released this
19 Apr 18:29
0.70 (2024-3-27)
New lint rules
pubsub/ERR_2024_001 bq subscription table not found
composer/WARN_2024_001 low scheduler cpu usuage
datafusion/WARN_2024_001 data fusion version
composer/WARN_2024_002 worker pod eviction
gce/ERR_2024_002 performance
notebooks/ERR_2024_001 executor explicit project permissions
dataflow/WARN_2024_001 dataflow operation ongoing
dataflow/ERR_2024_001 dataflow gce quotas
dataflow/WARN_2024_002 dataflow streaming appliance commit failed
dataflow/ERR_2024_002 dataflow key commit
gke/WARN_2024_001 cluster nap limits prevent autoscaling
New query
datafusion_cdap API query implementation - provides CDAP profile metadata
Updated pipenv packages, Pipenv.lock dependencies
Updated github action workflow versions to stop warnings about node v10 and v10
Refactor Runbook: Implemented a modular, class-based design to facilitate a
more configurable method for tree construction.
You can’t perform that action at this time.