Update HuggingFace DLC for TGI URI to 2.3 (latest) #852
Google Cloud Build / pr-review-trigger-ap-clusters (gke-ai-eco-dev)
Oct 28, 2024 in 58m 59s
Build Information
Trigger | pr-review-trigger-ap-clusters |
Build | 0839c829-bc3e-4dad-919f-8dbfdd33023d |
Start | 2024-10-28T11:13:09-07:00 |
Duration | 58m16.749s |
Status | SUCCESS |
Step | Status | Duration |
validate platform | SUCCESS | 51.888s |
validate ray | SUCCESS | 16.367s |
validate jupyterhub | SUCCESS | 16.371s |
validate rag | SUCCESS | 17.65s |
create gke cluster | SUCCESS | 11m29.518s |
test ray cluster | SUCCESS | 5m25.88s |
cleanup ray cluster | SUCCESS | 32.152s |
test jupyterhub | SUCCESS | 4m7.813s |
cleanup jupyterhub | SUCCESS | 39.223s |
test rag | SUCCESS | 38m28.78s |
cleanup rag | SUCCESS | 2m9.733s |
cleanup gke cluster | FAILURE | 4m54.266s |
check result | SUCCESS | 647ms |
starting build "0839c829-bc3e-4dad-919f-8dbfdd33023d"
hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
hint: git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
hint: git branch -m <name>
Initialized empty Git repository in /workspace/.git/
From https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/ai-on-gke
* branch 4994c11918a8f3c3e80955f367596d841ac7e15f -> FETCH_HEAD
HEAD is now at 4994c11 Update HuggingFace DLC for TGI URI to 2.3 (latest)
Starting Step #0 - "validate platform"
Step #0 - "validate platform": Pulling image: gcr.io/gke-ai-eco-dev/terraform
Step #0 - "validate platform": Using default tag: latest
Step #0 - "validate platform": latest: Pulling from gke-ai-eco-dev/terraform
Step #0 - "validate platform": ddf874abf16c: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "validate platform": ecfb911cf53f: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "validate platform": ce689bb70bd5: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "validate platform": 7d2b54998739: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "validate platform": b1c39b09da0f: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "validate platform": cc032834b94b: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "validate platform": 0279610fca41: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "validate platform": 6f125b563dda: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "validate platform": 7c8b6e22fcff: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "validate platform": faaaa1840355: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "validate platform": 60a28c2199b1: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "validate platform": 4c7171ac56db: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "validate platform": 372d85ec2f1f: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "validate platform": 633b411e5bd5: Pulling fs layer
Step #0 - "validate platform": b1c39b09da0f: Waiting
Step #0 - "validate platform": 7c8b6e22fcff: Waiting
Step #0 - "validate platform": 0279610fca41: Waiting
Step #0 - "validate platform": faaaa1840355: Waiting
Step #0 - "validate platform": 6f125b563dda: Waiting
Step #0 - "validate platform": cc032834b94b: Waiting
Step #0 - "validate platform": 60a28c2199b1: Waiting
Step #0 - "validate platform": 4c7171ac56db: Waiting
Step #0 - "validate platform": 7d2b54998739: Waiting
Step #0 - "validate platform": 372d85ec2f1f: Waiting
Step #0 - "validate platform": 633b411e5bd5: Waiting
Step #0 - "validate platform": ecfb911cf53f: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "validate platform": ecfb911cf53f: Download complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": ce689bb70bd5: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "validate platform": ce689bb70bd5: Download complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": 7d2b54998739: Download complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": ddf874abf16c: Download complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": 0279610fca41: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "validate platform": 0279610fca41: Download complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": 6f125b563dda: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "validate platform": 6f125b563dda: Download complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": 7c8b6e22fcff: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "validate platform": 7c8b6e22fcff: Download complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": faaaa1840355: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "validate platform": faaaa1840355: Download complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": cc032834b94b: Download complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": 60a28c2199b1: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "validate platform": 60a28c2199b1: Download complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": 4c7171ac56db: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "validate platform": 4c7171ac56db: Download complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": 372d85ec2f1f: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "validate platform": 372d85ec2f1f: Download complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": ddf874abf16c: Pull complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": ecfb911cf53f: Pull complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": ce689bb70bd5: Pull complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": 7d2b54998739: Pull complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": 633b411e5bd5: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "validate platform": 633b411e5bd5: Download complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": b1c39b09da0f: Verifying Checksum
Step #0 - "validate platform": b1c39b09da0f: Download complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": b1c39b09da0f: Pull complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": cc032834b94b: Pull complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": 0279610fca41: Pull complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": 6f125b563dda: Pull complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": 7c8b6e22fcff: Pull complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": faaaa1840355: Pull complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": 60a28c2199b1: Pull complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": 4c7171ac56db: Pull complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": 372d85ec2f1f: Pull complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": 633b411e5bd5: Pull complete
Step #0 - "validate platform": Digest: sha256:202db292b551d530ff51210759dd25971cb64b5afe675a5616e0c244d48a452b
Step #0 - "validate platform": Status: Downloaded newer image for gcr.io/gke-ai-eco-dev/terraform:latest
Step #0 - "validate platform": gcr.io/gke-ai-eco-dev/terraform:latest
Step #0 - "validate platform":
Step #0 - "validate platform": Initializing the backend...
Step #0 - "validate platform": Initializing modules...
Step #0 - "validate platform": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/cloud-nat/google 5.0.0 for cloud-nat...
Step #0 - "validate platform": - cloud-nat in .terraform/modules/cloud-nat
Step #0 - "validate platform": - custom-network in ../modules/gcp-network
Step #0 - "validate platform": - private-gke-autopilot-cluster in ../modules/gke-autopilot-private-cluster
Step #0 - "validate platform": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 33.0.0 for private-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke...
Step #0 - "validate platform": - private-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke in .terraform/modules/private-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke/modules/beta-autopilot-private-cluster
Step #0 - "validate platform": - private-gke-standard-cluster in ../modules/gke-standard-private-cluster
Step #0 - "validate platform": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 33.0.0 for private-gke-standard-cluster.gke...
Step #0 - "validate platform": - private-gke-standard-cluster.gke in .terraform/modules/private-gke-standard-cluster.gke/modules/private-cluster
Step #0 - "validate platform": - public-gke-autopilot-cluster in ../modules/gke-autopilot-public-cluster
Step #0 - "validate platform": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 33.0.0 for public-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke...
Step #0 - "validate platform": - public-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke in .terraform/modules/public-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke/modules/beta-autopilot-public-cluster
Step #0 - "validate platform": - public-gke-standard-cluster in ../modules/gke-standard-public-cluster
Step #0 - "validate platform": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 33.0.0 for public-gke-standard-cluster.gke...
Step #0 - "validate platform": - public-gke-standard-cluster.gke in .terraform/modules/public-gke-standard-cluster.gke
Step #0 - "validate platform":
Step #0 - "validate platform": Initializing provider plugins...
Step #0 - "validate platform": - Finding hashicorp/google versions matching ">= 4.51.0, >= 5.40.0, != 5.44.0, < 6.0.0, < 7.0.0"...
Step #0 - "validate platform": - Finding hashicorp/random versions matching ">= 2.1.0, ~> 3.0"...
Step #0 - "validate platform": - Finding hashicorp/google-beta versions matching ">= 5.40.0, != 5.44.0, <= 6.1.0, < 7.0.0"...
Step #0 - "validate platform": - Finding hashicorp/helm versions matching "~> 2.8.0"...
Step #0 - "validate platform": - Finding hashicorp/kubernetes versions matching "~> 2.10, 2.18.1"...
Step #0 - "validate platform": - Installing hashicorp/google-beta v6.1.0...
Step #0 - "validate platform": - Installed hashicorp/google-beta v6.1.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #0 - "validate platform": - Installing hashicorp/helm v2.8.0...
Step #0 - "validate platform": - Installed hashicorp/helm v2.8.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #0 - "validate platform": - Installing hashicorp/kubernetes v2.18.1...
Step #0 - "validate platform": - Installed hashicorp/kubernetes v2.18.1 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #0 - "validate platform": - Installing hashicorp/google v5.44.2...
Step #0 - "validate platform": - Installed hashicorp/google v5.44.2 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #0 - "validate platform": - Installing hashicorp/random v3.6.3...
Step #0 - "validate platform": - Installed hashicorp/random v3.6.3 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #0 - "validate platform":
Step #0 - "validate platform": Terraform has created a lock file .terraform.lock.hcl to record the provider
Step #0 - "validate platform": selections it made above. Include this file in your version control repository
Step #0 - "validate platform": so that Terraform can guarantee to make the same selections by default when
Step #0 - "validate platform": you run "terraform init" in the future.
Step #0 - "validate platform":
Step #0 - "validate platform": Terraform has been successfully initialized!
Step #0 - "validate platform":
Step #0 - "validate platform": You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
Step #0 - "validate platform": any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
Step #0 - "validate platform": should now work.
Step #0 - "validate platform":
Step #0 - "validate platform": If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
Step #0 - "validate platform": rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
Step #0 - "validate platform": commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.
Step #0 - "validate platform": Success! The configuration is valid.
Step #0 - "validate platform":
Finished Step #0 - "validate platform"
Starting Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub"
Starting Step #3 - "validate rag"
Starting Step #1 - "validate ray"
Step #3 - "validate rag": Already have image (with digest): gcr.io/gke-ai-eco-dev/terraform
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": Already have image (with digest): gcr.io/gke-ai-eco-dev/terraform
Step #1 - "validate ray": Already have image (with digest): gcr.io/gke-ai-eco-dev/terraform
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub":
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": Initializing the backend...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": Initializing modules...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - gcs in ../../modules/gcs
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - infra in ../../infrastructure
Step #3 - "validate rag":
Step #3 - "validate rag": Initializing the backend...
Step #3 - "validate rag": Initializing modules...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - cloudsql in ../../modules/cloudsql
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/cloud-nat/google 5.0.0 for infra.cloud-nat...
Step #1 - "validate ray":
Step #1 - "validate ray": Initializing the backend...
Step #1 - "validate ray": Initializing modules...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - gcs in ../../modules/gcs
Step #3 - "validate rag": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/sql-db/google 20.0.0 for cloudsql.cloudsql...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - infra in ../../infrastructure
Step #1 - "validate ray": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/cloud-nat/google 5.0.0 for infra.cloud-nat...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - infra.cloud-nat in .terraform/modules/infra.cloud-nat
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - infra.custom-network in ../../modules/gcp-network
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - infra.private-gke-autopilot-cluster in ../../modules/gke-autopilot-private-cluster
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 33.0.0 for infra.private-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - infra.cloud-nat in .terraform/modules/infra.cloud-nat
Step #1 - "validate ray": - infra.custom-network in ../../modules/gcp-network
Step #1 - "validate ray": - infra.private-gke-autopilot-cluster in ../../modules/gke-autopilot-private-cluster
Step #1 - "validate ray": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 33.0.0 for infra.private-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - cloudsql.cloudsql in .terraform/modules/cloudsql.cloudsql/modules/postgresql
Step #3 - "validate rag": - frontend in frontend
Step #3 - "validate rag": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 30.0.0 for frontend.frontend-workload-identity...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - infra.private-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke in .terraform/modules/infra.private-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke/modules/beta-autopilot-private-cluster
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - infra.private-gke-standard-cluster in ../../modules/gke-standard-private-cluster
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 33.0.0 for infra.private-gke-standard-cluster.gke...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - infra.private-gke-standard-cluster.gke in .terraform/modules/infra.private-gke-standard-cluster.gke/modules/private-cluster
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - infra.public-gke-autopilot-cluster in ../../modules/gke-autopilot-public-cluster
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 33.0.0 for infra.public-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - infra.public-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke in .terraform/modules/infra.public-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke/modules/beta-autopilot-public-cluster
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - infra.public-gke-standard-cluster in ../../modules/gke-standard-public-cluster
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 33.0.0 for infra.public-gke-standard-cluster.gke...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - infra.private-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke in .terraform/modules/infra.private-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke/modules/beta-autopilot-private-cluster
Step #1 - "validate ray": - infra.private-gke-standard-cluster in ../../modules/gke-standard-private-cluster
Step #1 - "validate ray": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 33.0.0 for infra.private-gke-standard-cluster.gke...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - frontend.frontend-workload-identity in .terraform/modules/frontend.frontend-workload-identity/modules/workload-identity
Step #3 - "validate rag": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/gcloud/google 3.5.0 for frontend.frontend-workload-identity.annotate-sa...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - infra.public-gke-standard-cluster.gke in .terraform/modules/infra.public-gke-standard-cluster.gke
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - jupyterhub in ../../modules/jupyter
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - jupyterhub.iap_auth in ../../modules/iap
Step #1 - "validate ray": - infra.private-gke-standard-cluster.gke in .terraform/modules/infra.private-gke-standard-cluster.gke/modules/private-cluster
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 30.0.0 for jupyterhub.jupyterhub-workload-identity...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - infra.public-gke-autopilot-cluster in ../../modules/gke-autopilot-public-cluster
Step #1 - "validate ray": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 33.0.0 for infra.public-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - infra.public-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke in .terraform/modules/infra.public-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke/modules/beta-autopilot-public-cluster
Step #1 - "validate ray": - infra.public-gke-standard-cluster in ../../modules/gke-standard-public-cluster
Step #1 - "validate ray": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 33.0.0 for infra.public-gke-standard-cluster.gke...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - infra.public-gke-standard-cluster.gke in .terraform/modules/infra.public-gke-standard-cluster.gke
Step #1 - "validate ray": - kuberay-cluster in ../../modules/kuberay-cluster
Step #1 - "validate ray": - kuberay-cluster.iap_auth in ../../modules/iap
Step #1 - "validate ray": - kuberay-monitoring in ../../modules/kuberay-monitoring
Step #1 - "validate ray": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 30.0.0 for kuberay-workload-identity...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - frontend.frontend-workload-identity.annotate-sa in .terraform/modules/frontend.frontend-workload-identity.annotate-sa/modules/kubectl-wrapper
Step #3 - "validate rag": - frontend.frontend-workload-identity.annotate-sa.gcloud_kubectl in .terraform/modules/frontend.frontend-workload-identity.annotate-sa
Step #3 - "validate rag": - frontend.iap_auth in ../../modules/iap
Step #3 - "validate rag": - gcs in ../../modules/gcs
Step #3 - "validate rag": - inference-server in ../../modules/inference-service
Step #3 - "validate rag": - infra in ../../infrastructure
Step #3 - "validate rag": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/cloud-nat/google 5.0.0 for infra.cloud-nat...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - infra.cloud-nat in .terraform/modules/infra.cloud-nat
Step #3 - "validate rag": - infra.custom-network in ../../modules/gcp-network
Step #3 - "validate rag": - infra.private-gke-autopilot-cluster in ../../modules/gke-autopilot-private-cluster
Step #3 - "validate rag": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 33.0.0 for infra.private-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - jupyterhub.jupyterhub-workload-identity in .terraform/modules/jupyterhub.jupyterhub-workload-identity/modules/workload-identity
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/gcloud/google 3.5.0 for jupyterhub.jupyterhub-workload-identity.annotate-sa...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - kuberay-workload-identity in .terraform/modules/kuberay-workload-identity/modules/workload-identity
Step #1 - "validate ray": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/gcloud/google 3.5.0 for kuberay-workload-identity.annotate-sa...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - jupyterhub.jupyterhub-workload-identity.annotate-sa in .terraform/modules/jupyterhub.jupyterhub-workload-identity.annotate-sa/modules/kubectl-wrapper
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - jupyterhub.jupyterhub-workload-identity.annotate-sa.gcloud_kubectl in .terraform/modules/jupyterhub.jupyterhub-workload-identity.annotate-sa
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - namespace in ../../modules/kubernetes-namespace
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/project-factory/google 14.5.0 for project-services...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - kuberay-workload-identity.annotate-sa in .terraform/modules/kuberay-workload-identity.annotate-sa/modules/kubectl-wrapper
Step #1 - "validate ray": - kuberay-workload-identity.annotate-sa.gcloud_kubectl in .terraform/modules/kuberay-workload-identity.annotate-sa
Step #1 - "validate ray": - namespace in ../../modules/kubernetes-namespace
Step #1 - "validate ray": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/project-factory/google 14.5.0 for project-services...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - infra.private-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke in .terraform/modules/infra.private-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke/modules/beta-autopilot-private-cluster
Step #3 - "validate rag": - infra.private-gke-standard-cluster in ../../modules/gke-standard-private-cluster
Step #3 - "validate rag": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 33.0.0 for infra.private-gke-standard-cluster.gke...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - infra.private-gke-standard-cluster.gke in .terraform/modules/infra.private-gke-standard-cluster.gke/modules/private-cluster
Step #3 - "validate rag": - infra.public-gke-autopilot-cluster in ../../modules/gke-autopilot-public-cluster
Step #3 - "validate rag": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 33.0.0 for infra.public-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - infra.public-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke in .terraform/modules/infra.public-gke-autopilot-cluster.gke/modules/beta-autopilot-public-cluster
Step #3 - "validate rag": - infra.public-gke-standard-cluster in ../../modules/gke-standard-public-cluster
Step #3 - "validate rag": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 33.0.0 for infra.public-gke-standard-cluster.gke...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - project-services in .terraform/modules/project-services/modules/project_services
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub":
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": Initializing provider plugins...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - terraform.io/builtin/terraform is built in to Terraform
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Finding hashicorp/null versions matching ">= 2.1.0"...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - infra.public-gke-standard-cluster.gke in .terraform/modules/infra.public-gke-standard-cluster.gke
Step #3 - "validate rag": - jupyterhub in ../../modules/jupyter
Step #3 - "validate rag": - jupyterhub.iap_auth in ../../modules/iap
Step #3 - "validate rag": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 30.0.0 for jupyterhub.jupyterhub-workload-identity...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Finding hashicorp/google versions matching ">= 3.39.0, >= 3.43.0, >= 3.53.0, >= 4.51.0, >= 5.40.0, != 5.44.0, < 6.0.0, < 7.0.0"...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - project-services in .terraform/modules/project-services/modules/project_services
Step #3 - "validate rag": - jupyterhub.jupyterhub-workload-identity in .terraform/modules/jupyterhub.jupyterhub-workload-identity/modules/workload-identity
Step #3 - "validate rag": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/gcloud/google 3.5.0 for jupyterhub.jupyterhub-workload-identity.annotate-sa...
Step #1 - "validate ray":
Step #1 - "validate ray": Initializing provider plugins...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - terraform.io/builtin/terraform is built in to Terraform
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Finding hashicorp/random versions matching ">= 2.1.0, ~> 3.0"...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - jupyterhub.jupyterhub-workload-identity.annotate-sa in .terraform/modules/jupyterhub.jupyterhub-workload-identity.annotate-sa/modules/kubectl-wrapper
Step #3 - "validate rag": - jupyterhub.jupyterhub-workload-identity.annotate-sa.gcloud_kubectl in .terraform/modules/jupyterhub.jupyterhub-workload-identity.annotate-sa
Step #3 - "validate rag": - kuberay-cluster in ../../modules/kuberay-cluster
Step #3 - "validate rag": - kuberay-cluster.iap_auth in ../../modules/iap
Step #3 - "validate rag": - kuberay-monitoring in ../../modules/kuberay-monitoring
Step #3 - "validate rag": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google 30.0.0 for kuberay-workload-identity...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Finding hashicorp/google-beta versions matching ">= 3.43.0, >= 5.40.0, != 5.44.0, < 6.0.0, <= 6.1.0, < 7.0.0"...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Finding hashicorp/external versions matching ">= 2.2.2"...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - kuberay-workload-identity in .terraform/modules/kuberay-workload-identity/modules/workload-identity
Step #3 - "validate rag": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/gcloud/google 3.5.0 for kuberay-workload-identity.annotate-sa...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Finding hashicorp/helm versions matching "~> 2.8.0"...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - kuberay-workload-identity.annotate-sa in .terraform/modules/kuberay-workload-identity.annotate-sa/modules/kubectl-wrapper
Step #3 - "validate rag": - kuberay-workload-identity.annotate-sa.gcloud_kubectl in .terraform/modules/kuberay-workload-identity.annotate-sa
Step #3 - "validate rag": - namespace in ../../modules/kubernetes-namespace
Step #3 - "validate rag": Downloading registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/project-factory/google 14.5.0 for project-services...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Finding hashicorp/google-beta versions matching ">= 3.43.0, >= 5.40.0, != 5.44.0, < 6.0.0, <= 6.1.0, < 7.0.0"...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Finding hashicorp/kubernetes versions matching "~> 2.10, ~> 2.13, 2.18.1"...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Finding hashicorp/kubernetes versions matching "~> 2.10, ~> 2.13, 2.18.1"...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Finding hashicorp/random versions matching ">= 2.1.0, ~> 3.0"...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Finding hashicorp/google versions matching ">= 3.39.0, >= 3.43.0, >= 3.53.0, >= 4.51.0, >= 5.40.0, != 5.44.0, < 6.0.0, < 7.0.0"...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Finding hashicorp/external versions matching ">= 2.2.2"...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Finding hashicorp/null versions matching ">= 2.1.0"...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Finding hashicorp/helm versions matching "~> 2.8.0"...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Finding hashicorp/time versions matching "0.11.1"...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Installing hashicorp/helm v2.8.0...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Installing hashicorp/external v2.3.4...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Installed hashicorp/external v2.3.4 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #3 - "validate rag": - project-services in .terraform/modules/project-services/modules/project_services
Step #3 - "validate rag":
Step #3 - "validate rag": Initializing provider plugins...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - terraform.io/builtin/terraform is built in to Terraform
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Finding hashicorp/null versions matching ">= 2.1.0, ~> 3.1"...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Installing hashicorp/google-beta v5.44.2...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Finding hashicorp/helm versions matching "~> 2.8.0"...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Finding hashicorp/google-beta versions matching ">= 3.43.0, >= 5.12.0, >= 5.40.0, != 5.44.0, < 6.0.0, <= 6.1.0, < 7.0.0"...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Finding hashicorp/external versions matching ">= 2.2.2"...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Installed hashicorp/helm v2.8.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Finding hashicorp/random versions matching ">= 2.1.0, ~> 3.0, ~> 3.1"...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Finding hashicorp/kubernetes versions matching "~> 2.10, ~> 2.13, 2.18.1"...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Finding hashicorp/time versions matching "0.11.1"...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Installing hashicorp/kubernetes v2.18.1...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Finding hashicorp/google versions matching ">= 3.39.0, >= 3.43.0, >= 3.53.0, >= 4.51.0, >= 5.12.0, >= 5.40.0, != 5.44.0, < 6.0.0, < 7.0.0"...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Installing hashicorp/helm v2.8.0...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Installed hashicorp/kubernetes v2.18.1 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Installing hashicorp/random v3.6.3...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Installed hashicorp/helm v2.8.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Installing hashicorp/google-beta v5.44.2...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Installed hashicorp/random v3.6.3 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Installed hashicorp/google-beta v5.44.2 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Installing hashicorp/external v2.3.4...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Installing hashicorp/kubernetes v2.18.1...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Installed hashicorp/external v2.3.4 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Installing hashicorp/null v3.2.3...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Installed hashicorp/kubernetes v2.18.1 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Installed hashicorp/null v3.2.3 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Installing hashicorp/google v5.44.2...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Installing hashicorp/google v5.44.2...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Installed hashicorp/google-beta v5.44.2 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Installing hashicorp/external v2.3.4...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Installed hashicorp/external v2.3.4 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Installing hashicorp/random v3.6.3...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Installed hashicorp/random v3.6.3 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Installing hashicorp/kubernetes v2.18.1...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Installed hashicorp/google v5.44.2 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Installed hashicorp/google v5.44.2 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Installing hashicorp/google-beta v5.44.2...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Installing hashicorp/null v3.2.3...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Installed hashicorp/null v3.2.3 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Installing hashicorp/helm v2.8.0...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Installed hashicorp/kubernetes v2.18.1 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Installing hashicorp/time v0.11.1...
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Installed hashicorp/time v0.11.1 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #3 - "validate rag": - Installing hashicorp/google v5.44.2...
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Installed hashicorp/helm v2.8.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Installing hashicorp/time v0.11.1...
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": - Installed hashicorp/google-beta v5.44.2 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub":
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": Terraform has created a lock file .terraform.lock.hcl to record the provider
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": selections it made above. Include this file in your version control repository
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": so that Terraform can guarantee to make the same selections by default when
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": you run "terraform init" in the future.
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub":
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": Terraform has been successfully initialized!
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub":
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": should now work.
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub":
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
Step #2 - "validate jupyterhub": commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Installed hashicorp/time v0.11.1 (signed by HashiCorp)
Step #1 - "validate ray": - Installing hashicorp/random v3.6.3
[Logs truncated due to log size limitations. For full logs, see https://storage.cloud.google.com/ai-on-gke-build-logs/log-0839c829-bc3e-4dad-919f-8dbfdd33023d.txt.]
tance_config {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - enable_integrity_monitoring = true -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - enable_secure_boot = true -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - workload_metadata_config {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - mode = "GKE_METADATA" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - placement_policy {}
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - upgrade_settings {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - max_surge = 1 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - max_unavailable = 0 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - strategy = "SURGE" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - node_pool {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - initial_node_count = 0 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - instance_group_urls = [] -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - managed_instance_group_urls = [] -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - max_pods_per_node = 16 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - name = "nap-hucg0sjz" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - node_count = 0 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - node_locations = [
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - "us-east4-a",
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - "us-east4-c",
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": ] -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - version = "1.30.5-gke.1355000" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - autoscaling {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - location_policy = "BALANCED" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - max_node_count = 1000 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - min_node_count = 0 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - total_max_node_count = 0 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - total_min_node_count = 0 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - management {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - auto_repair = true -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - auto_upgrade = true -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - network_config {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - create_pod_range = false -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - enable_private_nodes = false -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - pod_ipv4_cidr_block = "" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - pod_range = "gke-ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster-pods-c64b71c3" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - node_config {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - disk_size_gb = 250 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - disk_type = "pd-balanced" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - effective_taints = [
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - effect = "NO_SCHEDULE"
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - key = "cloud.google.com/compute-class"
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - value = "Performance"
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": },
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - effect = "NO_SCHEDULE"
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - key = "cloud.google.com/gke-ephemeral-storage-local-ssd"
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - value = "true"
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": },
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": ] -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - enable_confidential_storage = false -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - image_type = "COS_CONTAINERD" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - labels = {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - "cloud.google.com/compute-class" = "Performance"
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - "cloud.google.com/pod-isolation" = "9"
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - "cloud.google.com/pod-slots" = "1"
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": } -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - local_ssd_count = 0 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - logging_variant = "DEFAULT" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - machine_type = "c3-standard-22-lssd" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - metadata = {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - "disable-legacy-endpoints" = "true"
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": } -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - oauth_scopes = [
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform",
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email",
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": ] -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - preemptible = false -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - resource_labels = {} -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - resource_manager_tags = {} -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - service_account = "tf-gke-ml-4994c11-852--3ghl@gke-ai-eco-dev.iam.gserviceaccount.com" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - spot = false -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - tags = [] -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - ephemeral_storage_config {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - local_ssd_count = 4 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - gvnic {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - enabled = true -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - reservation_affinity {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - consume_reservation_type = "NO_RESERVATION" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - values = [] -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - shielded_instance_config {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - enable_integrity_monitoring = true -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - enable_secure_boot = true -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - workload_metadata_config {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - mode = "GKE_METADATA" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - placement_policy {}
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - upgrade_settings {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - max_surge = 1 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - max_unavailable = 0 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - strategy = "SURGE" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - node_pool_defaults {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - node_config_defaults {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - logging_variant = "DEFAULT" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - gcfs_config {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - enabled = true -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - notification_config {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - pubsub {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - enabled = false -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - pod_security_policy_config {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - enabled = false -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - private_cluster_config {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - enable_private_endpoint = false -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - enable_private_nodes = false -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - private_endpoint = "" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - public_endpoint = "" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - master_global_access_config {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - enabled = false -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - protect_config {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - workload_vulnerability_mode = "DISABLED" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - workload_config {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - audit_mode = "DISABLED" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - release_channel {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - channel = "REGULAR" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - secret_manager_config {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - enabled = false -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - security_posture_config {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - mode = "DISABLED" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - vulnerability_mode = "VULNERABILITY_DISABLED" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - service_external_ips_config {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - enabled = false -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - timeouts {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - create = "45m" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - delete = "45m" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - update = "45m" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - vertical_pod_autoscaling {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - enabled = true -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - workload_identity_config {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - workload_pool = "gke-ai-eco-dev.svc.id.goog" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": # module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_project_iam_member.cluster_service_account-metric_writer[0] will be destroyed
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - resource "google_project_iam_member" "cluster_service_account-metric_writer" {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - etag = "BwYljiXiMcI=" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - id = "gke-ai-eco-dev/roles/monitoring.metricWriter/serviceAccount:tf-gke-ml-4994c11-852--3ghl@gke-ai-eco-dev.iam.gserviceaccount.com" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - member = "serviceAccount:tf-gke-ml-4994c11-852--3ghl@gke-ai-eco-dev.iam.gserviceaccount.com" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - project = "gke-ai-eco-dev" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - role = "roles/monitoring.metricWriter" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": # module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_project_iam_member.cluster_service_account-nodeService_account[0] will be destroyed
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - resource "google_project_iam_member" "cluster_service_account-nodeService_account" {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - etag = "BwYljiXiMcI=" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - id = "gke-ai-eco-dev/roles/container.defaultNodeServiceAccount/serviceAccount:tf-gke-ml-4994c11-852--3ghl@gke-ai-eco-dev.iam.gserviceaccount.com" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - member = "serviceAccount:tf-gke-ml-4994c11-852--3ghl@gke-ai-eco-dev.iam.gserviceaccount.com" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - project = "gke-ai-eco-dev" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - role = "roles/container.defaultNodeServiceAccount" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": # module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_project_iam_member.cluster_service_account-resourceMetadata-writer[0] will be destroyed
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - resource "google_project_iam_member" "cluster_service_account-resourceMetadata-writer" {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - etag = "BwYljiXiMcI=" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - id = "gke-ai-eco-dev/roles/stackdriver.resourceMetadata.writer/serviceAccount:tf-gke-ml-4994c11-852--3ghl@gke-ai-eco-dev.iam.gserviceaccount.com" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - member = "serviceAccount:tf-gke-ml-4994c11-852--3ghl@gke-ai-eco-dev.iam.gserviceaccount.com" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - project = "gke-ai-eco-dev" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - role = "roles/stackdriver.resourceMetadata.writer" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": # module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_service_account.cluster_service_account[0] will be destroyed
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - resource "google_service_account" "cluster_service_account" {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - account_id = "tf-gke-ml-4994c11-852--3ghl" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - disabled = false -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - display_name = "Terraform-managed service account for cluster ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - email = "tf-gke-ml-4994c11-852--3ghl@gke-ai-eco-dev.iam.gserviceaccount.com" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - id = "projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/serviceAccounts/tf-gke-ml-4994c11-852--3ghl@gke-ai-eco-dev.iam.gserviceaccount.com" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - member = "serviceAccount:tf-gke-ml-4994c11-852--3ghl@gke-ai-eco-dev.iam.gserviceaccount.com" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - name = "projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/serviceAccounts/tf-gke-ml-4994c11-852--3ghl@gke-ai-eco-dev.iam.gserviceaccount.com" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - project = "gke-ai-eco-dev" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - unique_id = "104124915920319948434" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": # module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.random_string.cluster_service_account_suffix[0] will be destroyed
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - resource "random_string" "cluster_service_account_suffix" {
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - id = "3ghl" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - length = 4 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - lower = true -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - min_lower = 0 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - min_numeric = 0 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - min_special = 0 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - min_upper = 0 -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - number = true -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - numeric = true -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - result = "3ghl" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - special = false -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - upper = false -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": }
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 10 to destroy.
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": Changes to Outputs:
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - ca_certificate = (sensitive value) -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - cluster_location = "us-east4" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - cluster_name = "ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - endpoint = (sensitive value) -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - private_cluster = false -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": - project_id = "gke-ai-eco-dev" -> null
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-east4/clusters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_project_iam_member.cluster_service_account-metric_writer[0]: Destroying... [id=gke-ai-eco-dev/roles/monitoring.metricWriter/serviceAccount:tf-gke-ml-4994c11-852--3ghl@gke-ai-eco-dev.iam.gserviceaccount.com]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_project_iam_member.cluster_service_account-nodeService_account[0]: Destroying... [id=gke-ai-eco-dev/roles/container.defaultNodeServiceAccount/serviceAccount:tf-gke-ml-4994c11-852--3ghl@gke-ai-eco-dev.iam.gserviceaccount.com]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_project_iam_member.cluster_service_account-resourceMetadata-writer[0]: Destroying... [id=gke-ai-eco-dev/roles/stackdriver.resourceMetadata.writer/serviceAccount:tf-gke-ml-4994c11-852--3ghl@gke-ai-eco-dev.iam.gserviceaccount.com]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_project_iam_member.cluster_service_account-nodeService_account[0]: Destruction complete after 8s
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_project_iam_member.cluster_service_account-metric_writer[0]: Destruction complete after 8s
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_project_iam_member.cluster_service_account-resourceMetadata-writer[0]: Destruction complete after 8s
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 10s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 20s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 30s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 40s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 50s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 1m0s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 1m10s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 1m20s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 1m30s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 1m40s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 1m50s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 2m0s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 2m10s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 2m20s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 2m30s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 2m40s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 2m50s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 3m0s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 3m10s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 3m20s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 3m30s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 3m40s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 3m50s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/locations/us-ea...usters/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-cluster, 4m0s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary: Destruction complete after 4m2s
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_service_account.cluster_service_account[0]: Destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/serviceAccounts/tf-gke-ml-4994c11-852--3ghl@gke-ai-eco-dev.iam.gserviceaccount.com]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.google_service_account.cluster_service_account[0]: Destruction complete after 0s
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.random_string.cluster_service_account_suffix[0]: Destroying... [id=3ghl]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.public-gke-autopilot-cluster[0].module.gke.random_string.cluster_service_account_suffix[0]: Destruction complete after 0s
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.custom-network[0].google_service_networking_connection.private_service_access[0]: Destroying... [id=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fcompute%2Fv1%2Fprojects%2Fgke-ai-eco-dev%2Fglobal%2Fnetworks%2Fml-4994c11-852-0839c829-true:servicenetworking.googleapis.com]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.custom-network[0].google_service_networking_connection.private_service_access[0]: Destruction complete after 0s
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.custom-network[0].google_compute_subnetwork.subnetwork["us-east4/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-true"]: Destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/regions/us-east4/subnetworks/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-true]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.custom-network[0].google_compute_global_address.google-managed-services-range[0]: Destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/global/addresses/google-managed-services-ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-true]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.custom-network[0].google_compute_subnetwork.subnetwork["us-east4/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-true"]: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/regions/us-east...bnetworks/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-true, 10s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.custom-network[0].google_compute_global_address.google-managed-services-range[0]: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/global/addresse...-services-ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-true, 10s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.custom-network[0].google_compute_subnetwork.subnetwork["us-east4/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-true"]: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/regions/us-east...bnetworks/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-true, 20s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.custom-network[0].google_compute_global_address.google-managed-services-range[0]: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/global/addresse...-services-ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-true, 20s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.custom-network[0].google_compute_global_address.google-managed-services-range[0]: Destruction complete after 21s
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.custom-network[0].google_compute_subnetwork.subnetwork["us-east4/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-true"]: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/regions/us-east...bnetworks/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-true, 30s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.custom-network[0].google_compute_subnetwork.subnetwork["us-east4/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-true"]: Destruction complete after 31s
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.custom-network[0].google_compute_network.network: Destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/global/networks/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-true]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": module.custom-network[0].google_compute_network.network: Still destroying... [id=projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/global/networks/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-true, 10s elapsed]
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster": Error: Error waiting for Deleting Network: The network resource 'projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/global/networks/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-true' is already being used by 'projects/gke-ai-eco-dev/global/firewalls/ml-4994c11-852-0839c829-true-odm2l5xrgkhkgaqqdwsg4qbt'
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster":
Finished Step #11 - "cleanup gke cluster"
ERROR: step exited with non-zero status: 1
Starting Step #12 - "check result"
Step #12 - "check result": Already have image (with digest): gcr.io/gke-ai-eco-dev/terraform
Finished Step #12 - "check result"
Build Log: https://storage.cloud.google.com/ai-on-gke-build-logs/log-0839c829-bc3e-4dad-919f-8dbfdd33023d.txt