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Cluster Health Scanner

1. Introduction

The Cluster Health Scanner (CHS) is a tool that checks the health of a GPU cluster. It runs various tests to ensure the cluster is ready for training workloads, specifically:

  • NCCL check: Validates the network communication between GPUs using the NCCL library.
  • GPU check: Utilizes NVIDIA's DCGM tool to diagnose the health of individual GPUs.
  • Neper check: Leverages the Neper tool to assess network performance within the cluster.
  • Straggler detection: Runs a network traffic pattern between nodes that closely resemble that encountered during LLM training workload pipeline parallelism.

CHS serves two main purposes:

  • Proactive health checks: Ensures the cluster is in optimal condition for running training workloads.
  • Debugging tool: Helps diagnose issues when you encounter problems with a training workload.

GPU Cluster availability: A3 and A3+
Orchestrator support: GKE and Slurm

The Cluster Health Scanner tool or simply CHS runs a series of tests called health checks to analyze the health of a cluster of GPU nodes.

For instructions on how to run CHS, go directly to the 'Running CHS' section.

While currently structured for Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), CHS can theoretically run on clusters using other Kubernetes orchestration implementations. We have enabled CHS to run on additional cluster orchestrators, such as Slurm for HPC.

2. Architecture

The CHS structure runs with the concept of a 'Health Runner' that controls the scheduling, launching, and post-processing of individual health checks that run on the nodes in the cluster.

2.1 Repo Folder Structure

This repository is structured to separate running/deploying CHS and building CHS.

Deploying CHS

The deploy/ directory contains the code to deploy CHS on a cluster. This is currently done for GKE clusters using Helm. If you're looking to quickly start using CHS on your cluster, you only need to install the Health Runner Helm chart, which contains all the health checks included in CHS. See the section below for details on running CHS.

Building CHS

The src/ directory contains the code that is run as part of the Health Runner & health checks.

This is not necessary to run CHS. Instead the code in src/ is provided for those wanting to build CHS directly. See the section below for more details.

The docker/ directory contains the Dockerfiles that can be used with src/ to build your own Docker images for CHS. This is not necessary to run CHS. However, certain users might find it useful to customize their version of CHS.

2.2 CHS Design

CHS is broken up into the following parts:

  • Health Runner
    • Manages how the health checks are launched on the nodes and then later cleaned up after completion
  • Health Checks
    • Kicked off by the Health Runner and run on the nodes in the cluster to report their results to reflect the health of the node(s)/cluster

A user is able to configure the Health Runner to run particular health checks. This configuration includes settings for how the Health Runner will run as well as settings for the given health checks that will be run on nodes.

Health Runner

The Health Runner coordinates how and what health checks get launched on what nodes.

The user configures the Health Runner to specify:

  • Which health checks to run
  • Settings/configuration of those health checks
  • Other features of the Health Runner launching health checks such as how many health checks should run in parallel, what Docker image to use for the health check, and how often to launch health checks on the appropriate nodes.

Health Checks

Health checks can run on single or multiple nodes. As health checks complete, results are reported by node labels.

These health checks are all launched by the Health Runner & are set by the Health Runner's configuration.

NCCL Health Check

Runs on two nodes to check networking across these nodes. A 'pass' is given to both nodes when they have an average bandwidth that meets or exceeds a given threshold. Second-pass is enabled by default which runs the NCCL test for pairs of a healthy and unhealthy node after a first test. This helps reduce the number of false positives when only one node in a pair is unhealthy.

The NCCL health check will pair nodes based on the parameter PAIRING_MODE in the health runner configuration.

By default, NCCL health check runs in random pairing mode which runs the health checks between random pairs of nodes. These are the supported topological aware pairing modes:

Random Pairs (default)

Checks ALL nodes (marked to be tested) by running NCCL tests between exhaustive random pairings of nodes. (Topology is not considered.)

To set: PAIRING_MODE: random


  • Ignores topology of cluster and randomly pairs nodes together
  • When second pass is enabled (SECOND_PASS_ENABLED: true), a NCCL test failure will proceed with another random pairing but this time using one passed node and one failed node in each pair.
Intra Rack

Checks ALL nodes (marked to be tested) by running NCCL tests between exhaustive random pairings of nodes that are in the same rack.

To set:PAIRING_MODE: intra_rack


  • Checks the racks communication by running NCCL tests between nodes in the same rack.
  • When second pass is enabled (SECOND_PASS_ENABLED: true), a NCCL test failure will proceed with another pairing but this time using one passed node and one failed node in each pair (still within the rack).
Inter Cluster

Checks clusters by running NCCL tests between nodes (marked for testing) in different clusters.

To set: PAIRING_MODE: inter_cluster


  • When second pass is enabled (SECOND_PASS_ENABLED: true), a cluster that failed the first initial NCCL test (that is a node pair failed between different clusters) will be randomly paired with a different cluster that previously passed (had no failed nodes in the cluster that were tested).
  • Note the nodes will still be labeled as pass/fail but only failed nodes in a failed cluster will be tested again if second pass is enabled.
GPU Health Check

Runs the NVIDIA's DCGM diagnostic tool to report a single node's health. A 'pass' is given when no errors appear while running the tool.

Neper Health Check

Runs the neper Linux networking performance tool to report the health of a node. A 'pass' is given when the bandwidth across connections in the node meet or exceed a given threshold.

Straggler Detection Health Check

Runs a SendRecv test between all nodes in the cluster, providing a heatmap of the nodes' performance to aid in identifying stragglers.


Straggler Detection Health Check takes the following parameters:

  • log_bucket: (Required) The GCS bucket to store the logs and report results through. This bucket should be in the same project, and region, as the cluster.
  • straggler_threshold_ms: The threshold in milliseconds for a node to be considered a straggler. (Defaults to 8ms)
  • interesting_event_offset: The number of events before & after the straggler threshold that are considered interesting. (Defaults to 4)
  • message_sizes_mb: The message sizes in MB to use for the SendRecv test. (Defaults to 16,32)
Understanding Results

Viewing results is currently a manual process. First, you need to identify the 'ROOT_NODE' of the check - you can do this by running:

kubectl get pods

And identifying the pod with the "Straggler Detection" name that has the number '0' as its identifier at the end of the name.

From there, you can view the logs for that pod by running:

kubectl logs ${ROOT_NODE} -c straggler-detection-test -f

When the health check completes, it will print the link to your provided GCS bucket, which will contain the experiment results and heatmap.

Unlike other health checks, Straggler Detection will not label nodes for you. Instead, it will report results to the provided log bucket as a textproto instance of PPBenchmarkResults. These results are then analyzed and reported as a heatmap to identify potential straggler nodes. See below for an example of the heatmap:

A sample straggler detection heatmap with annotations.

In this example, the heatmap shows the latency results of a SendRecv test - every row represents a node + GPU pair, and the column represents a specific SendRecv operation. The color is a gradient representing how close the event was to the straggler threshold (Dark red is over the threshold). In this image, GPU 1 of Node 9 appears to be having some issues, as we can see the latency spike begins at that row, and spreads outward to the other nodes.

If this pattern repeats (as it does in the image), GPU 1 of Node 9 is likely to be a straggler.

GKE & Kubernetes - Resources (Jobs, Pods, etc.)

CHS can be run on GKE (and on Kubernetes clusters with same extra configuration tweaks) by first installing the Health Runner.

The Kubernetes resources created by the Health Runner and the health checks are given distinct names. Below is a table of the naming conventions used for resource created in association with CHS (health runner and health checks):

Health Check Resource Naming Convention
Health Runner
Health Runner Job chs-hr-{HC_NAME}-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
Health Runner Pod chs-hr-{HC_NAME}-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
Health Runner ServiceAccount chs-hr-{HC_NAME}-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
Health Runner ClusterRole chs-hr-{HC_NAME}-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
Health Runner ClusterRoleBinding chs-hr-{HC_NAME}-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: GPU Job chs-hc-gpu-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: GPU Pod gpu-healthcheck
HC: GPU ServiceAccount chs-hc-gpu-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: GPU ClusterRole chs-hc-gpu-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: GPU ClusterRoleBinding chs-hc-gpu-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: NCCL Job chs-hc-nccl-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: NCCL Pod nccl-healthcheck
HC: NCCL Service chs-hc-nccl-headless-svc-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: NCCL ServiceAccount chs-hc-nccl-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: NCCL ClusterRole chs-hc-nccl-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: NCCL ClusterRoleBinding chs-hc-nccl-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: Neper
HC: Neper Job chs-hc-neper-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: Neper Pod neper-healthcheck
HC: Neper Service chs-hc-neper-headless-svc-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: Neper ServiceAccount chs-hc-neper-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: Neper ClusterRole chs-hc-neper-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: Neper ClusterRoleBinding chs-hc-neper-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: Straggler
HC: Straggler Job chs-hc-straggler-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: Straggler Pod straggler-detection-test
HC: Straggler Service chs-hc-straggler-headless-svc-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: Straggler ServiceAccount chs-hc-straggler-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: Straggler ClusterRole chs-hc-straggler-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}
HC: Straggler ClusterRoleBinding chs-hc-straggler-{GUID}-{TIMESTAMP}


  • {HC_NAME} is the name of the health check that the health runner is running, such as nccl, gpu, neper, or straggler
  • {GUID} is a unique identifier for the health runner instance
  • {TIMESTAMP} is the current timestamp

3. Running CHS

Running CHS only requires installing the Health Runner on the cluster.

The Health Runner will be able to launch health checks on the cluster based on the user's installation configuration.

Note: Currently this is done on GKE/Kubernetes using Helm charts. The description below focuses on running CHS using Helm charts on GKE.

3.1 Setup

Labeling Nodes to be Tested

Nodes to be included in a health check are marked using a corresponding node label.

The node label keys depend on the health check, with expected values of "true":

  • NCCL Health Check: aiinfra/nccl-healthcheck-test
  • GPU Health Check: aiinfra/gpu-healthcheck-test
  • Neper Health Check: aiinfra/neper-healthcheck-test

These label keys & values can be set using the kubectl tool using the following command:

kubectl label nodes \
    --all \

Note: This sets all nodes to be labeled for the NCCL health check.

Configuration of the Health Runner & Health Checks

The user can configure the Health Runner via the command line or as part of a YAML configuration file. This configuration also gives the settings for the health checks to be run.

Refer to the 'Default Configuration' section for an example of a full configuration file.

The following are the Health Runner configuration options:

This will be used as the name of the Kubernetes Job for the Health Runner.

  name: "health-runner"

Each health check is listed under the health_checks section. It is specific to each health check though there are specific settings that apply to all health checks.

Note in the section below we use the placeholder HC_NAME that would be replaced with an identifying name of a health check, such as nccl_healthcheck.


This is either true or false and gives the name of the Job to be used to run the health check.


The value for runner_name will be used as the base of the name of the Kubernetes Job for each health check instance launched.


This section specifies information regarding the Docker image for health check.

  • health_checks.HC_NAME.image.repo: the base repo URL for the Docker image for the health check.
  • health_checks.HC_NAME.image.tag: the image tag for the Docker image for the health check.
  • health_checks.HC_NAME.image.pull_policy: the pull policy for the Docker image for the health check.


      repo: ""
      tag: "subset"
      pull_policy: "Always"

The blast_mode section of the configuration gives settings for running health checks in parallel.

  • health_checks.HC_NAME.blast_mode.blast_mode_enabled: set to "true" or "false". If set to "false", a failed health check will taint the corresponding node(s).
  • health_checks.HC_NAME.blast_mode.BLAST_MODE_NUM_TESTS_LIMIT: set to an integer specifying how many health checks can be launched simultaneously across the cluster.
  • health_checks.HC_NAME.blast_mode.NODES_CHECKED_PER_TEST: set to an integer to specify how many nodes are run for each test. NCCL & neper health checks use 2 nodes while the GPU health check only uses 1.

The env section of the configuration is specific to each health check and is used to modify the settings for the health check(s) to be kicked off by the Health Runner. Some settings are specific to the health check type but there are others that are universal to all health checks.

Universal Health Check Settings
  • health_checks.HC_NAME.env.DRY_RUN: this is either set to "true" or "false". If set to "false", if a health check fails on a node or nodes it will taint the respective node/nodes.
  • health_checks.HC_NAME.env.SLEEP_TIME_MINUTES: this is set to integer value and acts as a timeout for the health check, specifying the maximum time allowed for completion. If a health check exceeds this time, it is canceled, and the test result is not updated.
  • health_checks.HC_NAME.env.YAML_FILE: this specifies the YAML file used by the Health Runner to launch the health check. This YAML file must be present in the Health Runner container (via the Docker image).
NCCL Health Check Settings
  • health_checks.HC_NAME.env.YAML_FILE: must be set to either "a3ultra/nccl_healthcheck.yaml" or "a3plus/nccl_healthcheck.yaml" or "a3/nccl_healthcheck.yaml", depending on the nodes' accelerator type.
GPU Health Check Settings
  • health_checks.HC_NAME.env.YAML_FILE: must be set to "gpu_healthcheck.yaml".
  • health_checks.HC_NAME.env.R_LEVEL: set to 1, 2, 3, or 4 defining what level of diagnostics to run. Lower numbers indicate faster but more basic diagnostics. It is recommended to set to 2 or 3 with the 3 being a longer more extensive diagnostic check.
Neper Health Check Settings
  • health_checks.HC_NAME.env.YAML_FILE: must be set to "neper_healthcheck.yaml".

Default Configuration

The default configuration is set so that the Health Runner will run only the NCCL health check every 5 minutes (10 health checks at a time) for A3+ GPU nodes.

The default configuration for the Health Runner (found in the Helm chart values.yaml file) is shown below:

  name: "health-runner"
    run_check: true
    runner_name: nccl-health-runner-a3plus
      repo: ""
      tag: "v4.1.0"
      pull_policy: "Always"
      HC_IMAGE_TAG: "v4.1.0"
      DRY_RUN: "true"
      HELM_CHART: "/app/health_checks/nccl_healthcheck"
      HELM_INSTALL_FLAGS: "-f /app/health_checks/nccl_healthcheck/a3plus.yaml --set health_check.image.tag=$HC_IMAGE_TAG"
      ACCELERATOR_TYPE: "nvidia-h100-mega-80gb"
      HEALTH_APP: "nccl"
      PAIRING_MODE: "random"
      blast_mode_enabled: true
    run_check: false
    runner_name: gpu-health-runner
      repo: ""
      tag: "v4.1.0"
      pull_policy: "Always"
      HC_IMAGE_TAG: "v4.1.0"
      DRY_RUN: "true"
      HELM_CHART: "/app/health_checks/gpu_healthcheck"
      HELM_INSTALL_FLAGS: "--set health_check.image.tag=$HC_IMAGE_TAG"
      R_LEVEL: "2"
      ACCELERATOR_TYPE: "nvidia-h100-mega-80gb"

      blast_mode_enabled: true
    run_check: false
    runner_name: neper-health-runner
      repo: ""
      tag: "v4.1.0"
      pull_policy: "Always"
      HC_IMAGE_TAG: "v4.1.0"
      DRY_RUN: "true"
      HELM_CHART: "/app/health_checks/neper_healthcheck"
      HELM_INSTALL_FLAGS: "--set health_check.image.tag=$HC_IMAGE_TAG"
      ACCELERATOR_TYPE: "nvidia-h100-mega-80gb"
      blast_mode_enabled: true

3.2 Running CHS

To start with, download the repository: with

cd cluster-health-scanner/

Running CHS involves installing Health Runner. This is done on a Kubernetes orchestration by deploying the Helm chart for Health Runner.

The Health Runner Helm chart can be used to install the release using the helm command shown below:



This will install the Health Runner with the default configuration which will kick off the health checks automatically to be run on the nodes in the cluster.

You can also specify your own configuration using your own value files:


  deploy/helm/health_runner \
  -f "${MY_CONFIG}"

You can also set specific configurations in the command line using helm install --set parameter. For example, the following command launches only the GPU health check on the nodes using R_LEVEL: "1" instead of the default values.


  deploy/helm/health_runner \
  --set health_checks.nccl_healthcheck.run_check=false \
  --set health_checks.gpu_healthcheck.run_check=true \
  --set health_checks.gpu_healthcheck.R_LEVEL="1" \

3.3 Viewing Results

As the Health Runner launches health checks, runs them on nodes, and they complete, users can view the health check results.

Health check results are stored as node labels and can be viewed using the Kubernetes kubectl tool.

The following command displays results for the NCCL health check for each node:


kubectl get nodes -o custom-columns="${CUSTOM_COLS}"

This outputs a table with columns showing the node names and the status of each of their tags.

If the command watch is installed, you can create a dynamic display for live updates.

watch -n 10 -d "kubectl get nodes -o custom-columns=${CUSTOM_COLS}"

watch reruns the table display command every 10 seconds, highlighting any changes.

3.4 Cleanup

After deploying and running CHS, users should ensure that the installation is fully cleaned up. This will prevent any potential issues of lingering configurations, jobs, or other resources.

Uninstalling Health Runner Helm Release

To uninstall the Health Runner (a Helm release), use the release name (MY_HEALTH_RUNNER_RELEASE_NAME) in the following command:


Removing Leftover and Jobs

While the Health Runner Helm chart simplifies cleanup, it's important to remove any lingering Jobs in the cluster that are not removed automatically.

You can list these with a command like the following:

kubectl get jobs | grep "chs-hc-"

To remove lingering Jobs:

kubectl delete jobs $JOB_NAME_0 $JOB_NAME_1

Because Jobs from CHS tend to have similar names, you can filter those jobs by name (such as healthcheck in this example) with something like below:

# Gets list of jobs, filters for `healthcheck`, selects only the Job name
kubectl get jobs \
  | grep "chs-hc-" \
  | cut -d ' ' -f1

After confirming the jobs listed are the ones to delete, you can use the command below to delete those jobs:

kubectl get jobs --no-headers \
  | grep "chs-hc-" \
  | cut -d ' ' -f1 \
  | xargs kubectl delete jobs

4. Building CHS from Scratch

CHS already has available Docker images that can be used via installing the default Health Runner Helm chart. However, some users may find it useful to create and use the Docker images for CHS themselves.

This could be to add custom functionality, extending CHS for their use case, or simply creating their own images that they can pull from their registry.

Whatever the case, this can be done by using the Dockerfiles found in the docker/ folder. There you will find Dockerfiles for the Health Runner and one for each health check.

You can build your own Docker images using the Dockerfiles with the docker build command:

docker build \
  -f docker/health_runner.Dockerfile .

This builds the image for the Health Runner and can be similarly done for each health check. It uses the code found in the src/ directory.

After the images have been built and uploaded to a registry, the Helm chart for the Health Runner can be installed just as we saw in the 'Running CHS' section but instead specifying the image repo and tag for the health check in the configuration.

4.1 Example Build

The following is an example of how a user could build a Docker image, push that image to their registry, and then run Health Runner with that newly created image using the Helm chart we saw before:



docker build \
  -f docker/health_runner.Dockerfile .

 docker push "${FULL_REPO_NAME}:${IMAGE_TAG}"


  deploy/helm/health_runner \
  --set health_checks.nccl_healthcheck.run_check=false \
  --set health_checks.gpu_healthcheck.run_check=true \
  --set health_checks.gpu_healthcheck.image.repo="${FULL_REPO_NAME}"
  --set health_checks.gpu_healthcheck.image.tag="${IMAGE_TAG}"

5. Useful Commands and Cheat Sheet

The following sections show some potentially useful commands and processes when working with CHS. These sections are organized based on the CHS stage you are focusing on.

5.1 Preparation

Installing Helm

CHS uses Helm as the main method of deployment for a cluster orchestrated with Kubernetes.

Helm's installation documentation provides detailed instructions. However, most users can simply use the following commands to download and run the installer script:

curl -fsSL -o
chmod 700

Check for past deployments

If CHS was deployed previously, you might find you need to do some clean up. Below are some commands that can help in identifying resources/installations to clean up.

To list current Helm Release installations:

helm ls

To more thoroughly list current Helm Release installations, you can include the -a flag:

helm ls -a

To view current Jobs in Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl get jobs

NOTE: Since the list of Jobs can be quite large, you may find it useful to filter the output of the above commands by piping the results with grep.

For example, the following will get the list of Jobs that have the phrase 'healthcheck': kubectl get jobs | grep "chs-hc-"

Remove old labels

It might be desirable or necessary to remove some node labels that were part of previous CHS runs/deployments.

Identifying labels

First, it's helpful to identify the labels on nodes.

You can inspect a particular node $NODE_NAME in a few ways.

This command will give details of the node including the labels near the beginning of the output:

kubectl describe nodes $NODE_NAME

This command will print information about the node in a table format and include a list of labels:

kubectl get nodes $NODE_NAME --show-labels=true

You can also run either of these commands on multiple nodes.

This can be done for a subset of nodes by listing them:

kubectl get nodes $NODE_NAME_0 $NODE_NAME_1 $NODE_NAME_2 --show-labels=true
kubectl describe nodes $NODE_NAME_0 $NODE_NAME_1 $NODE_NAME_2

You can also run the same command for all the nodes by not listing any specific nodes:

kubectl get nodes --show-labels=true
kubectl describe nodes

However, this can be overwhelming and time-consuming, depending on the number of nodes in your cluster.

Removing labels

To remove labels from nodes, use the following command on specified nodes, where LABEL_NAME is the name of the label (note the - suffix):

kubectl label nodes $NODE_NAME_0 $NODE_NAME_1 LABEL_NAME-

This command can also be used to remove multiple labels:

kubectl label nodes $NODE_NAME_0 $NODE_NAME_1 LABEL_NAME- LABEL_NAME_2-

You may also want to remove labels from all nodes in the cluster:

kubectl label nodes --all LABEL_NAME-

You can filter the command to apply only to certain nodes based on another label (FILTER_LABEL):

# Any nodes with FILTER_LABEL (any value)
kubectl label nodes -l FILTER_LABEL

# Any nodes with the value 'VALUE' for the label FILTER_LABEL
kubectl label nodes -l FILTER_LABEL=VALUE

Labeling nodes for testing

Health checks require you to label the nodes before running the health check.

The command below labels a specific set of nodes with the label LABEL_NAME and value VALUE:

kubectl label nodes $NODE_NAME_0 $NODE_NAME_1 LABEL_NAME=VALUE

You can also apply to all nodes or apply to nodes with a specific different label FILTER_LABEL & value FILTER_VALUE:

# Applies to all nodes in cluster
kubectl label nodes --all LABEL_NAME=VALUE

# Any nodes with FILTER_LABEL (any value)
kubectl label nodes -l FILTER_LABEL LABEL_NAME=VALUE

# Any nodes with the value 'FILTER_VALUE' for the label FILTER_LABEL

5.2 Deployment

This section briefly shows some options for deploying with Helm. However, users may find the specific documentation within a Helm chart to be helpful.

The below command will install the Helm chart CHS_CHART with the Release name MY_RELEASE using the default configurations for the chart:


You can overwrite the defaults in the command with the --set flag:

helm install MY_RELEASE CHS_CHART \
  --set health_check.param_0=true \
  --set health_check.env.setting_0="value"

You can also specify a file, such as my_values.yaml, to provide configuration values for your installation:

helm install MY_RELEASE CHS_CHART \
  -f my_values.yaml

Note on deploying without Helm

Some users may find it useful for their workflow to not use Helm to deploy but still work with an equivalent YAML file.

For details on how to generate a YAML file for Helm, see the section "Generating YAML from Helm"

5.3 Observations

After deploying the CHS Health Runner, you may want to observe relevant information about the cluster's nodes.

Use the watch command to get periodic updates

The watch command can be paired with other commands to show updates to relevant observations.

For example, the following command will display jobs that match 'healthcheck' every 10 seconds while highlighting the differences from each update:

watch -n10 -d "kubectl get jobs | grep "chs-hc-""

Displaying information about nodes

Since CHS uses node labels to update information about health checks for that node, it can be useful to print information about those nodes.

We already saw how to get some information on nodes in the 'Identifying labels' section:

kubectl describe nodes
kubectl get nodes
Using labels to filter nodes

We can go further by filtering for nodes with a particular label LABEL and specific values on those labels VALUE:

# Get nodes that have the 'LABEL' label (any value)
kubectl get nodes -l LABEL

# Get nodes that have the value 'VALUE' for the label 'LABEL'
kubectl get nodes -l LABEL=VALUE
Custom columns for node information

We can also customize what is printed out in kubectl get nodes by specifying the data to display using the flag -o custom-columns=$CUSTOM_COLS where CUSTOM_COLS is a string that specifies how and what data to display.

For example, we can define CUSTOM_COLS where TEST_LABEL is a label for if the node should be tested and RESULT_LABEL is the label with the value for the health check's result:


kubectl get nodes -o custom-columns=$CUSTOM_COLS

The output something like this:

NODE                                 TEST     RESULT
gke-cluter-name-np-0-dcs1a6c6-24rm   true     pass
gke-cluter-name-np-0-dcs1a6c6-7qd5   true     <none>
gke-cluter-name-np-0-dcs1a6c6-81aw   <none>   <none>
gke-cluter-name-np-0-dcs1a6c6-8lc9   false    fail
gke-cluter-name-np-0-dcs1a6c6-j3q0   true     fail
gke-cluter-name-np-0-dcs1a6c6-tzl6   false    pass
gke-cluter-name-np-0-dcs1a6c6-wkd3   <none>   fail
gke-cluter-name-np-0-dcs1a6c6-z0mn   <none>   true

Note that the <none> values mean that the node does not have that label.

This also does not filter nodes and will print the specified custom columns for all nodes. To further specify nodes, you can pass other flags such as -l to kubectl get nodes like below:

kubectl get nodes -l RESULT_LABEL='fail' -o custom-columns=$CUSTOM_COLS

Which will produce something like this (using the previous example result):

NODE                                 TEST     RESULT
gke-cluter-name-np-0-dcs1a6c6-8lc9   false    fail
gke-cluter-name-np-0-dcs1a6c6-j3q0   true     fail
gke-cluter-name-np-0-dcs1a6c6-wkd3   <none>   fail

5.4 Clean Up

After deploying and running CHS, users might desire to clean up their installation.

Uninstalling with Helm

To uninstall a Helm release, use the release name MY_HEALTH_RUNNER_RELEASE_NAME in the following command:


Uninstalling with kubectl

Because some users may have opted to use kubectl instead of directly using the Helm chart to deploy, it's important to uninstall using kubectl delete with the same YAML file that was used in kubectl apply:

kubectl delete -f my_deployment.yaml

Cleaning up lingering Jobs

Using a Helm chart simplifies cleanup, but it's important to remove any lingering Jobs in your cluster that don't get cleaned up automatically.

You can list these with the commands using grep:

kubectl get jobs | grep "chs-hc-"

To remove lingering Jobs:

kubectl delete jobs JOB_NAME_0 JOB_NAME_1

Because Jobs from CHS tend to have similar names, you can filter those jobs by name (like healthcheck in this example):

# Gets list of jobs, filters for `healthcheck`, selects only the Job name
kubectl get jobs \
  | grep "chs-hc-" \
  | cut -d ' ' -f1

After confirming that the listed jobs are the ones to delete, use the above command to delete them:

kubectl get jobs \
  | grep "chs-hc-" \
  | cut -d ' ' -f1  \
  | xargs kubectl delete jobs

5.5 Generating YAML from Helm

Although deployment with Helm is the recommended method for CHS, users may find it useful for their workflow to produce an equivalent YAML file.

To generate the file, you can run the same helm command with configurations as you would with installation but instead replacing helm install with helm template and then redirecting the standard output to a file my_deployment.yaml:

helm template MY_RELEASE CHS_CHART \
  -f my_values.yaml \
  --set health_check.param_0=true \
  --set health_check.env.setting_0="value" \
  > my_deployment.yaml

A user can then install with kubectl using the generated YAML file with something like below:

kubectl apply -f my_deployment.yaml


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