CakePHP 3 file upload plugin.
CakePHP 3 PHP > 5.4.16
imagine/imagine is used for image manipulation
composer require GrandFelix/WoodyAttachments
run composer update in shell
run migrations
bin/cake migrations migrate --plugin WoodyAttachments
Add this to your Table file:
$this->addBehavior('WoodyAttachments.Upload', [
'fields' => [
'images' => [
'allowedFileTypes' => ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'],
'fileSize' => '2MB',
'numberOfFiles' => 20,
'operations' => [ // remove all this if you don't want to make any file operations
'thumb' => [ // this wil be folder name uploads folder
'thumbnail' => [
'w' => 270,
'h' => 198
'effects' => ['negative'] // add Imagine effects
'mid' => [ // this wil be folder name uploads folder
'widen' => [
'size' => 600
'effects' => ['grayscale'],
'rotate' => ['degrees' => 90]
'pdf' => [
'allowedFileTypes' => ['application/pdf'],
'fileSize' => '2MB',
Currently there are only file operations for images...
For multiple upload add this to your view file:
echo $this->Form->input('images[]',
'multiple' => true,
'label' => 'Pictures',
'type' => 'file'
or this for single upload:
echo $this->Form->input('pdf',
'label' => 'PDF file',
'type' => 'file'
Form input must have the same name as in configuration in Table when loading behavior. So in this example images and pdf
And don't forget to add ['type' => 'file'] in $this->Form->create('ModelName', ['type' => 'file'])
Change main upload path in config/bootstrap.php
- Files are saved in webroot/{your_file_upload_folder_from_config}/{Year}/{Month}/{Model}/*
- when you delete item, files will also be deleted...
- A lot of code improvements because it was all created very fast
- Move file operations to other place..
- Create helper to render files automatically
- Administration controller
- Configurable file saving paths
- Recognize file type and use file operations for that file type
- ...