Releases: GloDroidCommunity/amlogic-series
Releases · GloDroidCommunity/amlogic-series
2023w46 (Android-14)
Android 14 with November 2023 security update.
Kernel 6.1.25 (Mainline + Google common patches) -
Uboot has some issues with USB on VIM3. Therefore fastboot images do not work on VIM3.
Radxa Zero EMMC support was not tested.
2023w31 (Radxa zero)
A lot of fixes for the radxa_zero board.
After boot, a system error message will appear. Feel free to ignore it. The error is because kernel v6.1 is used, but AOSPv13 supports only kernel v5.15. After the update to AOSPv14, this message will be gone.
2023w26 Demo release (Radxa zero)
Add radxa_zero initial support Signed-off-by: Roman Stratiienko <[email protected]>
2023w17 Demo release (Khadas VIM3)
Known issues:
- adb and fastboot do not work!
Only a sdcard image is supported only at this moment.
Amlogic has EMMC,SDCARD boot order, therefore bootloader must be deleted from emmc before using the sdcard image.