local time.
Like Time.Date
, the DateTime
module exposes functions for adding
to and updating a DateTime
's fields. The functions addYears
have the same behaviour as their Time.Date
represent a DateTime
in a specific TimeZone
. See
for an example of how to use ZonedDateTime
import Time.TimeZones as TimeZones
import Time.ZonedDateTime as ZonedDateTime exposing (ZonedDateTime)